cambridge audio 851n test

Então começo pelas minhas observações usando o 851N ligado diretamente aos powers Classic da Nagra, com a saída RCA. The new Connect app is not a million miles away from Linn’s Kinsky, inasmuch as it lists libraries on the left and the Melhor silêncio de fundo, maior arejamento, inteligibilidade, micro e macrodinâmica, nos fazendo, nas melhores gravações, ouvir com prazer e até aceitar que, na falta da mídia física, consiga apreciar aquela apresentação. Ora, eu nunca testei o leitor de rede Cambridge Azur 851N, portanto esta não podia ser uma ‘critica de continuidade’, mas antes a utilização do trabalho já realizado na apreciação em profundidade do leitor de rede Cambridge CXN, cujo teste podem – e devem – ler aqui, se ainda não o fizeram, pois é fundamental para a compreensão deste artigo e sempre evita que eu me … O Azur 851N também se mostrou muito mais exigente com os cabos de força, assim como os cabos de interconexão utilizados. Editorial: GABINETES DE CAIXAS ACÚSTICAS DEVEM SER VIVOS OU RÍGIDOS? First thing that hits you about the 851N is how neutral and clean it sounds. There are two ways to factory reset the 851N but both methods achieve the same result. Excelente construção, funcionalidade e versatilidade. In terms of great value, versatility and sound quality for the money, the 851N is tough to overcome. The 851N will now scan the thumb drive for media files. Cambridge recommends using a wired connection for file sizes above 24/96 but in practice I experienced no drop outs with streaming 24bit/l92kHz stuff wirelessly - although much will depend on your number of other data on the own network and it. Spotify functioning was similarly fuss-free, the Cambridge creating a connection instantly and staying rock-solid throughout playback. Foi uma surpresa receber, na sequência do streamer CXN V2 da Cambridge, o Azur 851N. Compre online Cambridge Audio Azur 851n - Network Music Player Preto 110v na Amazon. Todos direitos reservados. A tela de 11 cm parece ser muito semelhante à do CXN, mas é ligeiramente maior na apresentação da capa dos discos e tem melhor definição à maiores distâncias. The front of the unit includes a colour 4.3-inch display for displaying album artwork plus track and menu information, flanked by the rotary volume control and little buttons for playback control and accessibility to the three digital filter options available - Minimum Phase, Linear Phase and Steep (more of which later). 16 3621.7699 O sinal digital passa por dois DACs da Analog Devices de 24 bits, em modo diferencial duplo, o que permite que cada canal processe os sinais separadamente, o que segundo os engenheiros da Cambridge se define em melhor precisão. If there is any criticism to be manufactured, it is that the Cambridge may be found by some a little too considerate. And if that weren’t enough, the 851N is a high-end DAC and digital preamplifier too, with many useful, logical features as is so often the case with a Cambridge Audio component. Mas, se queres extrair todo o potencial do 851N, utilize um DAC externo. That same vibrancy and enthusiasm that greeted us three years ago hasn’t changed much in the time since. É muito bom quando o importador consegue disponibilizar todas as séries, da de entrada à mais sofisticada (a Mediagear disse que assim que tiver o Edge, também será enviado). Seu controle remoto é bem intuitivo, mas continuei preferindo o uso do aplicativo Cambridge Connect, que funciona tanto para iOS quanto Android, e continua sendo a melhor maneira de acessar sua música – tudo à mão, seja no tablet ou no smartphone (para ser sincero, eu só fiz uso durante o teste do controle remoto quando estava usando meu celular e precisava pausar a música). When I think of Cambridge Audio today, it sits firmly in the category of Value with a capital V. After spending the past decade figuring out how to balance price with performance, to give budding audiophiles entry points to better sound, in 2012 they began pushing the upper end of their value envelope with the Azur 851 series of products, of which the Azur 851D upsampling … We play Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, and Stevie Nicks’ soulful, sweet singing is full bodied and beautifully conveyed. Internally, all signals are upsampled to 24bit/384kHz before being passed to a couple of Analog Devices AD1955 DACs operating in dual-differential mode, while Cambridge has made use of a strong toroidal transformer for the power supply. Linked it took merely several seconds to find and list all music files saved on two MacBooks - and a NAS device also sharing the network. The Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) has kept all of the great sonic characteristics of the original. Não entendo a razão do fabricante insistir em oferecer este recurso, justamente quando ele depõe contra a qualidade do produto. Cambridge Audio Azur 851N streaming DAC EQUIPMENT REVIEW 101 ISSUE 127 101-102,105 HiFi+_127_Cambridge_TEAM.indd 101 19/08/2015 09:51. Cambridge Audio also makes the DacMagic line of DACs, but not in the Azur range. E em relação à compatibilidade de arquivos, ele pode lidar com tudo desde DSD64 à FLAC e WAV. Duplo AD1955 de 24-bits da Analog Devices. Pessoalmente, gostaria de uma saída AES/EBU, já que a qualidade do 851N poderia ser ainda melhor aproveitada quando ligada à um DAC externo que tenha maior qualidade que o DAC interno do 851N. É um DAC superior em todos os aspectos ao que o CXN V2 utiliza. Mediagear I am using a pair of Q Acoustics Concept 40 speakers. 2ª geração ATF2 up-sampling para 24-bit/384kHz. While its implementation of Apple AirPlay wasn’t as flawless as I … jsunandmax said: I did install BubbleUpnP, and I can find my media, but it too seems unable to find the 851N … Denn dieser Netzwerkplayer bietet alles, was audiophile Hörer wünschen. ... selv ved meget lav volumen. Cambridge Audio’s Azur 851N is a heck of a digital front end. Quem leu meu teste do CXN V2 irá se lembrar que separei a nota daquele streamer em três. Keep the knob pressed in until 'Factory Reset' appears on the screen. Cambridge Audio 851E and 851W Review & Test . It's uncoloured and inherently impartial through whatever input you decide to work with, meaning it really never seems anything less than refined and surefooted. HFC gets hands onLooking at the latest CXN network streamer/digital preamp/DAC, nothing has changed cosmetically from the original and between us and the barcode label on the carton, no one else will have a clue that this is the updated version. Encontre diversos produtos da marca Cambridge Audio com ótimos preços. Stephan Schmid hat sich intensiv mit der Cambridge Audio-Kombination aus 851N und 851W beschäftigt. Escolher o streamer definitivo será, daqui para frente, cada vez mais complicado. O seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Cambridge Audio has made its reputation by making great sounding, well-engineered products offering exceptional value for money. O som é totalmente engessado, falta corpo, extensão nos dois extremos, e aquela sensação de letargia em andamentos e ritmos mais intensos. Pois o Azur 851N é um excelente streamer! Todas as entradas digitais são capazes de reproduzir arquivos de alta resolução 24-bit/192 kHz. After losing out on two 851D's on the bay, I jumped up to a refurbed 851N unit from Cambridge Audio's ebay store. The way she shifts between notes is smooth, and the occasional words clipped to keep her rhy… Em relação a entradas digitais, o 851N possui duas entradas ópticas e coaxiais, uma entrada USB assíncrona para o uso de laptop, e três USB (soquete padrão), sendo uma no painel da frente e duas no painel traseiro, para a conexão de discos rígidos externos e pendrives de memória. Bewertung Highlights Ausführliche Vorstellung. It is asserted that it makes for a substantially smoother, more period-coherent sound, as all of the digital number crunching is taken far from the audio band that the resulting analogue signal can't be interfered with by it. Switching inputs and controlling volume with all the Cambridge Connect app via an iPhone 6 Plus proved not rough, without undue time lag - and also the wireless connection remained robust throughout. Achei bem decente, com equilíbrio tonal correto, boa imagem (ainda que com pouca profundidade), mas um foco e recorte preciso e ótimas largura e altura. A well set-up high resolution streaming system can better a similarly-priced CD player along with the Cambridge demonstrates the point by bringing a more organic, free-flowing feel than you'd get via silver disc. Bessel diferencial de 2 pólos com servo DC (para saídas XLR e RCA), 1 x AES / EBU, 2 x S / PDIF coaxial e 2 x TOSLINK óptico, ALAC, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, DSD (x64), WMA, MP3, AAC, AAC, AAC +, OGG Vorbis. Eu só não indico conectar o Azur (e nem qualquer outro streamer) via Wi-Fi – sempre opte por conectá-lo à rede física, pois a diferença na qualidade do áudio é enorme! Andamento, tempo e precisão nos transientes, muito boa a micro e macrodinâmica, bom corpo harmônico e uma ausência de fadiga auditiva em gravações de qualidade. This combo from Cambridge Audio offers not only ‘holy grail’ audio performance, but also an almost-complete suite of features and facilities. So when Cambridge unveils a brand new main network player you have a tendency to sit up and take notice - particularly when you have a look at the specifications for its relatively modest asking price of GBP1200. As a streamer, it performed with nary a hiccup, and I suspect that if I’d had a proper NAS setup, my gratification would have been even greater. Cambridge has made a few key operational adjustments to its mid-range network music player. Esqueça! Se não for por uma emergência daquelas inadiáveis (tipo: seu pré está no estaleiro), fuja deste setup. Como no CXN V2, os dois cabos de força com melhor resultado foram Feel Different e o Sunrise Lab Quintessence. This is a visceral, dynamic operation along with the 851N portrayed it with all the required impact. Azur 851N Users Manual English - Reference.pdf 2 MB Download If you still have questions, please contact us by submitting a request here and our Support team will be more than happy to help – Contact Form Encontre Cambridge Audio 851n - Áudio no Not only were the strings relayed with time and realistic pitch but the bass drum and triangles jumped out with astonishing dynamics and speed. The 851N is UPnP streamer that is united DAC/preamp with support for many current popular PCM codecs up to 24bit/192kHz, in addition to DSD 64 via a computer linked to one of the USB input signals. Buy the Cambridge Audio Azur 851N on I have a 851N and used to use the 851A but felt I was missing the finer details of an orchestra. O design do 851N é mais “conservador” nas linhas que o CXN, mas sua estrutura feita de alumínio em um acabamento polido, tanto em prata como em preto, imediatamente demonstra ser um streamer de outro “campeonato”. © 2019 Clube do Audio. An imminent firmware update from Cambridge Audio should allow you to access the 851N directly from the Tidal app - this is 'Tidal Connect'. E no caso específico meu, que só ouço no Tidal discos que não possuo em mídia física, tornou-se um deleite conhecer tantas obras e artistas que eu desconhecia! openness clarity and While Cave's vocals were suitably raw and edgy there was exceptional separation between the layers of guitar, bass guitar and drum. Salvar meus dados neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar. It's a quality that pays dividends on complex material including the Mark Lanegan Band's 'Blue Funeral' where the Cambridge managed to cut through the slightly packed combination to reveal much more of the information that is musical, with greater detail. Buy Cambridge Audio Azur 851N Stereo Digital Preamplifier, Network Player | Hi-Fi All-in-One Receiver | Wireless Media Streaming with WiFi, Apple AirPlay and Android Compatible (Black): Everything Else - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases The full Cambridge Audio portfolio of products consists of everything from earphones to speakers to DACs and music systems. Cambridge Audio 851N / 851W: Test - On a sound for the british pound basis its entry level range is becoming a bestseller for exclusive UK provider Richer Sounds and of electronics is difficult to beat. Campos obrigatórios são marcados com *. Moving onto computer-based replay, I joined a MacBook Air for the DSD recording of Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony's 'Mahler No 1'. A discretionary BT100 dongle is, in addition, readily available for all those looking to add Bluetooth capability. Uma com ele funcionando como pré de linha digital, outra com seu DAC interno, e outra como streamer com a parceria com um DAC externo. Enquanto ele esteve em teste (por quase 75 dias) ligado à rede, não teve nenhum problema de travar ou não atender aos comandos diretos do meu smartphone. Achei também mais fácil o acesso às estações de rádio, quando ligado na mesma rede do streamer. Ligado ao TUBE DAC da Nagra pela entrada coaxial, ele se mostrou um excelente streamer. Ouvi toda a minha playlist no Tidal, e pude comparar diretamente com o CXN V2, e é outro nível. Instead the Cambridge goes about its business in a evenhanded manner that doesn't draw too much attention to itself. Getting the 851N set up is pretty simple, especially if you have an iPhone or iPad with which to feed it your Wi-Fi network details. Page 20: Spotify BT100. No substantial difference was made by switching between the three digital filter alternatives . No trouble. Instead it's a fine, strong display that is one step above background music but merely a shade below being true high fidelity. Not only that but its sound is utterly breatht… Die aktuellen 851-Modelle bezeichnen die Engländer als Flaggschiffserie. Cambridge Audio Azur 851N. The second option is to power on the device from Standby with the select knob pressed in. Mas, como todo ser humano carrega suas idiossincrasias pela vida afora, não acredito que os engenheiros da Cambridge escutarão um editor de um país do terceiro mundo. I have a Cambridge 851W power amplifier, connected to a 851N network streamer and a 851C cd-player. O 851N está munido de saídas analógicas RCA e XLR e, caso você utilize um DAC externo (meu caso) ele tem duas saídas digitais: coaxial e óptica (dê sempre preferência à coaxial, pois se mostrou muito melhor). 851N er kompatibel er kompatibel med Cambridge Audios BT100 modul, ... at du kan afprøve og teste produkterne i din egen stue. Plugging a USB stick into the front outlet also saw its contents instantly listed beneath the Music Library section of the menu that was controlling. Product of the Year - Three Years Running Offering award-winning digital and streaming performance – the 851N is an outstanding network player. Firma Cambridge Audio byla jedním z prvních průkopníků, z okruhu klasických Hi-Fi výrobců, který přinesl na trh dostupný a velmi dobře hrající přístroj, určený k přehrávání audio obsahu uloženého nejen na internetu, ale i na vlastním počítači, hard-disku či domácí síti. Pode perfeitamente bem ser o streamer definitivo para o seu sistema (seja usando-o com seu DAC interno, ou com um conversor de mais alto nível externo). But as ever with Spotify, it's the convenience that pays dividends - so if the service ever catches up with the likes of Tidal with regard to providing 16bit/44.1 kHz substance afterward the choice could become seriously interesting. Desenvolvido por. Inside each box, you’ll find 2 power cables (at least for the UK models) – a UK 3-pin cable and a … I played with a RPI 3 last year with Volumio and moode or whatever it's called, and while initially it was a pain in the ass to get up and running, I did, and it worked ok feeding my Convert-2 through Dangerous' recommended Mogami coax to AES cable. Upsampling itself isn't new, but the 851D's execution is unique to Cambridge Audio. Este é o grande filé do mercado de áudio, e só irá crescer com crise ou sem crise. Its features include; 24-bit/384kHz upsampling from all sources, native 24-bit/192kHz playback, USB, digital audio inputs and streaming over wi-fi including UPnP and NAS drives, Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify Connect, Apple … All functions could be obtained via the front panel controls or the supplied fully-featured remote - but like most streamers nowadays the very best way to use the 851N is through the free committed control program (both Android and iOS variations are available) via a smartphone or tablet computer. It can support up … Cambridge Audio 851n Streamer TNT-Audio, a listening test by Chris Templer on TNT-Audio, Internet HiFi magazine, Pois bem, fiz o mesmo com este Azur. Ele, fazendo o trabalho de converter o sinal digital em analógico, se mostrou bem mais competente que o seu irmão mais humilde. Fernando R$ 16.251, O seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. The first option is to simply select 'Factory Reset' in the 851N Settings menu. This really is not among those products that attempts to impose its own sonic signature but instead generally seems to allow it to flow with as little interference as possible. Então buscar produtos de empresas que tenham uma sólida reputação no mercado, e produtos já testados e consagrados, pode ser um ponto de partida interessante.Os pergaminhos do Azur 851N são mais do que confiáveis. Os arquivos de música em rede até 24-bit/192 kHz podem ser transmitidos e ampliados para 24-bit/384 kHz no seu PC, laptop ou unidades NAS. It is not if this sounds like damning with faint praise - it is describing how assured the unit is at its cost. Cambridge Audio Azur 851N; Cambridge Audio Azur 851N D/A-konverter. O Azur 851N faz parte da série 851 que, até o lançamento da linha Edge, era a série top de linha deste fabricante. Dubbed Cambridge Connect, it is a somewhat sleek matter allowing well as keeping favourite internet radio stations too as input selection, volume and balance control, removing, adding and browsing tracks and records from the play queue. O que justifica integralmente seus prêmios e críticas positivas mundo afora. Frete GRÁTIS em milhares de produtos com o Amazon Prime. Dabei überzeugte das Gerät in jedem Test.Auch wenn das Innenleben komplett neu konzipiert wurde, baut der Streamer auf der preisgekrönten „StreamMagic“ … There was no losing the sheer scale of the orchestra while the switch between passages that are light and dark was managed with aplomb - the dynamic comparisons to be handled by the Cambridge looking without batting an eyelid. Feature-packed it may be, but the 851N is simple to set-up and function. Aproveite o frete grátis pelo! The packaging is fairly standard for Cambridge Audio products – Both products are supplied in strong boxes (complete with corner protectors), with thick foam supports on either end of the product, and foam blocks protecting the front and rear. Add in its DSD ability, preamp function and promise of future software upgrades along with the new Cambridge could well set a standard at its price. Cambridge Audio Azur 851N – Sound Quality. If you still have questions, please contact us by submitting a request here and our Support team will be more than happy to help – Contact Form I have had this setup for about a year. Az új Cambridge Audio Azur 851N DAC-ként, előfokként és hálózati lejátszóként hirdeti magát, tehát egy komplex rendszert kap a vásárló. Descubra a melhor forma de comprar online. Todos os comandos do painel estão colocados enfileirados da esquerda para a direita, o que facilita a identificação dos comandos e evita que acionemos o comando errado (como muitas vezes eu fiz no CXN). On a sound for the british pound basis its entry level range is becoming a bestseller for exclusive UK provider Richer Sounds and of electronics is difficult to beat. I recently moved houses and the trouble began immediately. When used with a compatible amplifier, such as the matching Cambridge Audio 851A, these connections give the ultimate link possible, with greatly improved resistance to interference. Se estiver dentro do seu orçamento, e é praticidade e qualidade que você procura, coloque-o na sua linha de produtos a serem escutados. Cambridge Audio Azur 851N Network player Cambridge Audio has made its reputation by making great sounding, well-engineered products offering exceptional value for money. Assim como o CXN, ele funciona como um pré amplificador e pode ser conectado diretamente à um power, pois possui uma saída de volume controlada por um processador de sinal digital Blackfin de 32 bits. The Cambridge Audio formula is a familiar one: products are designed and engineered in the UK, at the company’s London headquarters, and manufactured under close supervision in China. Audio Partnership has more than 30 staff engaged in research and development in London, and an enviable reputation both for the design of its products and the … Once the scan is completed, With the 851N switched to USB Audio 2.0 the 851N needs the Cambridge Audio you will then be able to browse the files by selecting 'By Album' or 'By Artist'. Modos: Linear Phase, Minimum Phase, ou Steep. Do notice that with the latter the unit must be changed into USB 2.0 mode via its menu system to support 24/192 files - with Windows users needing to download the proper driver from the Cambridge Audio web site. When it comes to connectivity the 851N lives up to its 8-series 'reference' billing. High quality audio products stemmed from decades of passion, craftsmanship and innovation. Included with this is built-in support for Apple AirPlay and Spotify Connect, as well as internet radio. Both wireless and wired streaming is supported and the 851N features no less than five USB inputs - four Type A for HDD/flashdrive connection plus one asynchronous Type B designed for hooking up to a Mac or PC. The mix of 851D and 851W is a good one, because the 851D also functions as a digital preamplifier, with volume controlled output. The highlight is the fitment of XLR balanced sockets. The off-set handles on either side of the box are present – this is a nice touch, and makes carrying these fairly weighty boxes much easier. Other connections include two S/PDIF coaxial digital AES/EBU and two Toslink optical inputs too as balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA analogue and AES/EBU, coaxial and Toslink optical digital outputs. Wenn Sie sich für den Cambridge Audio 851N interessiert, ist eines klar: Sie sind High-End Fan. Seria mil vezes mais interessante ele vir com um bom amplificador de fone de ouvido do que este pré de linha digital. E também vale um teste com alguns cabos digitais coaxiais, caso você opte por um conversor externo. The 851N is without doubt one of the most feature rich streamers on the market, featuring an abundance of digital connectivity and support for a vast array of streaming services, based on a stable and reliable platform running the best software in the business. The steep alternative did sound a little smoother on some edgy 44.1kHz pop stuff - but the effect was extremely subtle. Vencedor do prêmio What Hi-Fi Awards 2018, como o melhor streamer premium do Reino Unido, o Azur 851N vem colecionando prêmios e excelentes críticas mundo afora desde o seu lançamento. Using the Cambridge in digital pre-amp mode feeding a Sugden FBA-800 power amplifier, a 24/96 FLAC stream of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds' 'Murder Ballads' had superb. Teste 3: NETWORK PLAYER STREAMER CAMBRIDGE AUDIO AZUR 851N.