Kyler, angry at Miguel, pushes him onto Johnny Lawrence's car, angering Johnny. Kyler is the typical modern bully who displays egocentric traits and a strong desire for being the center of attention around high school by all means, to the point of bullying unpopular students or those who are different or weaker than him. To get back at her, Kyler spreads rumors that she had given him a blowjob after the two saw the movie. Moon dumping Eli in season 2 for his bullying is similar to Sam dumping Kyler for his bullying in season 1. The fight in the LaRusso house centered on the Cobra Kai kids, as Samantha, Demetri, and the Miyagi-Do kids teamed up with Miguel and the Eagle Fang kids to take on Hawk, Kyler… A difference is that in Johnny's case, Kreese did not really buy the actual story from Miyagi, and told Daniel to solve the problems himself; Daniel, when Johnny told the actual story, believed it, and suspected Kyler more. He is quickly defeated and humiliated by Diaz after his training with Johnny Lawrence and stops bullying him. Occupation Cobra Kai Kyler [at Daniel's house], after Daniel asks the latter about how he got his eye bruise, lies that "he and his friends were trying to get protein bars [really beer], and then a homeless guy [Johnny] attacked them out of nowhere", leading to Daniel furiously confronting Johnny about it, initially believing Kyler's story. Kyler is not seen or mentioned at all. That said, it's unknown if Kyler witnessed the fight between Tory Nichols and Samantha which escalates into a full fight against Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do students which ultimately results in Miguel's hospitalization. Kyler and Brucks leave. Towards the beginning of the trailer, we see Hawk on top of someone beating them in with fists.Later in the trailer, we see him look back at his old bully, Kyler, a bit nervously. When Kyler (Joe Seo) joined the Cobra Kai dojo in Season 3 the first thing he showed was an incredible ground game. Now, losing his temper, Johnny kicks him to the ground, shocking his friends. Ky However, when his bullied victim Miguel Diaz defeats him and his friends, Kyler is scared to go near him for the rest of the season. However, after Hawk defects from Cobra Kai and sides with Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang they returns as enemies again. In season 3, Rory and AJ aren't seen or mentioned, while Kyler and Brucks join Cobra Kai. Unnamed Parents Upon the invasion and fight in the LaRusso house, he fights one-on-one with Miguel in retaliation for the fight in the cafeteria a year earlier. Kyler gets all his payback on Miguel for beating him up at school cafeteria. When he is first introduced in season 1, he is shown to be arrogant and a bully. While at Daniel's house for dinner, Kyler lies to Daniel about being jumped by him. Tryouts take place, Kyler is chosen to take on Mitch. Both receive a beat-down from his victim's mentor, after he is savagely beating his victim (Daniel, in Johnny's case; Miguel, in Kyler's case), and the mentor saves the victim [which initially prompts the aggressor to attack the mentor]: In Kyler's case, it from Johnny Lawrence (a now-51-year-old man), who stepped in, after Kyler and his gang shoved Miguel into Lawrence's car, causing to latter to furiously scold the bullies and tell them to leave Miguel ("the dork", as he called him) alone, before the bullies start insulting him, and Kyler pushing Johnny. Kyler and his gang challenge Miguel to another fight, but with the training he received from Johnny at the Cobra Kai dojo, Miguel is able to beat down Kyler and his three cronies in front of the entire cafeteria. Netflix’s ‘Cobra Kai’ Season 3 Breakdown – Amanda Slaps Kreese, Does Hawk Beat Up Kyler? Samantha LaRusso (ex-girlfriend) The character spent most of Season 1 bullying Miguel Diaz (Xolo Maridueña) and being a bad boyfriend to Samantha LaRusso (Mary Mouser). However, after Hawk brutally beats up Brucks, Kyler is shown to be afraid of him. He maintains the upper hand through most of his fight with Miguel in December 19, but is aided by the fact that Miguel is still recovering from his back injury. Some people have a theory that Chozen Toguchi is Kyler's dad. While Kyler and Brucks leave, Yasmine stays because Moon goes to the lake. The Karate Kid (1984) Cobra Kai Dojo As fans of Cobra Kai are aware, Kyler, portrayed by Joe Soe, appeared in the show’s third season, which premiered on January 1. Kyler attempts to make a move on Sam during a school Halloween party and have sex, but his attempt fails as Daniel walks in the room he and Samantha are in, though Daniel does not catch Kyler's true intentions, as Kyler quickly comes up with a cover story to explain what he was "really" doing. In season 3, they first see each other at the park, when Kreese attempts to convince Johnny to rejoin Cobra Kai. Only to get immediately and effortlessly thrown onto the ground and later at Johnny's submission. Not too long later (possibly a few days or a week), Sam dumps Kyler, making Daniel happy as a result because he distrusted him. Nevertheless, he appears to be the most formidable fighter in his gang of bullies, although that's not saying much. Kyler makes his Cobra Kai return in season 3 as one of Kreese’s new recruits.He joins the dojo after earning a victory over Mitch, largely due to his preexisting combat skill as a wrestler. Never piss off the wrong guy on the wrong day.From S1 Episode 1: Ace DegenerateAll rights go to Cobra Kai, YouTube Red, and Sony Pictures. Kyler, after it looked like Johnny (who was now 51 years old) had defeated the latter's gang [during the parking lot fight], suddenly grappled Johnny to the ground, punched him, and then put him in a choke-hold, only for Johnny to break out of it. Due to his encounter with Johnny and lie to Daniel about being jumped by him, several future events and unfavorable situations for Johnny occurred. However, after Miguel defeats Kyler and his gang, Kyler doesn't go near Demetri for the remainder of the season. While his attempt fails due to a sudden appearance by Daniel, Kyler manages to hide his true intention from both. Wiki Points. Student of Cobra Kai Having trouble breathing?" He does appear to love Samantha LaRusso at first, but after she dumps him after he harassed her while on a date and because she saw him bully Miguel and the others, he ruins her popular reputation as revenge, further showing that he is a bully and bad person. Kyler is first seen with Brucks and two other of his friends trying to buy beer from a mini-mart. Despite mocking Hawk when he first joins Cobra Kai, he is shown to be scared of him after he aggressively beats up Brucks. However, after Miguel gains his confidence again, he defeats and knocks out Kyler. Latest Appearance This caused the latter to throw a jumping front kick, that landed Kyler on the ground, and then the latter and his gang attacked Johnny, only to be defeated by the latter's karate. Kreese - Both put Johnny Lawrence in a choke-hold: Kreese, furious with Johnny (who was then a 17-year-old boy) for losing the all-alley tournament, snags the latter and puts him in a choke-hold, only to be fended off by. It can be assumed that while he keeps going to the school, Kyler and his gang no longer harass Miguel and his friends due their karate skills. In their one interaction in season 1, Kyler and Brucks mock Miguel, Demetri and Eli, with Kyler even throwing his backpack in the trash. Another difference is that Kyler, being a wrestler, managed to temporarily have the upper hand, via using a wrestling tackle and a punch against Johnny; Johnny and the Cobra Kai gang did not have the upper hand against Miyagi a single time. Despite being on opposite sides, neither cross paths with each other. 25th Dec 2020 Despite not interacting, they glare at each other. Their last encounter this season is when they fight at Sam's house during the finale. He has the upper hand for most of the fight, even making Miguel bleed severely, possibly because Miguel has not fought, or had much training since his injury at the school brawl that he recently recovered from, as well as lost significantly strength, that made his blows and strikes less strong and effective than they were prior to his injury. Enemies Kyler (Joe Seo) was the first bully to appear in Cobra Kai constantly harassing Miguel. During the lunchroom brawl, Kyler attempts the same choke on Miguel, but his adversary also escapes the hold and proceeds to defeat him and all of his friends. Brutish Coward. When Kyler, Brucks, Yasmine and Moon come to the lake to celebrate Yasmine's birthday, they see it is crowded with so many people Yasmine does not associate with. To hurt his father, Robby gets a job working for Daniel. Kyler Cobra Kai In his sparing match with Mitch, Kyler uses his defensive tactics and wrestling techniques to defeat him. Kyler's gang are his friends who help him bully people. When Miguel and Demetri are walking in the hallway they see Kyler who turns around and walks away after seeing Miguel. Kyler and his friends make fun of Johnny, and Kyler even pushes him. According to Joe Seo, Kyler will return in season 4. As fans of Cobra Kai are aware, Kyler, portrayed by Joe Soe, appeared in the show’s third season, which premiered on January 1. He is a part of Kyler's bully gang. 20th Feb 2021. The character spent most of Season 1 bullying Miguel Diaz (Xolo Maridueña) and being a foul boyfriend to Samantha LaRusso (Mary Mouser). While fighting Johnny, he uses his wrestling techniques to throw Johnny to the ground and lock him in a poorly applied rear naked choke, but the more experienced Johnny quickly regains his feet and uses a hip toss to break the hold. However this can't be possible because Chozen has lived in Japan for his whole life and Kyler lives in the United States. When Kyler betrays Sam, Miguel stands up for her at school. He ultimately underestimated Miguel's skill when the latter confronted him and his gang (after rigorous karate training and preparation) in a fight, getting defeated alongside his minions, and publicly humiliated in front of the school. In season 3, when Demetri accidently bumps into Kyler in the cafeteria, Kyler throws his lunch in the trash and humiliates Demetri by drawing a dick on his cast and showing it to everyone, causing several people to laugh. However, unlike Johnny and his Cobra Kai gang, Kyler and his gang started the fight, by insulting Johnny and Kyler pushing Johnny. Powers/Skills While the mission is aborted due to Kyler forgetting the snake pole, Robby ends up getting the snake. Affiliation In season 1, after learning that Sam is dating Kyler, Daniel invites him over for dinner. Brucks (best friend)John KreeseTory NicholsRobby KeeneBig Red Doug RickenbergerEdwinMikeyPaulDieterRoryA.J.SarahCobra Kai Students I know Cobra Kai likes to champion karate as the end-all-be-all, but amateur wrestling should not get slept on. In season 1, Kyler was one of the primary antagonists, leading the bullying against Miguel that sends him to Johnny in the first place. Yasmine tells Kyler to tell everyone at the lake to get out, but after seeing Miguel, Kyler gets scared and suggests they go somewhere else, causing an angry Yasmine to call him a coward. Upon invasion at the LaRusso house, he fights Miguel. The character spent most of Season 1 … After being dumped by Samantha, Kyler gets revenge by spreading lies about her performing fellatio on him in a movie theater and considering herself superior to their friends Yasmine and Moon, which causes her to lose her friends and become an outcast. While the two haven't interacted since, Kyler says negative things about him. Beneath the bully demeanor, Kyler is actually a coward and a hypocrite. Series Information Hobby After that he became scared of Miguel to the point of not wanting to be anywhere near him. After being beaten up, Brucks isn't seen or mentioned for the rest of the season. Terry Silver | John Kreese | Mike Barnes | Snake | Dennis, DynaTox Industries Kyler and his friends then gang up on him and beat him up. In season 1, when Johnny tells him to watch his car and leave Miguel alone, after Kyler bullies Miguel and throws him on to his car, Kyler immediately recognizes him as the guy that cleaned his dad's septic tank, and then starts making fun of him along with his friends. He is also a major antagonist in the third season. In season three, however, it is revealed that he hasn't changed at all, clearly joining Cobra Kai so he can continue to torment others, most notably Demetri. Despite not being seen during the school brawl on the first day of school, it is possible he witnessed it. So, Kyler is indirectly responsible for many of the future events and unfavorable situations for Daniel. His lie plays a role in reigniting the rivalry between Daniel and Johnny. The Kyler Quote From Cobra Kai That Means More Than You Think Despite having only one interaction, Kyler indirectly causes several future events and many unfavorable situations for Johnny. When encountering Miguel at a Halloween party, he calls Johnny a bum. On his first day at Cobra Kai, he exhibits his moves against Mitch, whom Kreese has deemed not a natural Cobra, as well as he meets and mocks his former bully victim Hawk alongside Brucks. Kyler and Brucks are shown being recruited by Kreese to Cobra Kai. Crimes He is a rude bully that bullies Miguel Diaz, Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz and Demetri before the former two join Cobra Kai. At the school library, Kyler and Brucks bully Miguel, Eli and Demetri, though unbeknownst to him Samantha watches what he is doing, leading her to realize that her dad was right to suspect him. However, he is otherwise untrained and has no real defense, making it easy for skilled opponents such as Johnny and later Miguel to defeat him. In retaliation, Johnny kicks Kyler in the face. Kyler begins dating Sam in season 1 due to his lustful desires for her, though Sam is unaware of his intentions. Kyler and his friends then attack Johnny, but the latter gains the upper hand over all of them. Kyler seems disturbed and discomfort when Hawk was beating up his friend Brucks and left him to bleed. Margaret Spencer | Milos Dadok, The Next Karate Kid Upon seeing Hawk, they realize that they bullied him in the past, and immediately mock him. Cobra Kai Although lanky, he is strong enough to throw his opponents around, and he can punch with some degree of power. During a Halloween party at school, Kyler and Sam run off together, but are unaware that Daniel sees them. It's possible that he didn't appeared in Season 2 because his role was being Miguel's bully, and as Miguel beat him and his gang up they now never dare to bully him. Kyler's actions make him the main villain in the first half of season 1. After shoving Miguel up against Johnny Lawrence's car, Johnny decides to step in, telling them to back off. One of those bullies is a character named Kyler, played by actor Joe Seo. After shoving Miguel up against Johnny Lawrence's ca… After being defeated, Kyler is shown to be afraid of Miguel for the rest of the season. Kyler blends his wrestling with karate making him a better combatant. However, after all of them are defeated by Miguel, they don't go near him for the rest of the season, while Rory and AJ aren't seen or mentioned again. He hides his bratty and abusive nature in necessary occasions like when he met Sam's parents, and also knows how to play the innocent such as when he told Daniel LaRusso that he and his friends were attacked by "some homeless-looking guy" at a mini-mall for no reason (not mentioning that it actually was because he and his friends were unfairly attacking Miguel Diaz and accidentally hit Johnny Lawrence's car in the process) and when Daniel intervened in the middle of what would've been an act of oral sex with Samantha LaRusso, he made up the excuse that he only wanted to give Sam his "grandma's bracelet" which he kept in his pocket (later admitting that the bracelet was just a part of his act and had used it before with other girls). Despite being capable of causing physical and psychological abuse to those who were vulnerable, Kyler was extremely cocky and nothing but a coward on the inside. Full Name So, Kyler can be seen as the root cause of Daniel LaRusso's and. However, after Miguel defeats Kyler and his gang, Kyler doesn't go near Eli for the remainder of the season, while Eli joins Cobra Kai and becomes Hawk. For much of Cobra Kai Season 2 and 3, one of the primary antagonists was Hawk (Jacob Bertrand), a Cobra Kai student.