cost index flight planning

The cost index is a number used in the Flight Management System (FMS) to optimize the aircraft's speed. The data on this website may The data on this website may be inaccurate and must not be used for real world navigation as it is unlawful and unsafe to do so. They then decide whether they want the aircraft to fly faster or slower and adjust the cost index as needed. (I'm happy for the simple version of the calculation if it's too hard to explain). Cost Index (CI) is the relationship or connection between time and fuel costs. I'm not sure if it's just in Boeing aircraft, but I've heard that Cost Index has something to do with flight planning but have no idea what it is. No flight ops or OCC department is the same – each one is unique. The time related costs may be difficult to calculate. It involves two safety-critical aspects: fuel calculation, to ensure that the aircraft can safely reach the destination, and compliance with air traffic control requirements, to minimise the risk of midair collision. What level of understanding should you have of Quantum Physics to write a hard science fiction novel? It is a generic term, not specific to Boeing. How do you refer to key objects like the Death Star from Star Wars? SimBrief is an independent Flight Simulation website. What happens to en route flights when a major earthquake etc. Current systems can already pick optimal cost index speeds if the cost of arriving at different times is available. For a B787 in cruise, what is the altitude, speed, and angle of attack? This cost index was compared to existing commercial cost indexes to test its accuracy. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. -engine material /labor In this case, to maintain time based separation, the crew is MUST fly the mach assigned and the automatic speed adjustment should be disabled or overridden. The time related costs (airplane operated costs affected by flight time), include but: -flight crew To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Cost Index 40 for domestic flights; Cost Index 20 for most International plans, however they may be planned up to CI250 to meet schedule/duty limits; Ryanair. 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In addition to the 4D space covered by traditional flight planning solutions, 5D extends the calculation space into a 5th dimension. Low cost indexes will result in lower climb speed, (both indicated and mach), lower cruise speed, a generally higher cruise altitude, a later descent and a slower descent mach/speed. Ryanair: Boeing 737 = CI 6 SAS: Boeing 737 = CI 6 CRJ9 = CI 9 A319/320/321 = CI 6 A330/340 = CI 50 Norwegian Air Shuttle: B737-800 = CI 15/80(DELAY ONLY) B737-300 = CI 30 B787-800 = CI 36 British Airways BA/BAW: A318 = CI 15 A319 = CI 20 A320 = CI 20 A321 - CI 20 B744 = CI 53 or 0 (Zero can be used on flights from East Coast USA to UK Flights) B763 = CI 40 B772 = CI 57 or 0 … 737-300/500 CI:28; 737 … For oceanic flying, a MN is assigned as part of the clearance. If he or she wants them to, an assigned speed must be given. Is hastily writing down the professor's lecture a good way of learning? It should be done after checking the fuel predictions on the secondary flight plan in the FMS with the new cost index … It's a valuable and realistic addition to your flight simulation experiences, enabling you to create professional quality flight … At the minimum cost index (0) only fuel counts. Or is it something not necessarily? destroys facilities? You will have to get the time related cost form your account Unit/department, The fuel costs are expressed in units of currency per quantity of fuel :cents/pound, while the time related cost is USD/min. What is the concept of kowtow in Christianity? Make your Flight Plan at There may be different requirements in other countries, including how a flight plan can be submitted, which can be found in the relevant national AIP ENR 1.10. The FSS Flight Planner provides a comprehensive portfolio of dispatch support tools – let us have a closer look at some key features. This page was last edited on 20 July 2017, at 13:56. Automating dispatch and flight planning functions has changed flight operations around the world. How to write shaders that can be compiled for DirectX, OpenGL, and Vulkan. Airbus A319 Cost Index: Between 6 and 12 depending on the route Airbus A320 Cost Index: Between 6 and 12 depending on the route Airbus A321 Cost Index: 23 What is it for and how is it calculated? e original strategic Cost Index assigned to th e flight must be revised whe n deviations appear bet ween the nominal flight plan and what is being ac hieved on line by the aircraft. Recommended Posts. High cost index means high cost of time (e.g. Flight/Ground Ops, Crewing and Dispatch - Cost index flight planning - A quick one, Can anyone suggest the best flight planning system for variable Is wifi power consumption related to password length. -maintenance (time related) -airframe material /labor At the maximum cost index only time counts. Uncertainties in surface weather, traffic and cost prediction is modelled into statistical functions based on a continuous analysis of actual flight … Low cost indexes will result in lower climb speed, (both indicated and mach), lower cruise speed, a generally higher cruise altitude, a later descent and a slower descent mach/speed. -cabin crew Is "conjugate of a binomial" a standard terminology? KC-10 and C-17. Thanks. How to File a Flight Plan. It is based on a balance. passengers about to miss their flight connection) or low fuel price (rare these days). How long does flight planning take / when is it done / how is it done? Aviation Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for aircraft pilots, mechanics, and enthusiasts. Why do I need SPF? "For example, on the 744s at Cathay, it is normally use CI-80. So the lower the Cost Index, the lower the fuel burn in relation to the other operational costs of the trip. In fact, all of our 400+ customers have the same flight planning platform, but none of them have the same flight planning system. = 28????? How can I calculate the fuel required for a specific route and aircraft? Powerful and competitive IT solutions are an essential key factor for a dynamic and cost-optimized flight planning operation. Updated March 12, 2018. As the CI will vary from operator to operator and may also vary between flights of the same operator, the air traffic controller cannot assume that all aircraft of the same type will perform in the same fashion during any given phase of flight. Low Cost Index: Slow flights, high crew times, low fuel use, etc. By Irv320, July 30, 2007 in Flight Planning. Why don't we get more user-friendly weather reports than METARs? B737CL????? SkyVector is a free online flight planner. 27 The cost index is a number used in the Flight Management System (FMS) to optimize the aircraft's speed. How is altitude correlated with true airspeed? It will result in a low speed. This will result in the aircraft flying at Maximum Cruise Speed (Vmo / Mmo with a buffer). Can I make lemon curd more sour/tart after it's cooked? Tech Log - Cost index flight planning - Boeing FPPM and Airbus FCOM only provide data for LRC and fixed-mach cruising. Cost Indexing is the practice of evaluating the effect of one cost factor in the hopes of minimizing the sum of those factors. Cost Index (CI) is nothing new - most Flight Management System have been using it in some format for years. A low cost index means that the cost of time is low or that fuel is expensive. The ratio of fuel costs to all other costs. Another future trend in flight planning optimization is a close integration with other airplane operations efforts, such as disruption recovery, integrated operations control, and collaborative air traffic management. High Cost Index: Fast flight, low crew times, high fuel use, etc. The cost of the extra flying time outweighs the fuel savings at speeds below the optimum speed. What's the saying for when you have the exact change to pay for something? Flight Planning ; Cost Indexes Sign in to follow this . STL 945.2369/98 May 1998 – … Flight Eight is not a flight at all but your introduction to flight planning. -other costs Cost Index is the ratio of time related cost to Fuel related cost. 30; SAS. Use MathJax to format equations. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. In a Mach number of high fuel costs will be higher, but will be offset by the fact that the time factor is lower, and vice versa. It's always a complex compromise on what is best, and policies vary between airlines and how they use their aircraft. The lower the CI, the more "importance" the machinery places on saving fuel. Cost Indexes. Btw I'm also running FSX SE if there's any flight planner I should get. Identifying duplicate geometries in different layers with QGIS. Why do bullets shoot through water but not through sand? How is it possible to obtain So what I am asking is, if the pilot enters a Cost Index less than the optimum figure (CI-25 instead of CI-40) will it save more fuel than using the optimum cost index. The user-friendly FSS Flight Planner covers all aspects of your flight planning from take-off to landing: Performance, RAIM, Weather, EDTO, Briefing with EFB integration and graphical flight tracking: all based on high-quality aeronautical data. This generally means flying the airplane slower and higher in order to conserve fuel, but that is offset by the higher maintenance costs due to the airplane being in the air longer and inspections becoming due sooner, so is true only to a certain point. What is the accuracy of distance and position calculation? It only takes a minute to sign up. FltPlan Go users can display ADS-B traffic, weather, and GPS data from compatible Garmin ADS-B products and transfer flight plans directly from FltPlan Go to the Garmin Pilot app and select Garmin avionics. Registered users gain access to a web-based dispatching system, capable of generating in-depth flight plan packages featuring detailed fuel planning, weather forecasts, current NOTAMs, ETOPS calculations, and … FSS Optimizations The FSS Flight Planner not only optimizes your flights, but also allows the strategic evaluation of future routings and the statistical analysis of existing and current routings and profiles. Is there a tool to plot locations within X nm of a position? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. VARIAbLE FUEL PRICES, FUEL TANKERING, ANd FUEL HEdGING MAKE THE COST INdEX CALCULATION COMPLICATEd. The higher CI's will result in the opposite. Speeds slower than the optimal speed will result in less fuel burn, but also in more flying time. What are the customs decal and eAPIS requirements for flying to the Bahamas? Streamline your flight planning with FltPlan and Garmin. Boeing 737-800 Cost Index: 30; S7. It gives the ratio between the unit cost of time and the unit cost of fuel. Flight planning is the process of producing a flight plan to describe a proposed aircraft flight. With this number, and knowledge about the aircraft's performance, it is possible to calculate the optimal speed for the aircraft, which results in the lowest total cost. However, the cost index would have to be changed in flight if the encountered winds were becoming so great that it could result in a missed hub connection upon arrival. What would a (gas) chromatogram look like if two compounds have the same retention times? Many jet aircraft are equipped with various performance computers for the purpose of determining the best speed at which to travel (ie the economy speed) in order to minimize the total operating cost of the flight. This will result in the aircraft flying at Maximum Range Cruise. How much leverage do commerial pilots have on cruise speed? I want to know if we (flt plan & pilots) use a Cost Index less than the optimum figure (CI-25 instead of CI-40) will it save more fuel than using the optimum cost index. Speeds faster than the optimal speed will result in more fuel burn, but also in less flying time. Thanks for contributing an answer to Aviation Stack Exchange! It introduces the flight planning techniques used for cross-country flight, including dead reckoning, which involves making calculations based on aircraft performance data and weather forecasts.You will also learn how to obtain a weather briefing from a flight service station or by using DUATS. This document from Airbus explains the cost index in more detail. = 32; South African. Settings WELCOME_INDEX, Bing [Bot] NO_PMS_INFO However, many operators don’t take full advantage of this powerful tool. I know that pilots enter the cost index figure (optimum cost index given in the flight plan) to the FMGS before the departure. When is the descent clearance requested from ATC? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Airlines generally have a standard cost index they use for planning and adjust them on a flight by flight basis. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. After settling on an accurate cost index equation, the research attempted to compare a “traditional” flight plan profile of a KC-10 and C-17 flying cross-country to a “cost indexed” flight plan profile of the same aircraft and routing. With this number, and knowledge about the aircraft's performance, it is possible to calculate the optimal speed for the aircraft, which results in the lowest total cost. PFPX - Professional Flight Planner X - is a new and innovative flight planning tool developed by real-world pilots and dispatchers. cost index Issue II - May 1998 Flight Operations Support & Line Assistance Customer Services 1, rond-point Maurice Bellonte, BP 33 31707 BLAGNAC Cedex FRANCE Telephone (+33) 5 61 93 33 33 Telefax (+33) 5 61 93 29 68 Telex AIRBU 530526F SITA TLSBI7X. FltPlan is now part of the Garmin Connext system. Hello, I just downloaded aerosoft a318/319/320 and I'm really confused about the cost index. If you wish to contribute or participate in the discussions about articles you are invited to join SKYbrary as a registered user. Please let me know. The lower the CI, the more "importance" the machinery places on saving fuel. You have no notifications. A given cost index will result in a specific still air True Airspeed at altitude - however, it is normal for the FMS to adjust the mach number (MN) by .01 when the head wind or tail wind components exceed a programmed threshold value - ie, the airplane will slow down with a tail wind, speed up with a headwind (automatically) by .01 mach in an effort to minimize the fuel burn. However, if the aircraft is running late, the crew may use a CI of 50 or more which would give speeds of 320, .79 and 330 for the same phases. How can an airliner make up for time lost? More sophisticated flight planning programs will show this change on a leg by leg basis and will file the speed change as part of the ATC flight plan. 45-50; Singapore Airlines. Flight Profile Variations due to the Spreading Practice of Cost Index Based Flight Planning Wilhelm Rumler, Thomas Gunther, and Hartmut Fricke¨ Chair of Air Transport Technology and Logistic Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany¨ Urban Weißhaar -leasing Flight planning is easy on our large collection of Aeronautical Charts, including Sectional Charts, Approach Plates, IFR Enroute Charts, and Helicopter route charts. Increasing Range of Speeds for Same Aircraft Type, Fuel Conservation Strategies: Cost Index Explained, Ryanair Cost Index Policy, effective 27 Oct 2012, The time related cost considered, is the fixed cost. How does controlling many instruments via MIDI work? A unique operation demands a unique, customized solution. Is the destination of a commercial flight important for the pilot? Dear All I know that pilots enter the cost index figure (optimum cost index given in the flight plan) to the FMGS before the departure. For example, one airline generally uses a CI of around 9 in the A320 which results in a climb speed of about 290, a cruise speed of about .76 and a descent speed of about 260. The UK CAA have published CAP 694 - The UK Flight Planning Guide. Version 1.3 Download 17453 File Size 1,5 MB Create Date November 3, 2017 Download Download our latest Cost-Index Database for many different … Read More[DOWNLOAD] Cost-Index Database | TOGA Projects There is great variation between operators on the CI that they use for a given type or in a given situation. Weather data is always current, as are Jet Fuel Prices and avgas 100ll prices. Flight Planning Made Easy Welcome to, a virtual flight planning service designed for Flight Simulation hobbyists looking to take their flights to the next level! On certain flights, where the connection time is tight in Hong Kong for passengers, they might flight plan a … The saving of less flight time do not outweigh the fuel burn at speeds above the optimum speed. 50; Southwest Airlines. It is a requirement that a copy of a filed flight plan is carried on board the aircraft. Is there anything online that can tell you which cost index number to use or is there any freeware or payware that will automatically calculate it? Cost Index (CI) is nothing new - most Flight Management System have been using it in some format for years. According to this article, Cost Index of a flight is: The ratio of fuel costs to all other costs. It gives the ratio between the unit cost of time and the unit cost of fuel. While somebody else might be able to explain it better, Cost Index is the relationship between fuel use and flight time. Did airlines fly their aircraft slower in response to oil prices in the 1970s? MathJax reference. 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