“I love nighttime. Have a good night, love. Hope you’ll have the sweetest dream tonight. You are my passion. “Nobody’s right till somebody’s wrong. Good night dear brother.”, 125. Related: Soulmate Quotes Never underestimate the power of a sweet, and flirty good night-message to melt his heart. Good Night My Love :)”, 108. Now, it’s time for bed. Just one more hug and one more smile. I hope the sweetest person comes to you in your dreams. The wind is blowing. “Still working away, but I wanted to take a break to say goodnight to the most handsome guy in my life.”, 162. I will be near you in your dreams. Inspirational Good Night Messages. “Goodnight, man of my dreams, I’ll see you there…”, 26. https://www.vixendaily.com/love/cute-goodnight-texts-and-why-they-work But it’s okay, I get it. Goodnight. 1. All you need to do is to send it to him. This is the right collection of Good night text messages for you!… You have a lack of vitamin ME. 50 Cute Good Night Sweet Dreams Messages For Lovers April 13, 2019 April 13, 2019 by Love Mesages There are so many adorable ways to say good night and sweet dreams to him and her. “Hello, handsome! We’ve both been going non-stop, and never had the chance to see each other. Goodnight my king! We all have schedules to attend and at the end of the day we all do the same thing, we go asleep. Good Night, little brother.”, 135. Have a safe journey into dreamland. “Sending the man I love a pillow of pleasant thoughts and hopes of wonderful dreams; a blanket of love to show you I care. Should I be worried about that? I can’t fall asleep without you. “Did you know that behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes? Even when we are apart, we’re still looking at the same Moon. Have a good night, bro.”, 139. Good night.”, 146. Waiting for our date tomorrow. I just wanted to remind you that you are missed and loved. Good night, baby, sweet dreams! “Being away from you, this night is going to be soaked in sorrow. Calm down and dream about me. I like texting you before going to sleep. You’re always in mine.”, 36. I could never let today pass without telling you just how much I love you. “The biggest advantage of being your girlfriend is the fact that I get to blow good night kisses to the hottest guy ever – YOU. https://rightquotes4all.com/good-night-text-messages-for-him Good Night!”, 71. But only one special person is reading my message. “Someday, I hope to fall asleep beside you and wake up to your sweet eyes. I‘ll be next to you. “Girlfriend leaves you after some time, but a friend always stands with you. “My night has suddenly become the sunniest of dawns because of you.”, 46. A good night text has power and men are not immune to it. I’m going to bed so that I can dream of you. ;)”, 15. We are poles apart right now, but all I can do is to look at the moon and think of you. I wish you sweet dreams and a peaceful night. “Hello, my Love. Goodnight!”, 7. “You mean the world to me, don’t forget that. It’s hard to sleep when you’re not in my arms…luckily I can still smell you on your pillow. “Sun is upset and the moon is happy, because the sun is missing you, and the moon is gonna be with you for the rest of the night, have a wonderful night.”, 151. “When the night breeze blows my hair, I imagine they’re your kisses so I can stand missing you this much.”, 193. Post sweet quotes on Facebook, send out the cutest tweets and share some of the most adorable pins on Pinterest – let your guy know that your heart beats for him without giving him an overdose of mushy banter. Waiting for your message tomorrow! https://www.vereeke.com/good-night-messages-for-him-and-her “If I could touch the moon, I would etch your name on it. That´s when I realized, my real best friend was you. Good Night Text For Him. : (F)ight for you. I wish you lovely dreams with all my might.”, 147. “In my perfect world, the night would end with sweet cuddles and the morning would begin with gentle kisses. I love you.”, 75. I really hope to see you soon, baby. Now it´s time to fall asleep. https://goodnightmessagesquotes.com/good-night-messages-for-her-him So, here are few examples of best goodnight text, love messages and more. Happy journey into the world of dreams. You are the source of my power …”, 99. But whenever I go to bed thinking of you, I know that I will be going to bed glad.”, 65. https://www.wishesmsg.com/good-night-messages-for-boyfriend Good night my sweet friends.”, 101. Giving your own personal touch is always desirable and it will mean more to your sweetheart. Good Night.”, 16. “I love you. “May angel wishes watch over your sleep tonight.”, 95. Thank you for being in my life, my dear husband. Good night message is often sent as a good night wishes. ? Hug you, dear. Good Night.”, 21. romantic goodnight messages for him, good night message for boyfriend far away, heartfelt good night messages for him, flirty goodnight texts for him, I hope that me thinking about you won’t cause you trouble, and no nightmare will enter your tired mind. “Can’t wait to be in your arms again, my love. I get the sugary shivers down my spine, whenever I think about how you’re mine and I’m yours. Hope you can finish what you started …”, 63. I would like to say something sweet to you, I would like to see you in my dreams, I would like to hold you in my arms and wish you good night…. And that someone is me. Let’s not sleep by ourselves anymore, it’s not something I can handle. You are so cute, with the joy that springs from the face of comfort you have, I derive my happiness. Sleep well my love. “I feel happy when I am with you, my friend. Your suffering from lack of Vitamin Me! “Hello, Moon! We never like, what we have. Good night to the man of my dreams! Nothing and nobody can replace you for me. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. “I wish we didn’t have to sleep apart, so I’ll be seeing you in my dreams, my love…”, 29. I wish you were here to make it easier just by staring at me. It’s you!”, 43. Good night, I love you more than world. Wish you beautiful dreams too. As the sun rises once again at the dawn, wake up with new hopes, dreams, and determination. “Good night, to the guy who makes my days bright. Hugs and kisses, to the guy who makes my life seem like a bed of roses. Good night! In this collection, you'll find good night quotes for Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Wife, Husband and even Good night messages for sisters and brothers. (R)espect you. I never knew this love would grow this gorgeous! “Loneliness will crush me, at this rate. “I’ve got you and only you in my heart <3 sweet dreams…”, 24. “The stars are shining. Good night. So here’s a good night kiss for you, from me. Have a good night.”, 190. “God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day…and I just caught one that’s so nice and true…it’s YOU! I don’t have the words to express how I feel. You are always on my mind, so I’ll probably text you as soon as I open my eyes in the morning. Good night, husband.”, 77. Not to be dramatic or anything, but I’m literally dying here without you! “Goodnight my love, goodnight my everything!”, 191. Have a good night, my dear faithful friend. Tonight – in your dreams. “Dear brother, when my besties betrayed, you came to the rescue. They’re bitter because I don’t have you near me. Good night bro!”, 123. May 30, 2014. Sweet dreams and goodnight my one and only love.”, 4. I love you! Good night.”, 134. “I love every single star in the sky, but not one of them can compare to the stars in your eyes.”, 52. You see, you’re never out of my thoughts. I dream about that perfect world where every day would start with a kiss from you and every night would start with a cuddle with you. After doing work on the whole day, a boyfriend waits … (2) You’ll raise the odds of him thinking of you, longing for you, and wishing he was with you. Are you available?”, 51. Because I get to cuddle and hug you all night long.”, 77. Sleeping without you means waking up every hour and having a load of nightmares. “When you’re snuggled up tight tonight, remember that’s not your blanket that’s keeping you warm, but the hugs that I send you with this good night message.”, 28. “The greatest gift my parents ever gave me was my brother. I never want to be without you. Good night!”, 62. The Night, like in the morning is a perfect time to remind your lover (your boyfriend) of your commitment to your relationship; a time to express gratitude for what he has done for you, and a time to make some more promises towards the fulfilment of the relationship. Please dim your light. Our schedules may be tight. I hope this sounds alright! May 30, 2014. Do you miss me? Romantic Good Night Quotes For Him. Good night text messages for him far away. It’s time to say goodbye to them. Good night, handsome.”, 44. You have to rest. Now I am reaping the fruit of that belief! I wish you a sweet night and pleasant dreams.”, 13. Goodnight, baby. “It’s cold here, I wish we could be together to warm up…”, 35. Sleep tight, my sweet prince. Your wishes don’t need to be lame anymore. “This night as I go to sleep, I thank God that I have the most handsome man on earth. You are like an angel who lulls me to sleep every night with his smooth, silky voice. Sending Romantic Good Evening Messages and Images to your lover is the best way to end a hectic day, it’ll make her/him forget the stress of the day and start looking forward to a beautiful night. “Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Good night my love! May the peaceful dreams make your morning brighter! “Sweet dreams, handsome. “I am afraid that someone had stolen my heart, and that person is none other than you. “I hope you dream of all the romantic things we can do tomorrow. 57496. Here are 27 adorable long-distance relationship good night messages for him… Just to let him know how much you miss him! Good night and have pleasant dreams.”, 67. Goodnight. I am laughing because there is nothing I can do about it. Let’s get started with some cute ones… Good Night Messages For Him. “It doesn’t matter how hard you try – your dreams could never be sweeter than mine. You are already sleeping deeply, and I dream about you, about the tenderness of your hands, about your voice, loyalty and trust; about that pure sense which I feel towards you, and about my love and how I cherish you. I know you can’t be with me right now, but I can’t help myself. Good night my husband.”, 79. How can I sleep when I don’t feel your warm hands on my skin? Thanks for giving me the opportunity to love you. “When I say good night to you, I actually mean that the day I spent with you was Gorgeous, Outstanding, Optimistic, Dazzling, Nice, Interesting, Grand, Hot and Tantalizing. “An older brother is that person to his little sister, who her father or boyfriend can never be. May your night be full of the sweetest dreams. Good Night my Love. Have a very good night, baby. “I looked up at the moon tonight and wished you were here with me. I am wishing you sweet dreams tonight!”, 87. 88. I love you! 2. It means I never have to be too far from you as you are always in my dreams.”, 38. Good night baby. That’s because I’m too busy staring at the brightest start I’ve ever seen. Good night.”, 136. In his collection, we have written the best 100 sweet good evening messages with romantic good evening images and pictures for her and him. “I feared the nights until I found you. Thank you, my love, and may all the angels guard you this night!”, 188. Can’t wait for you to come back and be the most handsome big spoon in the whole world. “Dream a dream tonight as you sleep; Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep; May all of your dreams and wishes come true; Because I couldn’t find a better friend like you! Good night, my sweet!”, 11. 96. In sleep, we must be apart, my love, but rest assured for I will dream of you till we meet again. Let’s have a date in dreams. Hope that you had a wonderful day! This means those butterflies in your stomach might only be something your brain … Good Night Messages for Husband: Husband means everything for a wife, and she is ever ready to do anything for him. Make a wish, say goodnight. Good night!”, 35. As the evening is fading away in the silent night, And the world is drowning in the deepest dream, I wish you good night! “You are sweeter than any sweets in this world. Sleep well. Make sure to make it sweet and sound. Sleep tight, baby. My beloved man, I wanna wish you a good night. Because friendship´s love never cheats us. Sweet Romantic Good Night Messages: The night tells you that it’s time to go to bed.Knowing fully well that your loved one might end his/her day being stressed out, and also in a bad mood, we recommend sweet romantic good night messages, which you can send to him or her to relieve him or her of that state.You can’t imagine what sweet romantic good night messages do to your loved … 2. Good Night”, 34. I love and miss you tonight, dear Husband!”, 73. I miss you, my love. A […] It has the same giddy impact as it has on women. “Tiny stars are shining bright, it´s time for me to say goodnight. The stars are dancing with the wind, It’s time to close your eyes, The night is short, so catch the time to rest. Snore and you will be sleeping alone!”, 45. “When my arms can’t reach people who are close to my heart, I always hug them with my prayers. “I love food and sleep. “I bought a new bra today. “Good night my friend. Good Night!”, 3. But when I go to bed thinking of you, that’s when you know I’ve gone to bed glad!”, 178. Baby when I send this good night message to you it means the day spent with you was Outstanding and Interesting. “I wish you were here, or I was there. I hope I’m in them. I loved those jeans you wore the other night. I hope you have a lovely night.”, 6. “I need a sex slave tonight. Now here’s a new one – Can you smile for me once?”, 10. “Flowers are red, violet are blue, I’m going to bed so that I can think of you. Good night.”, 143. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.”, 12. Great points! Close your eyes and relax. “When lying on the bed, I look at the shining stars. I will not see you for long, But I love you so much, So I will visit you in your dreams… Good night. 150+ Best Romantic Love Status Quotes and Messages, Top 140+ Cute Good Morning Text Messages for Him, 150+ Best Good Morning Love Images, Quotes and Messages. I hope the flowers blooming outside of your window fill your soul with their sweet scent and vibrant colors as you dream. Good night, babe.”, 21. There are nights when I go to bed mad. Romantic Good Night Messages: Love is a great force which exists between a man and a woman and humanity. I owe you all of me for being with me till now. “Today has been so crazy. Good night dear husband.”, 86. All have come together to wish you the best of dreams. :)”, 114. Encouraging break up messages for friends, Best friend quotes and best friend wishes, Friendship quotes and friendship messages, Good night messages for her (girlfriend or wife), Good night messages for him (boyfriend or husband), Good morning messages for her (girlfriend or wife), Good morning messages for him (boyfriend or husband), Christmas wishes for Facebook with images. I’m so sorry I can’t be with you right now. “What does crack and you have in common? I just might have a little idea up my sleeve that I’m sure you’d like… a lot.”, 165. Goodnight. Good night, my sweet lady. “Moon is brightening, stars are shining and I’m saying you word loving. “It doesn’t matter how bad my day has been. Good night!”, 19. “Where are you, gorgeous? So I wish you good night and a productive tomorrow!”, 118. “I’m wishing “Good Night” to the man who make my life bright every day and every moment.”, 70. At night, i think about you and you don’t now how much i miss u.I love you.Good Night. Would really like your opinion. But no one else knows that my world has stopped. “I’m sorry I couldn’t write your name in the sky. Quiet night! Good night quotes with funny tones for him would let him know how much the sender cares about him. “I love my bed but not as much as I love you.”, 152. No man can be as special to me as you are; I love you and the golden palm of yours which cannot be found in reality. Telling him you love him becomes so important so that he always feels loved and appreciated. Good Night Messages For Him. Share on Facebook. “You are a friend given by Nature. Hope that you do the same. Just bring the pole …”, 55. Good night. Missing you – g’night.”, 32. “Going to bed but wishing I was giving you a lap dance.”, 49. “My day may be hectic. Pleasant dreams!”, 58. Sweet dreams.”, 184. All you need to do is to send it to him. Romantic Good Night Messages For Girlfriend. Goodnight, my love.”, 3. I can’t wait to be soaked in your hugs and kisses tomorrow morning.”, 20. Night will pass very quickly. Good night.”, 69. I promise that every day, I will love you more. Cute Good Night Love Text Messages for Him (Boyfriend) Help your boyfriend to deal with the stress he encountered via the work of the day, with Romantic Good Night Love Sms for Boyfriend from the heart. The stars shine brightly; the sky soothes. “Laugh and the world will laugh with you, snore and you sleep alone. Go to the bed! They really showed off what a great package you have. Little stars are shining bright, I think of you and say „Night night“. Do you know who that person is? “I just don’t have the time to look out at the moon tonight to see how bright it’s shining. Nobody’s lonely till somebody’s gone. The sun has disappeared in darkness; the dream invites us in silence. Are you thinking of me right now? “I know that you are the one because when we are apart I feel incomplete. Send Romantic Good Night Messages to your Lover, Boyfriend or Girlfriend. 25). Will you be in need of one of my “special” massages tomorrow?”, 164. Good Night Messages for Boyfriend: Who said it’s not cool to be romantic? Good night, my love. Have a wonderful dream tonight. I imagine you being right next to me, and it helps me to fall asleep. Just try not to make it a habit – I’m not free every night, you know. After appearance of stars in the sky, I want to wish you good night, sleep well my love. I can’t sleep without wishing you good night.”, 61. As soon as we close our eyes, we will be near each other. https://motivationandlove.com/good-night-messages-for-crush So don’t think about any girl except me. “I can keep myself busy during the day… but at night I can’t stop thinking of you…”, 40. Deal? Let Him/Her see you as the Reason to have sweet dreams and wake up gorgeous. How about you showed it to me tonight?”, 56. Romantic Good Night Messages. I‘m very happy woman, because I have you. Shutterstock. 169. Wanna spank me tonight?”, 61. I will love you a lifetime. Thinking and dreaming about you unexpectedly. All of the good moments are yours to keep. It is not just that you are a great man, but you look so innocent when you sleep. Have a good night’s sleep and get yourself prepared for a brilliant day. “I think of you as soon as I wake up and then again before I fall asleep. Close your eyes because it‘s dark already, And there are so many stars in the sky, And the biggest of all Will bring you wonderful dreams! Good night, sleep tight! Sometimes, it’s as dark as the night. Sweet dreams and a nice sunrise! “The stars in the sky are mesmerizing. I wish we were together – it could be anywhere. He won’t expect it back.”, 115. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Sometimes, it’s as bright as the dawn. Good night!”, 14. Sweet dreams, to the guy whose love makes me burst out at the seams. But just the thought of it gives me wings. So, it becomes the responsibility of the wife to cure him with the romantic message for husband and by sending a goodnight text to make him smile. You and me tonite. Wishing you a sweet night with peaceful sleep and tender dreams. Please bloom slowly. “The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep. They can be good morning messages, good night texts or just cute text messages for him at any time of the day. No go to sleep and have a good night! The night’s ambiance is breathtaking. “I wanted to send you something hot and really sexy to make your night, but the postman told me to take the stamps off my butt and get outta the mailbox.”, 107. “Your handsome face is in my head before I fall asleep… again…”, 25. 89. “I’m jealous of sleep. I can barely make it through the night without you.”, 51. But those long nights are worth it because when I dream of you, I wake up with a big smile on my face.”, 31. This is a collection of the most romantic Good night text messages for him and her. Good night Honey.”, 156. Because I had a brother, who supported me from the start.”, 141. “Just tell this the next time someone will be bad to you: Please be patient even a toilet can handle only one ass hole at a time. 24). “The sun rose and set again today – just as it does every day. Good night. “The brightest stars in my life are friends who shine through night and day. Cute and romantic good night messages for her. Schedule Exercise . I … Love you and Good Night!”, 177. This message comes with a guarantee that you will have sweet dreams. “I know it’s not true, but in my heart, I still believe that the moon only shines for me and you.”, 17. I wanna be near you, hug you and kiss you. “The day is turning to night, so put your worries out of sight. “The stars are out. Sweet dreams and have a good night.”, 40. “I want you to use me as your toy, when can you come and play?”, 60. With good night love message, wishing you the sweetest dreams as you drift off to sleep. Good night sweetheart.”, 15. A little lost? The night has overshadowed the earth with his wings, I want to be near you and kiss you, but I am not near so I can only wish you good night. Sweet dreams.”, 106. Waiting for me? Good Night love! Good Night!”, 111.