How it works. The main thing I want to do, is to have how long my renew is left but with a 'number' rather than a small box. Download World of Warcraft addon Kaliel’s Tracker (Classic) … Quest Tracker | supported Questie and ElvUI / Tukui for versions 1.13.6 / 9.0.2, Shadowlands, classic, 2021 Ashna-scarlet-crusade 3 August 2020 03:06 #11. HUGE help! Whenever I click on an NPC to get a quest I usually like to read the storyline text (unless I've done the quest a million times already) but the text is kinda small on a 1920x1080 display. Hi Guys, I use ElvUI on my Priest, and I know that it tracks stuff with the little boxes on the unit frame. This is an addon for World of Warcraft in form of an ElvUI plugin. I certainly hope this is a temporary thing and it will be available again. Use our World Quest Planner feature to complete these more easily and efficiently. World Quest Tracker World Quests are a type of temporary daily quest first introduced in Legion. 2013-08-15, 02:43 AM #2. It completely replaces the default Blizzard UI at every level with a new and better interface. 1 Like. Greatly-tichondrius 21 November 2020 21:41 #12. Zachysaurus. View Profile View Forum Posts View Started Threads High Overlord Join Date Jan 2012 This will move the Quest Tracker to the left without using an Addon. That action has been removed. The World Quest Tracker is zoomed intent on to show the rewards accessible and makes it easier for you to pick those that resonate with your goals. If anyone knows this command or can point me towards an addon that will resize the quest window. I use Dominos. Profile to import is here. If anyone has a different addon to suggest please let me know. I'm posting this on elvui forums as well, I just know you guys are usually quicker. Get ElvUI… Almost been ten years now, and I want to read quest text again. World Quest Planner Easily see all the world quests available, what rewards they offer, and pick and choose which ones you wish to complete to create a dynamic guide on the fly … :P Armory. From there, it permits you to click on the reward icon so that you’ll be able to track multiple world quests mechanically in your window without the necessity to examine the map each alternative time. Thank you!!! It has multiple addons and plug-ins integrated into it, such as Dominos action bars and TidyPlates. It was something like /run quest.window.scale(1.3) I like my ui scale and my fonts exactly as they are, except the quest window. For almost everything you do in-game, this should work. ElvUI is a full UI replacement. We’ve put together ElvUI profiles that serve as gameplay-focused, one-size-fits-all profiles. I was wondering if I can change this? <3. It will try to keep relevant quest in the quest tracker and remove the unrelevant ones. So easy to use. I have always had my Work/Quest map that comes up by clicking the M button movable, could change the opacity but have never been able to re-size it and I always accessed those options thru clicking the top margin of the map - until Legion. If you are any like me, then you'll have a ton of quest in your Quest Log lurking around. Reply With Quote. I've found out how to increase the font size of the chat text, but can't seem to find a way to do it for the quest … Sare The guide was updated for Legion. Oh and I'm using Elvui if that matters.