More efficient methods are possible. I have 280 heat exchangers, and I calculated that I only need 272 to get the heat … Infinite Resources. Light Oil. If you have a huge bot network that overspans every part of your base you can put a requester chest at every train stop that requests 4 nuclear fuel for example. Problem is, they heat up. No extra trains needed If you have local bot networks, have a separate train station inside that bot network area and drop off the fuel there with train -> passive provider chest, then have a requester chest at each train … Description. Modifies nuclear fuel cycle to provide a difference between nuclear weapons production and efficient power generation. The main reason is that the jump the player needs to do when he wants to switch to the nuclear power is big enough already. The purpose of this change is to force nuclear weapons production to require an operating reactor, rather than simply mining and processing uranium. Nuclear Power is here!!! You need nuclear power to u… The MOX fuel cycle yields just enough plutonium from reprocessing its waste to regenerate its fuel supply, as long as additional U-238 is provided. As fuel cells are a nuclear fuel source, they are treated differently from other types of fuel and cannot be used in other burner devices or in vehicles. Reactors receive a bonus for adjacent operating reactors, which increases their effective thermal output by 100% per each such link. Petroleum gas is a gas converted from crude oil (in an oil refinery) or light oil (in a chemical plant).Petroleum gas is used to create plastic bars and sulfur, important ingredients for mid-to-high-level recipes.. Petroleum gas can also be used to create solid fuel, but the ratio of fuel created is not as efficient as that of light oil, and petroleum gas is usually too valuable to waste. 2019 Changes: - Updated to Factorio 0.17 - Added new technology to unlock nuclear rocket fuel - Added alternate recipe for nuclear rocket fuel, using plutonium - Atomic bomb research now requires nuclear fuel reprocessing instead of Kovarex process - Reprocessing ingredient and product quantities increased to allow consistent, non-random … Base feature. Some parts of the planned stuff like cooling towers and closed water cycle were dropped. Nuclear Fuel Outputs: u235. Relative fuel value of nuclear fuel doubled. Inputs: Uranium Ore. Iron Plates. This page was last edited on 31 December 2020, at 13:22. 03. u238. Dernière modification de teravisor; 10 sept . by Razor2142. Nuclear power The prototyping of the nuclear power is 90% complete. It has the highest energy density and vehicle bonuses of all the fuel types, providing an acceleration bonus of 250% (compared to rocket fuel's 180%). A fuel cell can run a single nuclear reactor for 200 seconds. Factorio. Log in. Unlike with steam power, a uranium fuel cell will continue to … Instead of all nuclear power and weapons production running off the Kovarex process, there are now two main fuel cycles that reactors can use, depending on your priorities. It seems the current meta for efficiency is to setup some combinators for the fuel cells going in and out of the nuclear reactor, along with a reading of the steam storage tank level. A compendium of the most common Factorio game facts, such as build ratios, tips/tricks, and links to further information. Nuclear Power. Uranium Processing, Kovarex Enrichment, Nuclear Fuel, Uranium Fuel Cell, Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing all in one design. But what's the best way to get there? It requires higher level technology compared to either Solar Power or Steam Boiler Power, but it offers very high power output in exchange. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... use nuclear fuel, they shoudl only oad 3 in any case if it still loads too much, use rocket, fuel, its more efficient than solid fuel anyway if you beacon the assemblers. (2) This assumes the crude oil is processed completely into solid fuel using advanced oil processing and heavy oil cracking as intermediate steps, but not light oil cracking. However I have done the math since then and nuclear fuel doesn't take that much uranium, I could run my base for several thousand hours with just a medium uranium patch. Nuclear Fuel. The main thing to remember is that Factorio generally follows the laws of thermodynamics; if your nuclear reactor produces 40 megawatts of heat, you can get a maximum of 40 megawatts of electricity out the other side. They would only insert fuel if the accumulated steam was below a certain limit. In practice, the petroleum … Fuel must be manually inserted into a reactor initially because the whole system works by inserting fuel just as the used fuel is removed. Uranium Fuel Cell. Instead of all nuclear power and weapons production running off the Kovarex process, there are now two main fuel cycles that reactors can use, depending on your priorities. (Except that you can potentially turn 8 gigajoules of uranium fuel cell into 40 gigajoules of heat. What could be the problem here? - Tank with nuclear fuel after ~10-15 seconds has settled to 66 km/h and still rising a bit faster rate than coal was. Log in. This can be changed in the mod's startup options, allowing atomic bombs to be created from plutonium, uranium-235, or either, Disabled by default, can be enabled if you want to use it alongside the breeder cycle, or as preparation for uninstalling this mod, Re-enable Kovarex process in the mod startup options. Reprocessing 10 spent breeder cells produces 6 Pu (4 Pu and 1 U-235 in Classic mode). Version: 0.2.0 Date: 03. Both reactor… It has the highest energy density and vehicle bonuses of all the fuel types, providing an acceleration bonus of 250% (compared to rocket fuel's 180%). The vehicle speed bonus (115%) is the same as for rocket fuel. 2. The uranium fuel cell can be burned in a nuclear reactor to produce heat, resulting in a used up uranium fuel cell. Nuclear fuel logic circuits So I've been trying to expand my limited knowledge of the nuclear side of power production. Nuclear Power is a major new feature introduced to Factorio in version 0.15., The fuel value of 1.21 GJ is a reference to the. Copyright © 2015 - 2021 Wube Software - all rights reserved. No change from vanilla: 1 U-235 combined with 19 U-238 yields 10 uranium fuel cells. You really need a chest holding fuel because if an insertion cycle is missed then you'll have to insert fuel manually to replace it, lest there not be fuel on the belt directly in front of the inserter at the moment insertion is required. | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal. The test consists of 1000 6-12 trains facing east. This is a list of all items usable as fuel in burner devices, ordered by fuel value: (1) For the purposes of in-game speed display, the game assumes 1 tile = 1 meter. So I tried to build a rather big (18 reactors) nuclear power supply. Reprocessed uranium (RepU) is a product of nuclear fuel cycles involving nuclear reprocessing of spent fuel.RepU recovered from light water reactor (LWR) spent fuel typically contains slightly more 235 U than natural uranium, and therefore could be used to fuel reactors that customarily use natural uranium as fuel, such as CANDU reactors.It also contains the undesirable isotope … On the r/technicalfactorio discord server, flame_sla was wondering if slower trains (using non-nuclear fuel) were more UPS efficient than nuclear fueled trains. This is a mod for the game Factorio.It can be downloaded from the Factorio Mod Portal.. The secondary goal is to not get too megalomaniac as there are lot of things our graphics … A small mod to re-balance GotLag's Nuclear Fuel mod when used with the overhaul mod Krastorio 2.Both mods make changes to nuclear processing recipes and so without this mod you end up with a completely imbalanced fuel reprocessing cycle. The Test . Don't ask me how that works.) You can mine uranium ore sooner, but you'll need the nuclear power technology to do anything useful with it. I am pretty sure they would heat up even more would I continue to use them. Nuclear fuel is a type of fuel. Krastorio - Nuclear Fuel Compat Updated. Nuclear rocket fuel provides a minor sink for U-235 and plutonium if necessary. Use nuclear fuel in trains, it is more UPS efficient overall because trains complete their journeys more quickly The Question . Nuclear fuel is made from rocket fuel and uranium-235, one of each to produce one unit of nuclear fuel. A new technology to unlock nuclear rocket fuel, as Kovarex research is no longer used, Also adds an alternative recipe using plutonium instead of U-235. They were all connected with red/green wire to the inserters that insert the nuclear fuel into the reactors. As with all building games, you have to work your way up the tech tree before you can even start thinking about Nuclear technologies. These only provide half as much energy as uranium cells. Reprocessing spent uranium fuel cells now produces 1 plutonium and 4 uranium-238 per 10 spent cells (1 Pu and 12 U-238 per 20 cells in Classic mode). | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal. Factorio version: 0.16 - 0.17 Downloaded: 4532 times. For example, two reactors operating next to each other will output a total of 160 MW of thermal energy, with each reactor producing 40 MW base and receiving 40 MW of neighbour bonus.The Neighbour bonus only applies if: 1. You need to have researched both Concrete and Advanced Electronicsto start researching Nuclear Power. Add in Iron plates and Light Oil for additional nuclear items. Both of them will settle to some upper limit but in practise you likely won't be driving 1 direction that long without turning or bumping into something. by GotLag. Even with a single nuclear fuel per reactor (starting at 500°) they end up at around 740°. Atomic bombs by default now require 5 plutonium instead of 30 U-235. The vehicle speed bonus (115%) is the same as for rocket fuel. I.e., a train on basic fuel travels at 72 tilesper second at full speed, and so on. Nuclear fuel is a type of fuel. In this episode, I set up a logic circuit to control the consumption of nuclear fuel cells. Changes some recipes for better compatibility between the Krastorio 2 and Nuclear Fuel mods. 1 Pu + 9 U-238 produces 10 uranium fuel cells. Below is a diagram showing the tech tree path you need to follow to unlock the Nuclear Power tech. 1 Pu + 19 U-238 produces 10 breeder fuel cells. Radio Active by Mike Koenig under CC BY 3.0. Nuclear fuel felt significantly higher in acceleration. Short tutorial about obtaining nuclear fuel, detailed look into the meltdown and power setup (how to produce more Uranium 235) and what to to with the fuel. Let's check out builds, ratios, and how to get uranium working for us! The MOX fuel cycle yields just enough plutonium from reprocessing its waste to regenerate its fuel supply, as long as additional U-238 is provided. Nuclear fuel is made from rocket fuel and uranium-235, one of each to produce one unit of nuclear fuel. Simply input Uranium Ore and it takes care of the rest. 2 reactors are directly next to eachother with all 3 heat connections directly connecting the two. The breeder fuel cycle produces a large plutonium surplus which can be used to produce nuclear weapons or produce more MOX to allow your nuclear industry to exp… Usually nuclear reactors store steam in tanks and only activate when steam in them is low because you're wasting nuclear fuel if not consuming all steam to produce energy right away. The breeder fuel cycle produces a large plutonium surplus which can be used to produce nuclear weapons or produce more MOX to allow your nuclear industry to expand more rapidly than waiting for U-235 to trickle out of your centrifuges.