fallout 4: tactical thinking

Our tactical analysis says they could possibly hamper, or harm our operations which is a risk I'm not willing to take. It can be used to reprogram or deactivate P.A.M. on the terminal nearby. Prerequisites: Complete Blind Betrayal. Sign up. Tactical Thinking is a Brotherhood of Steel main quest in Fallout 4. Talk to Kells as normal and choose either "Do they all have to die?" For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How to get back to Railroad quests from BoS Tactical Thinking quest? Walk to the room on the left. The player character is not flagged as a permanent enemy of the Railroad until the dialogue with Kells is completed. Jul 7, 2016 ... Tactical Thinking: talking to Lancer Captain Kells after the quest has been started will make you an enemy of the Railroad. The weird thing is that I still got one "Kill the Courser" quest from PAM after I destroyed the Institute. Once this quest is acquired, before speaking to Kells, one can complete the Institute quest line up to speaking to. That's the trigger. If Tactical Thinking is active in the journal, Ingram may simply direct the player character to speak to Kells, breaking this exploit. However I'd like to achieve this via finishing the B.O.S storyline, which can be done by forcing 'Spoils of war' When Ingram is usually … On the other hand, if the player character managed to reprogram P.A.M., she is later transported onto the Prydwen. After destroying the Railroad and getting the beryllium agitator, speak to Proctor Ingram at the Boston Airport. Fallout 4 - Faction Hostility. Show activity on this post. Tip: Before talking to Kells, make sure to tie your loose ends with the Railroad and maximizing Deacon ’s affinity to you so you can get his perk before needing to kill him. How to unlock: The quest will start automatically after completing the Blind Betrayal quest. You must kill the most important members of the organization - Gloria, Tinker Tom, Deacon and Desdemona. Once the door is destroyed, you will receive few new objectives. Home Maps Quests Bobbleheads Magazines Perks. Before i started the quest i was doing some Railroad quest where i had to accompany Deacon who then got flagged as immortal for beeing a vital companion, but since i never finished the quest with 'him' and now got the objective to kill … All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Leave most of them behind for Tactical Thinking, though. Kill Doctor Carrington. In order to learn more about your objective, you must go to Lancer-Captain Kells who can be found on the Prydwen ship. After agreeing to Kells' orders, head north into the North End neighborhood of Boston, and enter the Old North Church. The Tactical thinking quest will start automatically after completing the Blind Betrayal quest. If we strike them now, we should be able to maximize the amount of damage we do to their organization.Lancer Captain Kells. To complete the quest, one must return and report to Kells on the Prydwen. This quest might be tactical in concept, but its execution is direct and forceful. If Kells draws near enough to the player character, he will begin to speak. When you get Tactical Thinking, do not talk to Kells. Speak to Lanser-Captain Kells after Blind Betrayal. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. User Info: MercGH. This can be done until the last part of the conversation with Ingram about PAM, allowing one to keep the, This quest is failed upon either initiating the Minutemen ending (by completing, After the quest is added to the journal, it will be impossible to progress through many of the side quests provided by the Railroad. If choosing to destroy P.A.M., skip the steps with the terminal and simply locate her and destroy her. Advancing in this quest will make the Sole Survivor an enemy of the Railroad, so if there are any loose ends to tie up with them, do so before speaking to Lancer Captain Kells. Nov 16, 2015 @ 7:14am Tactical thinking Deacon glitch Deacon showed up at Sanctuary before I could get to the Old North Church and attacked me so I killed him. Tactical Thinking. Your first step should be going to Old North Church which is located slightly to the west from the Prydwen ship. The wiki said you could do it before patch 1.2. Fallout 4https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/tid=CUSA02557_00 The Brotherhood will express disappointment if P.A.M. was destroyed rather than reprogrammed. Power Armor) when I got to the Tactical Thinking quest, where you have to destroy the Railroad. Ingram will want to go with you. Luckily, the members of the Brotherhood of Steel will keep helping you. While only the people on the list provided in the quest details need to be killed to complete the quest, it may be easier to clear all of Railroad HQ of assailants, save for P.A.M. After all of the personnel on the list are dead, there are two options for proceeding: the player character may reprogram P.A.M., which is the desire of the Brotherhood, or destroy P.A.M. To reprogram P.A.M., find the P.A.M. mainframe terminal, located near the main area of the Railroad HQ. Use console commands to complete Tactical Thinking. Speak to Lancer-Captain Kells; Enter Old North Church; Kill Doctor Carrington; Breach the door to the lower levels; Kill Glory; Kill Tinker Tom; Kill Deacon; Kill Desdemona; Reprogram PAM or Destroy PAM; Report to Lancer-Captain Kells; Locations. Since I'm doing a "Hoorah brotherhood" roleplay I think the best nick is going to get from me is a grudging respect thouhhbecause he doesn't hide that he's a synth and he helps me out. You will be tasked with finding another part for Brotherhood's large robot. Have fun using it on our WWW pages. (Spoils of War makes you a permanent enemy of the Institute) Tactical Thinking will still remain active and incomplete, as long as you don't talk to Kells. Deacon will also remain available as a companion until Kells is spoken to. 1,600. Fallout 4. You can simply destroy the robot or use the computer and load the P.A.M. Decryption Program tape. The Railroad agents will be packing quite a bit of firepower, so It’s a … Related points of interest. In the mainframe, use the P.A.M. decryption program holotape that has been provided to successfully reprogram P.A.M. The Minutemen. If the player is not ready to close o… ... Well, I could load up a previous save and complete Tactical Thinking before taking on Mass Fusion, but that would mean losing hours of progress. You can enter the basement from the main hall of the church. Banished from the Institute: the very quest revolves around being an enemy of doing actions that will make the Institute dislike you. She will now allow the Sole Survivor to power up Liberty Prime. The exact command is listed on the fallout wikia site. Proceed with whatever quest line you want. In order to find the remainder of my Railroad targets, I need to breach the door to the lower level of the Old North Church. Fallout 4 Maps & Quests » Quests » Tactical Thinking. Old North Church; North End Neighborhood Tactical Thinking will not be added to the journal until. The list of people to dispose of includes Doctor Carrington, Glory, Deacon, Tinker Tom, and Desdemona. There you will find the robot and a terminal. Log in. Brotherhood of Steel main quest: Tactical Thinking. Do not speak to Lancer Captain Kells if you don’t want to make enemies of the Railroad, or if you plan on finishing up any or all of their quests first. Fallout 4 Game Guide & Walkthrough by gamepressure.com. Tactical Thinking is a Quest in Fallout 4. As ordered earlier, go see Lance Captain Kellis for your next mission. In order to learn more about your objective, you must go to Lancer-Captain Kells who can be found on the Prydwen ship. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. ... one of Fallout 4’s major factions. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. MercGH 5 years ago #1. Before getting rid of the Institute you must destroy the Railroad. Advancing in this quest will make the Sole Survivor an enemy of the Railroad, so if there are any loose ends to tie up with them, do so before speaking to Lancer Captain Kells. Old North Church. Watch out especially for Gloria who has a minigun. As Nukapedia says: Completing this quest will automatically fail Semper Invicta, Ad Victoriam, Liberty Reprimed, Blind Betrayal, and Tactical Thinking. The step "Kill Deacon" cannot be done since he won't die. Even having this quest active in the log will shut off access to conversation or side quests with some Railroad personnel. Flyingone. Fallout 4 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Trigger: Speak to Elder Maxson. 310,552. How to Start Mass Fusion With BoS Without Starting Tactical Thinking - posted in Fallout 4 Discussion: Does anyone know how to inform the BoS for the Mass Fusion quest without Proctor Ingram telling you to speak to Captain Kells to start Tactical Thinking? One can skip the "Acadia report" by first reporting Kells about Acadia and response "Nothing else" and immediately pick Kells before reporting again: if it fails, try again until it works. Hello, I completed a recon mission and went to report back to Kells to complete the mission. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Bethesda Softworks or Bethesda Game Studios. Might use him. The quest will end. This step is to give Proctor Ingram time to move inside the Prydwen and stand next to Captain Kells. The P.A.M. decryption program is a holotape in Fallout 4. You can enter the basement from the main hall of the church. Completing this quest fails Tactical Thinking. Lancer-Captain Kells has ordered me to infiltrate Old North Church and completely destroy a group of guerrilla fighters who call themselves the Railroad. Whichever method is chosen, all of the tasks in Railroad HQ for the quest will be complete. Tactical Thinking Information Objectives. Thus, it is possible to retain one's good standing with the Railroad by either avoiding Kells until the quest is failed or destroying the Brotherhood of Steel. But I have a couple of … This quest will be triggered or can be aquired when you complete Blind Betrayal quest. 4 years ago | 1 view. You will immediately have to face few stronger enemies. I've been informed that Lancer-Captain Kells wishes to speak with me on the Command Deck of the Prydwen. Fallout 4; Just got Tactical Thinking mission by BOS but want to side with Railroad? Erik Erickson. So it happens that my BoS Quest: "Tactical Thinking" cannot be completed. Using the grenades when enemies are close to each other is a good idea. Now, before we launch our attack on the Institute, we need to address another threat... the Railroad. So I'm doing the BOS quests just for the quest benefits (i.e. In this discussion, Kells orders the Sole Survivor to assault the Railroad HQ and kill the Railroad leaders located there. Your choice won't impact the quest. Search. Now go back to Prydwen ship and talk to lancer-captain Kells. Blind BetrayalSpoils of War. Leave the Prydwen and go somewhere far away and go to sleep for a day, or do other missions/side missions. Before getting rid of the Institute you must destroy the Railroad. Library. Once you do, he will tell you about the Railroad and how they have decided to pre-emptively take them out as they pose a threat to further Brotherhood operations. Similar to saving danse. This mod makes you use the NPC 3rd Person animations you see them using, giving you more tactical movements when moving with your weapons equipped. Bear in mind, this quest appears automatically at the conclusion of Blind Betrayal. 1. If you decide to spare the robot, you will later find it in Quinlan's workshop. Your first step should be talking to proctor Ingram. He'll … ", which gives you a variety of 3 very hard speech checks. Ad Victoriam achievement; Fallout 4. Walk to the basement after winning the duel and then walk ahead through the tunnels, defeating enemies on your way. After dispatching all enemies in the church chamber, proceed to the crypt. The mission will start automatically after finishing the last conversation during the Tactical Thinking quest on the Prydwen ship. Im not keen on making enemies of the RR, so I guess Ill just not speak to Maxson yet. 4 years ago | 1 view. Go to the top of the gantry and plug the agitator into Liberty Prime. 3. Tactical Thinking Main Story, Brotherhood of Steel Quest. I tried setting the quest stage to 30 but that just made the … Garvy has a pretty good companion perk. I think the best ending involves a coalition of the B.O.S (re-purposed military) Minutemen (provisional government and law enforcement) and the Railroad (Intelligence Agency). However, completing Ad Victoriam while Defend the Castle is active will successfully complete Defend the Castle. Enter inside the building and you will immediately notice a battle between members of the Brotherhood and the Railroad. This means unless the quest is reset or skipped through console commands (, It is possible to skip this quest and still complete the Brotherhood quest line, leaving both factions intact and non-hostile without having to proceed with the Minutemen ending. The Tactical thinking quest will start automatically after completing the Blind Betrayal quest. The Prydwen. But when I went to speak to Maxson It triggered Tactical Thinking. You now have two options. You must get rid of all enemies, and most importantly of doctor Carrington. Carrington Killed - Destroy the Secret Door. Support VGS https://www.patreon.com/VideoGamesSourceFollow VGS https://twitter.com/xOMGITSJASONx Activate the detonator at the end of the tunnel and walk to safe distance. Walking away in mid-conversation by pressing the left control stick or movement keys will prevent the dialogue from completing, thus preventing the Railroad from becoming enemies. Tactical Thinking is a quest that can be obtained within the Commonwealth, Fallout 4. Bear in mind, this quest appears automatically at the conclusion of Blind Betrayal. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. 4.52. Sorry, we've got no plans for mobile versions of this game guide. Several more Railroad personnel attack in the tunnels before the player character can reach the end. Fallout 4 Walkthrough Part 27 TACTICAL THINKING (PC Gameplay 60FPS) Part 6 HD. After that, return to Ingram and press the button. I didn't want to kill the Railroad, so I killed Maxson and some other BOS soldiers and left the Prydwen. Have Tactical Thinking active (finishing Blind Betrayal by turning in the mission to Elder Maxon) 2. If Deacon is in a settlement, attacking him may make the other settlers hostile. 84. Fallout 4 Walkthrough Part 27 TACTICAL THINKING (PC Gameplay 60FPS) Part 6 HD. Even having this quest active in your log will shut off access to conversation or side quests with some Railroad personnel. Then I did Blind Betrayal. or "Why is the Railroad such a threat? I think this quest is anything BUT tactical thinking. 1 Location 2 Transcript 2.1 P.A.M. Decryption Menu 2.1.1 P.A.M. Decryption Start Given to the player by Lancer Captain Kells during Tactical Thinking. I need to break Fallout 4 to finish it. This answer is not useful. ". Blind Betrayal & Tactical Thinking - posted in Fallout 4 Spoilers: I started Mass Fusion for the Institute then informed BOS and completed Spoils of War. Liberty Prime will activate, leave the gantry and start walking towards the C.I.T. ruins, with the Brotherhood of Steel personnel saluting it as it walks away.The player character must now f… They're a small, but capable group that uses subterfuge and guerilla tactics to harass their enemies. Fallout 4 Walkthrough Part 27 TACTICAL THINKING (PC … When I did it, he first gave me another quest called Tactical Thinking to go to the Old North Church against the Railroad. Follow. No chance. After entering through the destroyed wall and into Railroad HQ, the player character is met with several Railroad threats. 2,819. My mission was a success, the Railroad has been completely destroyed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. If the player character is not ready to close off activities with the Railroad, avoid turning in that quest for now. Now you don't have to destroy the Railroad to progress the Brotherhood questline. Fallout 4 Walkthrough: Side Quests - Tactical Thinking Main Walkthrough. When the player character has reached the entrance to Railroad HQ, instead of needing to solve the dial puzzle from Road to Freedom, the Brotherhood of Steel has planted explosives which will blow a hole in the wall and grant the player easy access to the final segment of the mission. Keep going ahead and enter Railroad H.Q. At the start of the quest, the Sole Survivor is informed that Kells wishes to speak to them on the command deck of the Prydwen. Resistance from the Railroad is met immediately upon entering the Church. Copyright � 2000 - 2021 GRY-Online S.A. for gamepressure.com, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Watch fullscreen. The door will be blown up. This mod changes Tactical Thinking into allowing a peaceful resolution. Fallout 4 Achievements.