Make a donation. Hi AllI have suffered from Anxiety and Depression my whole life, it comes and goes and I have accepted it is just part of who I am. Everyday is a uphill battle with no end in sight, I just feel extremely anxious and depressed and I don’t know what to do. I’m 5w 4d and today I’m pretty anxious and feeling depressed. Please register to post and use the extra features available to members. It will fade sooner if you accept your choices, look on the bright side, avoid second-guessing, and avoid internet “research” about past choices for which there will be no clear answer. There is nothing more you can do. The Anxiety Forum is a free worldwide community for those struggling with anxiety, fear, or panic attacks. depression support: live depression chat rooms, forums, blogs and community This website is dedicated to depression and anxiety peer support. Food as Medicine to Address and Overcome Mood Disorders. I overthink everything, right now I’m freaking out - what if I can’t cope! Last active 2 days ago. You are currently: Home; Get support; Online forums; Online forums. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. The main forms of communication we offer are via our supportive Depression Chat Rooms , Depression Forums and our Depression … You either have to let it go or let it bother you. Patient Forums for Anxiety Disorders. You are currently viewing our community as a guest -- which gives you limited access to view most discussions and our other features. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment … By joining our free community you will have access to post topics, communicate privately with other members, respond to polls, upload content and access many other special features. Welcome to My Support Forums! I’m thinking about making a doctors appointment and changing or upping my meds. 9. The feeling is normal and will fade. Please help us improve the lives of people affected by anxiety, depression and suicide. I have been suffering with depression since I was a teenager & I'm in my 40s now, I also have Aspergers which I've had all my life but was well in to adulthood (middle age in fact) by the time I was diagnosed, I'm on Citalopram 40mg - I find it more of an aid to anxiety than depression, I was recently diagnosed with sleep apneoa which is a physical condition - it surprised me as I'd … Complete your profile. Part of the Mental health category. ... Bipolar forum. Over 100,000 members and growing daily! Symptom, treatment and advice from community members Before you can post or reply in these forums, please complete your profile. Recently my anxiety and depression have spiralled out of control. Welcome to a place where you will meet people living with depression and/or anxiety or caring for someone with depression and anxiety. Ask your questions, share your story, or just say hello. Click here to register.Everyone is welcome! Anxiety and depression 1, 2 by ThatKind » Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:50 am 10 Replies 1649 Views Last post by jaus tail Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:14 am; depression and listening to "sad" music or other genres by user03 » Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:48 am 5 Replies 1303 Views Last post by josaflenya Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:52 pm; This dreadful certainty This is a room to explore the relationship between your Depression, Religion, Politics and Spirituality. Welcome to the Anxiety Community Forum, a friendly space for discussion, help and support with mental health issues. This is a Secular Forum to explore the relationship between ONLY your Depression and Spirituality.Keep your posts focused on personal support only; The Forum is not meant to proselytize or to be anyone's pulpit! Join the open and frank discussions.