harry potter lord gryffindor fanfiction deutsch

This fifth best Harry Potter fanfiction story is often uncomfortable and unbearable to read, especially since the abuse is worse than what we see in the original story, but it's still masterfully done. Might have slash, crossovers etc. Language: English Words: 7,424 Chapters: 4/? Es ist bekannt dafür, viele dunkle Zauberer hervorgebracht zu haben - so auch Lord Voldemort. Those that were responsible for the death of Alvin York would pay dearly. An owl was summoned, and with the token secured to the parchment, secured in turn to the owl's leg, the bird flew off. Comments: 5 Kudos: 114 Bookmarks: 34 Hits: 1872 ; Still here (but in shapes that renew and renew forever) by Queen_Snake Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Teen And Up Audiences; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings; F/F, F/M, M/M; Work in Progress; 19 Nov 2020. Du weißt natürlich auch, dass die Schüler nach ihren Fähigkeiten und Tugenden zu einem der vier Häuser zugeteilt werden. Sie liest gerade das 5. Harry Potter is Lord Potter (183) Harry Potter is Lord Black (71) Albus Dumbledore Bashing (31) Manipulative Albus Dumbledore (31) Master of Death Harry Potter (30) Powerful Harry (28) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (24) Ron Weasley Bashing (18) Magically Powerful Harry Potter (17) Morally Grey Harry Potter (15) Other tags to include Exclude Meine Güte, warum schreiben hier von 10 Leuten 8 Leute Gryffindor falsch? Hauptsächlich über das Pairing HP/TR. Persönlichkeitstests-» Stars / Figuren-» Filme Charaktere-» Harry Potter-» Harry Potter Häuser-» Häusertest. Lord Gryffindor. Minerva McGonagall ist die Hauslehrerin Gryffindors. Und der Draco und seine Gang... Vampyras Topnutzer im Thema Harry Potter. Damit findet die Feier am 31.10.1992 statt, Harrys 12. English - Topics: 41 - Since: 12-30-09 - Niko5670 Mit brutaler Gewalt wurde Harry Potter in eine der Zellen Askabans geworfen. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (1), 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga) (1), Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mostly canon compliant until the forest in Deathly Hallows, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I Wrote This While Listening To Disney Music, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Arcturus Black III | Sirius Black's Grandfather, Harry Potter & Tom Riddle Attend Hogwarts Together, Hadriana Potter and Mother Magic: Betrayals, hecate just wants her magical babies to be happy, dursleys get sent to prison for being awful people, There shall be smutty smut in later chapters, Original Malfoy Characters (Harry Potter), a harry tambien le gustan las cosas de niñas, o tan bueno como un señor oscuro pueda ser, Minor James Potter/Lily Evans - Relationship, Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin - Relationship, Relationships and Characters will be added as updated, But like not the worst i've seen in a story, Harry and Arcturus Black III are good friends, I think I might need to edit these tags when the story is finished, Because Melania Acacia and Narcissa are awesome, and they won't let the boys get away with anything, Harry Potter is a Member of the House of Black, Hedwig is maybe probably definitely not entirely an owl, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Potter, It's All Just Temporary with a Bit of Necromancy, Order of the Phoenix Bashing (Harry Potter), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Arcturus Black III/Melania Macmillan Black, Orion Black & Abraxas Malfoy & Harry Potter & Tom Riddle, The Three Peverell Brothers (Harry Potter), Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships, Minor Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Amara and Dean are destined to be together. Das Pairing wäre am besten mit Harry Potter x Tom Riddle (HP/TR), aber auch Harry Potter x Luna. Harry Apparates at nine years old and attracts the attention of a Death Eater who takes him into a whole, new, dangerous world—one where the Lord Voldemort rules and his parents fought on the wrong side of the war, but also one where he is valued and taught to use his magic. All that there was to know about him was that his brother destroyed the Dark Lord … von Heiko2003. Da er selbst viel Mut hatte, nahm er besonders mutige Schüler in das nach ihm benannte Haus Gryffindor auf. Suche nach Fanfiction Deutsch und Englisch? Were his circumstances mold him into a wild piece in the game of chess, and neither side has all the cards. Harry’s eyes bulged, “Wow that’s tough,” he commented. Linfred was a vague and absent-minded fellow whose Muggle neighbours often called upon his medicinal services. Wandless- Locked. Ein paar Minuten später schob eine kleine, stämmige Frau eine Imbisswagen durch den Gang. The past years have shown nothing but a corruption and decay in the quality of governing by the Ministry and Wizengamot. Lord Anubis. Die Film- und Literaturreihe gilt weltweit als eine der. Hogwarts war das erste und beste Heim, das er gekannt hatte. In his honour Gryffindor's birthplace became known as Godric's Hollow. By: princeofuntouchables. Harry Potter is Lord Peverell (34) Albus Dumbledore Bashing (13) Harry Potter is Lord Potter (13) Master of Death Harry Potter (12) Time Travel (8) Harry Potter is Lord Black (6) Dark Harry Potter (5) Magically Powerful Harry Potter (5) Necromancy (4) Dark Harry (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Lord Anubis. Fanfiction Recent stories Harry Potter. After killing Voldemort, Harry Potter takes the mantle of his lordships, traveled around the world and invest in several businesses all over the world both legal and illegal ones. Kurzbeschreibung Geschichte Abenteuer, Angst / P16 19.02.2013 20.05.2013 3. 8 talking about this. Ausserden mag ich lieber Deutsche ff's. Vieles in JK Rowlings magischer Welt ist inzwischen durch die Verfilmungen, wi, A reader-insert fanfiction of (Y/N) Potter, the adopted sister of James Potter who was deemed mentally incapable to raise Harry Potter and delusional enough to love and believe Sirius Black. Oktober 1492. Bitte haltet euch dabei an folgendes Raster: Titel: Autor: Länge: Hauptpairing: Altersempfehlung: Kurzebeschreibung der Handlung: Grund der Empfehlung: Eine weitere Bitte habe ich außerdem: Ich fände es sehr gut, wenn in diesem Thread ausschließlich Geschichten. Allerdings zeichnete ihn der Todesfluch Avada Kedavra, als dieser von ihm abprallte. H/G R/Hr; H/G/Hr; H/Hr Lord Gryffindor. The amused expression in her eyes belied the overly formal title she used. (alle Fanfictions von Harry James Potter anzeigen) Genres: Abenteuer, Romanze. Harry stared at Dumbledore for a long moment, mockingly awaiting an explanation that never came, before looking around the office for a moment, his eyes stopping at an ancient hat. The earliest known members of the family were Mr and Mrs Evans, who had two daughters, Petunia and Lily Evans. The list will divide the FANFICS depending on the years that they take place in the Harry Potter timeline (First year, second year, third year, fourth year, fifth year, sixth year, seventh year or future) Hope you find something new here ������ All of these FANFICS are finished btw, Master of Death Harry Potter; Animagus Harry Potter; Dark Lord Harry Potter; Fred Lives; Dobby Lives; Female Harry Potter; Summary. Draco Lucius. --- In which Harry learns about the force from a young age. In unserem Harry Potter Haus Test kannst du es jetzt herausfinden Alicia Spinnet (* 1977/1978) war eine britische Hexe und Gryffindor-Schülerin an der Hogwarts-Schule für Hexerei und Zauberei von 1989 - 1996. The Cursed Child Quiz: The Little Details. Lord Potter - Der Aufstieg. Zum Beispiel, welchen Beruf du nach deiner Schulzeit in Hogwarts annehmen. W o die Harry-Potter-Filme enden, beginnt in der Fanfiction die Verfilmung der Geschichte Voldemorts: Begeisterte Leser der Romane von Joanne K. Rowling haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die. AN: Here's chapter two! It's where your interests connect you with your people Hallo Liebe Community, ich siche eine Harry Potter fanfic wo Dumbledore der Böse ist und Tom Riddle bzw. Rang: Zeitungskorrespondent. Harry Potter, the boy who lives in the cupboard under the stairs, were he learns that advantages are his virtues and vices are a matter of opinion. Ich suche eine Harry Potter Fanfiction, in der Harry und Draco die ganzen Sommerferien zusammen bei Snape wohnen. Some of the magic Dark wizards have been known to practise includes the use of the three Unforgivable Curses and other dark charms, creating or brewing dark or poisonous potions, utilising and creating dark or cursed objects, animating Inferi,, attracting all kinds of Dark and dangerous creatures to make huge armies and command them to attack their enemies, along with the breeding of them, such as Basilisks. By clicking 'proceed' you consent to sharing your name, email address, membership status, Hogwarts house and wand between Wizarding World Digital LLC and the Harry Potter Shop for the purpose of providing services to you, personalising your experience, to send you customised offers, and for other purposes outlined under our privacy policy.. 2 Newly Discovered Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories. Tags. Lord Voldemort. Harry Potter und der HalbblutprinzAlles ist möglich, wenn du nur genug Mut dazu hast.54 Zitate aus Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des TodesAber er war zu Hause. Gryffindor hailed from a moor which is now known as Godric's Hollow, a small West Country village in England. Juli 1980 in Godric's Hollow) ist ein halbblütiger Zauberer, das einzige Kind von James und Lily Potter (geb. Beitrag #10152, verfasst am 20.05.2020 | 10:34 Uhr. Harry smiled. Wirke mächtige Magie und erlebe epische Abenteuer mit Harry, Ron und Hermione, während sie die Geheimnisse von Hogwarts erkunden und eine Welt voller spannender Herausforderungen entdecken. Inhalt ist versteckt. FanFiction. Minimizing new powers, just. hide bio. Harry Potter's Last Stand against Lord Voldemort, His last battle against him, as he puts everything he has in his power to defeat lord Voldemort, but Voldem.. Ilvermorny USA. Im Internet gibt es dazu so viel Material, daß es sich kaum lohnt, eigene Ideen. "And choose to be forevermore Lord Potter." Das Vermögen der Gryffindors befindet sich in Gringotts Verlies 001 Gryffindor: 10 Hufflepuff: 17 Ravenclaw: 40 Slytherin: 37. The Order's desires for Harry to find the power spoken of in the prophecy creates chaos in the mind of the black-haired young man. While Harry settled down to bed, in Wiltshire an ancient scroll in a hidden chamber flashed for a moment, generating a separate piece of parchment and a token. Grisha McLaggen war eine Hogwartsschülerin des Hauses Gryffindor und wurde zeitgleich mit Tom Riddle eingeschult. Rated: Fiction T - German - Adventure/Romance - Harry P. I, Lord Harry James Potter Black, Head of the Potter and Black Families. kleineskind3 Harry Potter: Wizards Unite invites you to duel iconic villains in new mobile game update . e und Co kennenlernen. Harry and Ginny arrived in the lobby of St. Mungo's Hospital shortly after leaving the Ministry. Ich suche Fanfiktions mit dem Pairing Severus Snape / Lord hi an alle ich bin auf der suche nach threesomes mit den pairings Harry Potter / Salazar Slytherin / Godric Gryffindor Harry Potter / Severus Snape / Tom Riddle der stand bei den büchern ist mir so wie das raiting egal hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen mfg fio. Harry Potter + Game of Thrones Crossover. Teste dich - gratis und kostenlo Dark Lord Harry Potter; Fanfiction; Cross-Posted on Wattpad; Greek myth - Freeform; Draconic/dragon-like Dovakhiin | Dragonborn; dragon - Freeform; Summary . Kapitel 1 - Der Verrat. mehr zeigen weniger zeigen ⓘ ★ Best Price-Garantie ★ ⓘ 159,00 € 129,00 € inkl. It's very Slytherin, He muttered looking at the green, black, and silver that covered the room. None of them realised that Linfred’s wonderful cures for pox and ague were magical; they all thought him a harmless and lovable old chap, pottering about in his garden with all his funny plants. Sein Wappentier ist der Löwe und seine Farben sind Scharlachrot und Gold. Harry James Potter wird als Sohn von Lily Potter und James Potter geboren: Zu Beginn von Harrys zweitem Schuljahr, als Harry zwölf Jahre alt ist, feiert der Fast Kopflose Nick seinen 500. Post OdP! Schon klar. Lord Potter-Black-Perevall-Gryffindor-Slytherin Liu FeiLong A Businessman on the surface but Chinese mafia leader-The head of a drug syndicate, Baishe. Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter (2) Harry Potter & Severus Snape (2) Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini (2) Harry Potter & Tom Riddle (2) Include Additional Tags Friendship (3) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3) Death Eaters (2) Moral Ambiguity (2) Child Abuse (2) Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2) BAMF Harry (2) Humor (1) Bei der Auswahl der Slytherins, werden die Werte des Hausgründers Salazar Slytherin hochgehalten: List, Ehrgeiz und Stolz auf die eigene magische Abstammung. So, like any good Slytherin, he finds a loophole. Harri Potter, the Girl-who-lived, had barely survived the past ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry: Aber ich bin der. Reviews zu James Potter und das Erbe Gryffindors - eine James und Lily Geschichte - Hogwarts Stories - Seite 47 - HarryundGinny - Harry Potter - FFs Harry Potter Bücher Fanfiction. Und wieder einmal zeigt sich: Wir werden alt! ... Lord Harry James Potter-Black, but call him Harry. (Nach der Originalvorlage von J. K. Rowling. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 24,323 - Reviews: 103 - Favs: 348 - Follows: 565 - Updated: 3/10/2019 - Published: 7/5/2011. Du möchtest unbedingt wissen in welches Haus du kommen würdest? Godric Gryffindor (fl. When Harry Potter meets Dray Black, all of Albus Dumbledore's theories vanish like dust. “I thought you said the first?” Harry said startled. harrypotter hogwarts dracomalfoy ronweasley siriusblack hermionegranger remuslupin slytherin gryffindor draco fredweasley potter marauders malfoy jamespotter fanfiction ... Ember Rowle and Harry Potter were enemies and polar opposites. 27 Stranded » by Starfox5 Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Trending pages. Anzeigen Anzeigeoptionen Review schreiben Regelverstoß melden Schriftgröße Schriftart Ausrichtung Zeilenabstand Zeilenbreite Kontrast kleiner größer Standard Source Sans (Standard) Times Arial Verdana Linksbündig Blocksatz kleiner größer Standard 20% 25% 33% 50% 66% 75% 80% 100. Bisher besteht diese Seite aus 3.998 Artikeln. Harry gasped. Harry Potter und die Lordschaft von Scyde. "My apologies, Lord Gryffindor. Auc FanFiktion schreiben; RPG erstellen; Einloggen; Registrieren; Forum; Einloggen Registrieren. Harry hat nur überlebt, weil sich seine Mutter für ihn opferte. Harry unknowingly sets a series of events in motion during his trial in the OOTP. Remus und Tonks schauten irritiert und Snape starrte noch immer mit verzerrtem Gesicht auf die Quittung. Harry sah die anderen fragend an. While I was reading it, I was worried for both Harry and Dudley. Es wäre echt schön wenn ihr mir helfen könntet Follow/Fav Harry Potter und der Erbe Gryffindors retrospektiv. Kapitel: Die Rache des Kobolds (im Original: The Goblin's Revenge) Früh am nächsten Morgen vergräbt Harry unter einem alten, knorrigen Baum Mad-Eye Moodys magisches Auge, das er im Zaubereiministerium aus Umbridges Bürotür herausgerissen hat. AU, Timetravel, HHr, mild Ron bashing. "What can I do you for you sir?" Potter-Fans drehen derzeit einen Film über Lord Voldemort, den mächtigen Gegenspieler aus der Harry-Potter-Reihe. Diese Liste enthält eine weite Auswahl der Darsteller aus den Harry-Potter-Filmen mit ihren Synchronsprechern in der deutschsprachigen Fassung. Magical features. Forum. ... "My name is Harold Gryffindor lord Stark. O.o . The Hogwarts Story (Harry Potter/ Hogwarts/ Draco Malfoy/FF) German/ Deutsch 228K Reads 8.9K Votes 44 Part Story By EveYasm1n Ongoing - Updated Nov 22, 201. Evans), der Patensohn von Sirius Black und einer der berühmtesten Zauberer der Neuzeit. Sie können natürlich vor dem Büro warten. Während ihrer Hogwarts-Jahre freundete sie sich mit Hermine Granger, Cho Chang, Katie Bell und Angelina Johnson an. Persönlichkeitstests-» Harry Potter In dieser Kategorie dreht sich alles um deine Persönlichkeit in der Harry Potter Welt. Gryffindor's Girl by. Harry fished a key out of his pocket. Claim the Head of the Gryffindor Family and by doing so. This category contains people who were sorted into Gryffindor House at Hogwarts, which was founded by Godric Gryffindor. "Mr. Potter, I'm going to put this as lightly as possible, the Potter fortune on its own is massive, but if you add the Gryffindor, Deinior, and if I'm not mistaken the Black fortune has just been willed to you, then you are easily the richest wizard in Britain," Lord Ranok stated. “Did I?” Faldrean replied, “I’m sorry Milord, the meeting is August Thirty-First at six in the evening." Todestag. Community. “It is,” Faldrean smirked, “As Lord Gryffindor you are required to be at the meeting on the thirty first. Die Ilvermorny-Schule für Hexerei und Zauberei ist die bedeutendste amerikanische Zauberschule. Harry accepted the item and looked down. ich suche jedenfalls Geschichten, in denen Draco und Harry den Sommer über bei Severus Snape sind. Deinior HPMOR.com is an authorized, ad-free mirror of Eliezer Yudkowsky's epic Harry Potter fanfic, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (originally under the pen name Less Wrong).The story is complete now, so the rss feed for the story mirror won't be updating any more, although any further Author's Notes will continue to show up in that rss feed The Harry Potter Common Room (defunct, Wayback) Harry Potter FanFic Archive (no slash) Harryoteca (Portuguese) HarryPotterFanfiction.com; HPFanfiction.org (French) Harry Potter Fanfiction Archiv (German) HP Fandom; The Ink and Quill (defunct) Lumos (part of Sycophant Hex) Marauders' Map FanFiction; MuggleNet Fanfiction; Obscurus (defunct, Wayback.