kuroko no basket kuroko

Kuroko’s Basketball, Vol. Kagami blocks and scores with an incredible success rate. At the start of the game, Kagami breaks the goal after a steal from Kuroko and Kuroko asks Coach Takeuchi to use the full court. Midorima tells Kuroko that they will play again at the Winter Cup and then leaves. This guy's strength is completely different from the rest of us. The game resumes and Kuroko is marked by Takao again. Kagami tells Kuroko the reason he thinks he lost against Midorima, being that he can only shoot dunks. As Kagami shot the decisive dunk, allowing Seirin to win the match, Kuroko helped him stand back up. Rakuzan gets the ball and Nebuya attempts to score the basket when he is stopped by Kagami. Akashi arrives shortly after and greets them all. During this time Akashi was very supportive of Kuroko and helped him overcome his nervousness and doubts. The audience cheers as Seirin is somehow able to hold on. When Kagami confesses his fear for dogs, Kuroko chases him with Tetsuya #2 on purpose. [185] It was revealed that Kuroko had awakened his own Emperor Eye which can only predict the movements of his teammates. While Kuroko was on the bench defeated, Kagami became the one who had to help Kuroko and unleashed his nearly full potential. The series chronicles Seirin's rise to become Japan's number one high school team. During the tie out, both Hyūga and Kuroko make fun of Kagami's statement, along with everyone else in Seirin. At one point during the match, Kuroko used his Vanishing Drive against Aomine it first worked but Aomine was able to stop it after seeing it a few times. Kagetora introduces Momoi and Riko as the team's manager and assistant manager but also the team's substitutes which are Hyūga, Takao and Wakamatsu. While leaving Kagami notices a large player walking by. Kuroko is the youngest member of the Generation of Miracles, according to the Japanese schooling system. [192] The game continues but the difference in points is getting wider once again, 96 - 101. Kiyoshi then passes to Kagami mid-jump, but as Kagami tries to dunk, Murasakibara jumps and blocks Kagami's ball by putting a hand on it. Kise is challenged by Kagami and when Kise shows his copy of Kagami's earlier move, Kuroko explains his ability further. [213], Seirin cheer as they are announced as this year's champions of the Winter Cup. The other Seirin players amaze themselves over Kuroko's ability and Riko is able to analyze it. Since Kuroko has come back to the game, Seirin has managed to score up 8 points. [24] It was released in Japanese theaters on March 18, 2017. However, he still believed in Kuroko. As the ball goes out of bounds, Kuroko enters the game again. He continues on to say that a miracle won't happen. Kuroko is surprised, but Riko tells him that she will give him 3 minutes of the 1st Quarter, telling him that it's for the sake of victory.[156]. Yōsen enters as well, and Seirin notes that their prescence is almost overwhelming, what with their amazingly tall players. He now plays as a regular with Seirin with the goal of bringing the team and Taiga Kagami to the top of Japan. He shoots and makes the shot, but the referee says that it doesn't count. [49] However, the drive was incomplete resulting in Kuroko leaving the ball behind. Seirin wins against Yōsen with a score of 73-72. (436) Free! Riko tells them that their playing style is the opposite of Seirin's which is much slower. Surprised Kagami asks Himuro how he knew of Kuroko, when Himuro told him that an interesting player on his team told him about Kuroko. While everyone was still inside, Kuroko went out and met Kise. Kuroko meets up with his former teammates and while Aomine makes fun of him at having a chaperone, Kuroko greets them. Immediately following this, Hyūga makes a three-pointer, raising Seirin's score to 37. Kise tells Kagami and Kuroko he'll stop using Perfect Copy as it is too tiering copying the abilities of the Generation of Miracles, but tells them that he has completed his mission, now that Kaijō has the initiative. Kuroko admitted that he has a hard time getting along with Midorima, a sentiment Midorima shared partly because of their supposedly incompatible blood types. [46] As of 2013, the manga had over 23 million copies in circulation,[47] a number that grew to 27 million by April 2014. Kuroko has a fragile outlook and a very small build for a basketball player which is why he is usually seen passing. Hayama attempts to score the basket but is stopped by Kagami, however, Mibuchi manages to save the ball and scores for Rakuzan. Coincidentally, Kuroko is sitting at the same table. Kuroko replies that he's different from Kagami and mysteriously says that he's a shadow. The sound signalising the end of the match has ringed, as Midorima and Kagami let go of the ball, they see that the score is tied, resulting in the match being a tie. $12.99 $ 12. [197] Ogiwara turns to Mochida who also came to spectate with him and tells him to cheer on for Seirin as well. Página dedicada a todas as pessoas que amam o Anime/Mangá de Kuroko no Basket <3 Kuroko occasionally plays with Kise's attitude by ignoring him but he acknowledges their friendship. Aomine still passes Kagami and Kiyoshi and when he's about to be blocked by Kagami, he falls and throws the ball to the ring in the fall. Meanwhile at Tōō's side, Momoi figures out the system of the Vanishing Drive and tells the team to keep Kagami and Kuroko apart. After the interval ends, Izuki is substituted back in and the game continues. Feb 23, 2021 - Explore Emma Warr's board "Kuroko No Basket" on Pinterest. The Seirin basketball team is training in the gym when Riko informs them of Team Jabberwock, a USA streetball basketball team which was invited to Japan to play against a Japanese university team. He simply behaves as if another player will get the ball and not him. He explains to Kuroko that he can smell his opponent's scent to discern how strong they are. Aomine admits his defeat and Kuroko asks for a fist bump, something Aomine reluctantly accepts. Since their first match together, Kise has admired Kuroko to the point of obsession. [194] Kuroko and Seirin notice that Kagami has finally run out of the Zone. Kise asks Seirin to agitate the coach for him to let him play, also agitating them that if they can't let him in the game, they certainly won't beat "The Generation of Miracles". It was shown that Aomine expressed indifference when Midorima pointed out Kuroko would face him during the Inter-high championships. In the Character Bible both Kuroko and Kagami have cited each other as the teammate they get along with the best. The game has reached a fever pitch and some of the players are about to break. He also sometimes wears black sweatbands. He then saw a worried Kuroko and says to Kuroko that he has expectations from him and that he's interesting. Kuroko and Kagami bump fists as it's finally time for their counterattack. This is a page dedicating our love and support for Kuroko no Basket! It was adapted into an anime television series by Production I.G, which aired for three seasons from April 2012 to June 2015. He tells Kuroko that he played basketball in America and that Japan is much weaker than America. Seeing him Kuroko pulled his wristband and told him that the Tōō Academy players were among the audience, surely to tell Aomine the results of the match. Kagami then tells him that that is what it means trembling with excitement. Aomine now dominates the match and after Kagami declares he will take on Aomine, Kuroko's Misdirection Overflow starts to run out. Everyone now believes that Kaijō has already won but Himuro still notices that Seirin has not given up. Kuroko has a deadpan and straight forward personality. If he is left in play too long, opponents grow used to his misdirection tactics; as such, he must be placed on the bench at varying points in any match to prevent this. 5: Includes vols. As the tip-off commences, Izuki gets the ball and passes it to Hyūga who then passes it to Kuroko who uses his Vanishing Drive to pass Yamazaki. He countered it and stole the ball by closing his eyes, making Kagami's misdirection ineffective. They also comment on how Kuroko has become a great player. He dribbles past Izuki who tries to block him but fails. Kagami comes and asks him if he is excited. 5 featuring Kagami Taiga. Kuroko kept training hard on the club and even stayed late after practices. [110], Murasakibara tries to block Kuroko's Phantom Shot. Kiyoshi hits his limit and collapses on the court. Kasamatsu uses his chance to steal the ball from Furihata, which Kuroko steals back. Such was when Aomine said very harsh things to her, a tearful Momoi ran to Kuroko and told him what happened, to which he managed to cheer her up stating Aomine was just angry and didn't really mean it and told her everything would be alright, to which she was grateful. Kuroko was depicted as ancient literature teacher with glasses. Akashi passes Kagami easily using his Emperor Eye, however, he notices that Kuroko is moving faster than himself. On the day of the Semi-finals, both Kagami and Kuroko's shoes are broken and they have to get new ones before their match. As a consequence, Aomine towered high above anyone else and couldn't find a decent rival. 5: Includes vols. He became too good for his own good and started slacking off. Kagami denies saying they will lose the momentum if he would be taken off. The manga has been licensed for English-language release by Viz Media in North America. Out of frustration of having a turnover happen from him, Akashi catches up to Kagami quickly thinking he cannot possibly lose as he is absolute. Similar to Kuroko's misdirection, Kagami draws the attention of the opponent to him, just for a second, and that makes it possible for Kuroko to pass his opponent successfully.The only one so far to have beaten the Vanishing Drive, is Aomine. However, Kise uses Murasakibara's block to stop the shot, stealing the ball. [39] Kensho Ono reprised his role as Kuroko from the anime series. Aomine and Kuroko met when Aomine heard a certain rumour from Momoi saying that there is a ghost in the 3rd string gym. Kuroko notes that akashi is only using Mayuzumi as a tool to let passes through, this being Mayuzumi only current use.[177]. After the break and onto the second quarter, Silver begins to show his true skills, overwhelming both Aomine and Murasakibara. As Kagami goes to fetch it, he's confronted by Kise, who taunts him from the sidelines and says that the Kagami he went up against in that practice match was scarier than this Kagami. During Rakuzan's counterattack, Akashi has the ball and uses his Ankle Break to make Kagami fall and score a basket for his team. Eventually, half time is reached with Tōō's two point lead. [229] After their harsh training in Summer, according to Aida Riko all second years now are capable to receive it however it's painful for them as Hyuga said. [228] So far, the only person capable of doing that is Imayoshi. Kuroko is suddenly surprised when he notices that Rakuzan's number 5 disappears and use Misdirection. Kuroko steals the ball resulting in Seirin's counterattack. Kuroko first meets Kiyoshi while training in the gym. Now the score is tied. Mayuzumi makes the shot, scoring for Rakuzan. Just when he is about the speak, the club is busted by a teacher and Kuroko can't fulfil the assignment. [178] Kuroko catches the ball and uses his Cyclone Pass to pass the ball to Koganei who passes to Izuki, who then passes to Kagami who dunks. He then tells Kagami that he may be able to beat the Generation of Miracles in an areal battle, but he may not beat them on the ground. He concludes that he wants to see Aomine play basketball with a smile again. After the match Riko has prepared some ice. Back to the game, Imayoshi gives a high pass to Susa. At first, Momoi didn't think much of him, due to his size and lack of presence off the court. Kuroko then suggests making a detour in order for him to show her something. : Tokushū! Seirin move to defence and Imayoshi notices that everyone is getting fired up except for Izuki who remains calm. Ryosuke Nakanishi, R・O・N, and Alpha Eastman (21-25) were in charge of the first season[33] while Yoshihiro Ike was in charge of the second season.[34]. [222], Team Jabberwock realise that they are their opponents for the mach and start to mock them on how weak they are. Hanamiya goes on to score the basket using his Floater shot. [219] After the introductions, the team begins their training. After the end of the training camp, the Seirin squad goes to watch To'o play Kaijo in the quarterfinal of the Inter High, pitting Kise against Aomine. He explains why basketball has different positions and says that the sixth player is a specialist. Kuroko asks him if he is alright but Hyūga tells him not to worry as there is something else he should focus on. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball (20960) Haikyuu!! After the end of the training camp, the Seirin squad goes to watch To'o play Kaijo in the quarterfinal of the Inter High, pitting Kise against Aomine. He then tells himself that he will vent all those feeling on Akashi. Kiyoshi stopping most of the injuries falling on the Seirin players. They arrive at a small basketball court and Kagami asks what Kuroko is hiding. It has blue trimming on the sleeves and vertically in the middle. In the final season of Kuroko no Basket, Kuroko goes head-to-head with his old teammates once more as he attempts to show them that individual skill is not the only way to play basketball. [38] Meanwhile, Takao was questioning why Midorima helped their opponents so much, saying that this way they will get stronger. This is because Kuroko is difficult to place in one of the five set basketball positions, his role in the team applies to none of those, but mostly as a pass-first point guard based on size and passing abilities. He also denied Kuroko's fist bump, the signature move that marked their friendship.[14]. Regardless, he cares for her very much and is very kind to her, defends her, and at times grows angry on her behalf. When Kuroko arrives at the gym with the rest, he is greeted by crying Momoi who jumps on him, hugging him. The group then heads off to watch the match of the Inter-High. He says that he will make Kagami the strongest of Japan, to be his supporting shadow. Akashi agrees but only if Kuroko was not there, and tells them that his expectations might not be turned over. He tells Kise that this is Seirin's drama and that they are deciding the plot. He has no presence and is quite unnoticeable, a trait that goes well with his misdirection. ", Kuroko diverts the attention away from him, to another player and to the ball, Kuroko must make eye-contact in order to use Misdirection. In his second year, he became the personal instructor of Kise, who still was a rookie. When the situation worsens, he seems to turn talkative.[4]. في المدرسة الإعدادية لعب كوروكو مع فريق كرة السلة التابع لمدرسة “تيكو” وفازوا في البطولة ثلاث سنوات متتالية، فأُطلِق عليهم جيل المعجزة. [158] However, the Vanishing Drive didn't work and Kuroko didn't get rid of his mark. [69] Seirin finally scored their first point since Kuroko left the court. [103] Both Murasakibara and Izuki are surprised by this, both of them thinking that Kuroko is incapable of shooting. Kagami asks what he is doing and Kuroko replies that he has simply been watching people. They talk about Midorima, who is also a member of the "Generation of Miracles", with Kise saying that he went to see the practice match. The Winter Cup preliminaries started and Seirin was to go up against Josei High in order to qualify for the final league. Just like Kagami, who went to ask the same thing some moments later, Kuroko gets an application form and an invite for the rooftop test. [3] When Kuroko gets angry, it gets very hard to beat him, as he is filled up with fighting spirit. Outside the court, despite his unnoticeable personality, Kuroko is very gentlemanly when dealing with women. Kuroko notices that something is wrong, but still keeps on playing. Aomine and Kise continue to battle when finally the ring bells, ending the match with the score of 98 - 110 for Tōō Academy. Midorima remarks that after his loss he reverted back to his state before the consecutive championships. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. While Kagami is hogging all the points, Kuroko is again proven to be weak and gets the ball stolen multiple times. On the sidelines, Midorima tells Takao that Kuroko was simply making Mayuzumi stand out more than himself. Aomine was Kuroko's best friend and "light" back at Teikō Junior High School. [62] Since the Winter Cup final league is trying to keep the games short, there is no overtime. Bandai Kuroko no Basket Suwarase Team 2 Mascot Sitting Figure with Base ~2" - Kise Ryouta. Kuroko's early concept from Kuroko no Basuke one-shot, Kuroko's earliest concept as seen in Characters Bible, Characters Bible, "What IF Kuroko was a kindergarten teacher!? Now that he is cooperating with his teammates, it would be much harder for Seirin to stop him. [109], With this, the second quarter ends. It was then that Kuroko tried to motivate Aomine in still trying his best, as it isn't fun at all when the opponent is holding back. The two arrive at the basketball court, when Kuroko tell her that he will show her his new move. Kuroko plays further with Tetsuya #2, only annoying Kagami. [118] Himuro still has the ball, and Fukui tells him to pass it; instead, while Kagami is distracted by Fukui, Himuro ducks past him and shoots, faking a Mirage Shot, which Kagami has figured out the trick to, and doing a simple shot instead. In 5th grade, Kuroko saw a basketball match on tv, got interested in it and started playing basketball on a nearby court, since there weren't any teams he could join. But it's actually a pass intended for Kagami, who's jumped up behind Murasakibara. Kuroko almost steals the ball, and Himuro is only saved by Murasakibara's warning. Seirin gets the ball after that, and Kuroko performs a cyclone pass, the ball going around Okamura to Izuki, but as Izuki turns, he is blocked by Murasakibara. Meanwhile, Kagetora excuses himself to go pay for Team Jabberwock's expenses. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. But Kagami is bothered when he learns about the game, because on that day, the Seirin High team was planning a birthday party for Kuroko! [76] It is known later that it is for Kuroko to develop his shooting for when he has the space after he passes his opponent with his Vanishing Drive. A move that Kuroko and Kagami often execute. Later on when Hanamiya uses his Spider's Web to prevent Seirin from scoring, Kuroko is subbed back in with an idea of how to break free of the Spider's Web. [251] Midorima has so far shown good understanding of the theories behind Kuroko's skill, the opposite of Aomine whose understanding of Kuroko is by instinct and their former partnership. Kagami leaves by saying that it'll really happen. Both teams keep scoring the basket, leading to the score of 25 - 17, with Kaijō still in the lead. [14] They began releasing the series in 2-in-1 editions in 2016. Kise then tells Kuroko that in middle school it was natural for them to win, but now that he doesn't know, it is better. He specialises in misdirection and passes. Kagami then follows suit and enters "Zone" as well and during the last seconds, as he and Aomine are stuck in a stalemate until Kagami finally gains the upper hand and eventually win against Aomine. He's pulled back up by Murasakibara, who taunts him about having fun playing basketball; then, Kiyoshi is hurriedly switched out with Kuroko, who vows to beat Murasakibara for Kiyoshi. [63] Kise takes the collapsed Momoi and leaves as well. As the championship matches are coming to an end, the contest between Aomine and Kise remains tight and the result is still uncertain. Kuroko no Basket 3.évad részek 21-25 + OVA 3. Seirin High team fought Ryota Kise's team first in a practice match. C'est un spécialiste des passes maîtrisant la technique du misdirection. [31] He spells out his name in separate kanji's, but Kuroko reacts bluntly and uninterested. [80] Facing Aomine, Kuroko doesn't even activate his Misdirection on him, showing confidence in the strength of his new pass. $2.99 shipping. Seirin's first opponent in the Final league was Senshinkan High. Everyone was surprised when Mayuzumi came back to the court, due to losing his Misdirection. But Aomine suddenly turns around and cuts Kuroko off, defeating his last resort move. They have first showed this in the match against Shinkyō Academy[243] and did it again in the game against Seihō High. "[249]Kise is also the first member of the Generation of Miracles who starts changing thanks to Kuroko. He then tells Kuroko that he is no longer the Phantom Sixth man but a merely an average player with no value whatsoever. Passing the ball to Mibuchi who then scores the basket. When the two were first brought together, Aomine still showed the same attitude he had at the end of his Junior High school days. Kuroko agrees and tells him that he is the same.