I have maxed out the other two, but I'm not sure how useful that one is for them, and I'm kinda low on RCV Bind tomes. If that wasn't enough, she has CDR in her Captain ability and her special and also boosts orbs for a bunch of classes by x2 and provides a mediocre form of orb control. Kiado only boosts roughly 2/8 of characters , whereas bullet boosts 3/5 characters. Todos os arcos de One Piece. She got left behind in the dirt pretty hard. RR-only KC Limited RR-only Hide KC lim. OPTC Reroll Guide. Not only does it have utility in the form of paralysis and burn reduction, but it also provides a half-universal Color Affinity and Orb boost. Thanks for the well thought out post! His main selling point is the delay option that goes through delay immunity, or otherwise a solid 3 turn delay. I do believe that v3 Aokiji is a much better captain than those guys, but I don't think he's quite as good as the strongest legends in the game right now. Other units are just more straightforward and don't require as much focus. Even if it did work properly, you'd usually be better off bringing another unit that provides a second boost. They haven't been used that much at least for now since coming out. This tier list is not absolute and is only the opinions of the creators of this list. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. However, Boa is not in the worst spot in the world since she's still a x2 Color Affinity booster with a delay and a 12 hit damage special. I'll take a look at all the comments I'll get to see how people feel and then probably make a few changes here and there. ... Join the OPTC community! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He has a rainbow 4.75 boost. Chose from hundreds of custom templates or create your own I recently pulled Sabo/Koala and after reading your comment I can say, now I appreciate them a lot more. His Zenkai alone has completely revamped the tier list, and shifted the entire meta. It's not fair to some of the units that provide actual useful boosts to be placed behind units that do nothing but increase stat effectiveness by 1%. Anyway, maybe that helped clarify my thought process a little bit :D. But doesn’t Bullet and Kaido get rekt under NAO it’s only that Bullet can do better under that Debuff but when you have that debuff your not gonna be using Bullet anyway because their will be a more optimal captain. Escape Enies Lobby 2! Read more . Luffy/Law are tied for the highest (I think?) Nevertheless, if you do use them, their special has a superstrong x2 ATK and Orb boost as well as utility. By now there are so many legends in the game, that it can be difficult for a new player to accurately gauge the potential. Imo one of the most fun units to use, but unfortunately he's relatively niche. Legends ranked within the same tier are comparably good. Nekomamushi used to outshine him, now he's definitely the more useful of the two. Resets Action cd, cuts enemies hp by 25%, for 3 turns crew's atk is boosted by a futher 1.35x, all units atks pass through barriers and chopper transforms into "Arm point". If we're really trying to make him not sound awful, then the 20 hits of small damage can be a niche way of dealing with x-amount-of-hit-barriers. They're the best Driven unit in the game and a x4.25 ATK boost when combined is certainly strong enough to deal with most boss stages. One could argue that Zepyhr doesn't belong in B-tier, but considering he's one of my most used units ever, I would disagree. She could still probably clear most content, but essentially playing her will always feel annoying, so I doubt she'll be a popular captain anytime soon. I can see people who have the choice choosing an easier more straightforward legend like Snakeman, but I dont think snakeman is stronger. Kaido is fast. But on the bright side, if you actually end up delaying enemies, his special provides a conditional boost as well as matching orbs on a bunch of classes and a cooldown reduction effect on top. Public Chatrooms . Box Posts (Day [###] posts, retirement, etc), Press J to jump to the feed. There are already 200,000+ tier list templates available on TierMaker and you can make a tier list for nearly anything by searching for the topic you are interested in or starting on our category page. Definitely a fair point that about Kaido that a lot of people are echoing. He's also a pretty decent ATK booster for three classes. Even nowadays, Lucy would still be a pretty decent captain if not for the fact that other units readily exist that are clearly better than him. OPTC Tiers. And Slashers are weak. He's the OG "Bandai-WTF-are-you-thinking-what-the-hell-is-this-Powercreep" unit in the game. December 13, 2020 Related videos. This tier list is a great reference point for as a lot of data has already been processed of which you can make your own assessments of colours and classes. If not for his health shenanigans I'd have maybe placed him in the S-tier. Bind + Despair reduction? If he sees use nowadays, it's probably because of the 100k fixed damage and the x2.5 chain lock. Boosts ATK of all characters by 1.5x after the 11th hit in the chain, by 2.5x after the 22nd … Disclaimer: The use of old.reddit is strongly encouraged so that you can enjoy your stay here to the fullest with many customizations for user experience not available on the reddit redesign! Maybe like 2 hours to write up everything. This is the JP Tier List. Don't use him. I'd swap Barto (D+) and Shiki (D-). Before Lucy came onto the scene, v2 Law was one of the premier leads in OPTC alongside TS Luffy, Nekomamushi and v1 Akainu. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Let me know what you think. February 4, 2020. The main objective instead is to provide newer (and older) players with a source of information for judging how good a legend roughly is, who they should focus on, what the primary usefulness of a legend is and how happy (or unhappy) they should be about their pulls. However, a 12% ATK boost to any STR character is really really good. I barely ever see him being used despite the fact that he has a strong ATK/HP boost for three classes and increases chances of matching orbs. I agree with some places and disagree with some others, but that's life. Brook is too unique as a Captain to not be in the A-tier imo. Support Me on Ko-fi. Shira/Sherry excel at utility. If you haven't done so, max his support ability asap. Could also be an option as a support character on Robin when you want to reduce Paralysis but don't have any room left. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Treasure Cruise related. Long gone are the days of the OG Ace Dream Team. This subreddit is mainly for the Global and Japanese version of the game, but also welcomes content for other versions, including Korean, etc. Tesoro doesn't do much, but the 200k fixed AoE damage on top of four matching orbs and a very solid x3.25 chain lock is good enough for B-tier imo. Aside from the fact that he withstands 20 turns of silence, his power is in his special. Powerhouse are also still arguably the best class in the game. one piece bounty rush characters. ... //optc-db.github.io ! Even without the delay effect, his special is still very solid since orb matchers are always nice to have. This doesn't mean that my list is more (or less) correct than other lists/rankings. Maybe B+ at worst I could see, but C I find a bit too harsh :D. So an opinion from someone who has used Sabo/Koala a lot. Still, in theory he's good, so C tier is where he's at. JPN Discussion. And also a question, do you think it's worth to max out Sabo/Koala's RCV Bind Removal LB Ability? Other then these few thoughts, I agree with almost everything on the list as it was when writing this. He's just not good enough in the meta and the hardcore focus on Slasher units just isn't doing him a favor. He's one of the captains with the highest "meme damage potential" imo. (Snakeman only has 1 color, automatic disadvantage), - Switch 1.5 type boost that doesnt trigger interrupts(Snake man gets a chain boost to compete against all of this that Sabo/Koala do that is clearly better and at times irreplaceable such as despair resistance), - Switch guaranteed beneficial orb even through block orbs, - Switch removes despair, slot bind, paralysis(Snakeman sailor removes paralysis but not active as captain). Not sure when you'd ever want to use him as a captain, but if you're lacking other decent captains and you have a bunch of Fighters, he's not TOO bad. He's outdated as a captain and while the orb boost still looks juicy, no one really runs a Striker only team anymore. That's good right? He provides two very strong boosts, makes three orbs count as matching for your team and has an insanely high damage ceiling due to his x4 chain multiplier on top of a x1.75 ATK boost. Up until a few months ago, I'd have solidly placed Magellan in the S-tier, but after we moved on from the Snakeman-era, enemies have gotten beefier and beefier, and thus Magellan isn't really cutting it anymore. I think people have already said a lot of the (minor) issues I have as well, so I’ll just say congratulations on finishing such a massive piece of work. Despite their very strong captain boost, Sanji/Judge don't really see much play as a lead these days. They're definitely a very strong lead, but it's not quite as good as the other guys in the S-tier and it's only for two classes. The rest seem like very valid comments, although minor adjustments. Rainbow Six Siege Maps Tier List (2020 Steel Wave) Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators. Number 1 is that his special is still pretty unique and can still sometimes (2-3 times a year) be used to bypass an enemies' revival stage. Exactly that is the problem though. Blackbeard has definitely been pushed aside by Carrot, who does the same thing just much better. His Special isn't too great all in all since it only further helps to boost himself, but hey, against INT opponents this Luffy can easily deal 30,000,000+ damage on his own. A 30% HP cut and a tap damage boost is really nothing to laugh at. And yet I haven't come across any teams that featured v2 Rayleigh in over a year. Bad with his 6+. New List has added their functionality below their names. That's not too bad though since his special is pretty damn strong. But even outside of Kizuna, I believe that Brook has the potential to bypass many different challenges if we would all try a bit harder to build teams with him. His captain ability is also awkward in that it requires beneficial orbs and only applies to three colors. He still is the only unit in the game that allows damage and health cutting specials to completely bypass all defensive buffs. Into One Piece Treasure Cruise? He will remain in the S tier until a better EXP captain comes around. It doesn’t matter what colors you bring because your hitting last with him, which will always be super effective regardless of the opponents color. It provides a very strong x3 chain lock and a x2.25 orb boost to three classes. Out of the OG Legend lineup, v1 Law remains standing as one of the strongest ones today. The only other unit that does that is Blackbeard... and Carrot is miles ahead of him. Whitebeard can probably clear almost every content in the game, but he requires a bit more thinking than other legends due to his health requirement. There's better RRs or F2P units if you're looking for a captain, and the beneficial orb boost doesn't really do much either. Luffy/Law is a 4.5xer, Sabo/Koala is a 4.0 to 4.5 (requirement: 6 Perfects), gradually strenghtening, which is inferior to a 4.5xer, Snakeman has 2 innate matching orbs and cooldown reduction in his captain ability, which is worth mentioning imo, Snakeman doesn't have heal in his CA or RCV boost, although his HP boost is 26.56% stronger, if I did the math right, Snakeman has a two-stage special which is certainly not a disadvantage, Removing orbs not beneficial is a strong point, however unless the boss clears buffs first and then applies the debuff (like Colo Morley), Snakeman's own orb beneficial buff (carried over from the previous stage) will cancel the attempt of the boss (like Colo Jinbe), I agree that Sabo/Koala is an extremely strong and versatile legend, however I don't think that they are definitively better than Snakeman. However, that's long in the past and nowadays TS Luffy just doesn't offer much of anything. I am pretty sure 99% of us won't be able to use this list to its maximum potential. I feel like Sabo is an underrated captain right now. The other reason he's here is that Snakeman is just better and you should super-evolve him asap. Select All Reset Show 6* Forms of Super-Evos Hide 6* Forms of Super-Evos Unhide Removed Legends List Removed Legends Generate Image. Follow everything with a grain of salt and try to experience the usefulness of these units yourself if possible. Cracker for example, 16 turn cd. Rainbow Six Siege SMG Tierlist. Definitely a solid utility character even in today's meta and he can also support a Luffy unit to reduce Bind/Despair/Paralysis by two turns. And for the most part I think it will be generally agreed on minus a couple of things. SSS. Their special is good too, but the tipping point for A-tier for me is the fact that their swap ability provides a damage boost (to themselves), a damage reduction effect and healing. One Piece Waifu. He's also somewhat dependent on v2 Zoro as a sub. And while he's been replaced at the top, Snakeman will continue to be an absolute beastly unit for a while to come. Custom Tier List Maker. His 12% stat boost when supporting Luffy, Zoro, Robin or Franky is also pretty neat. Not gonna fuss over it, I totally respect your opinion and list. Basically everyone will have better options available no matter what. While his Captain Ability isn't too shabby, it's only for one class and that class does better with Capone or especially Halloween Ace as Captain anyway. Mr. Utility himself. Mihawk is an intriguing captain with insane damage potential due to his chain multiplier mechanic, but the problem is that he requires 6 Slasher characters to even function. Worthy of the B-tier for sure. How often you can expect to see them being used. Supernovas/WorstGeneration. His Captain Ability is actually not bad, but its only for Drivens and they're not exactly the strongest class. That means, if you want to use an auto-tap AFK team, v1 Shanks should be in it, no matter if you use Jack or Buggy. v1 Law I find a bit tough to drop too far. The car sounded as if it were out of control coming down the main street, but she knew the bed in the corner would provide no succor. His drawbacks however are that the first couple of hits in the chain are quite weak (making 5-6 enemy stages a bit of a pain) and that he has no utility, which in this day and age is a big factor in OPTC. He has the annoying Log Luffy mechanic that no one wants to bother with and mono-class teams are outdated. 49640. How many F2P and RRs are available that synergise with the unit. 10. He absolutely is an option though for INT Kizuna fights or if you are affected by 10 turns of chain boost/lock debuff. Not dying for one turn while providing a small ATK and Orb boost for two classes isn't the worst thing in the world. Here's to hoping that his eventual 6+ (if that ever arrives) will give him some much needed utility, because it will take A LOT to make Log Luffy even remotely relevant again. How well the unit synergises with other meta units. GLOBAL EVENTS It's hard to overstate how damn valuable v2 Katakuri was and still is. But he has some utility and is a x2 Color Affinity booster for Shooters, so that in itself might give him some play. I don't think I've seen a team with him around after the TM in which he was boosted. It's nearly impossible to stall making some units useless even with double kaido and charge specials. Like very fast. Nevertheless, even as a sub Lucy still sometimes sees play due to his ability to boost ATK in two turns while circumventing preemptives or buff-clearing debuffs. share Partager ma Tier List save_alt Exporter ma Tier List sous forme d'image save_alt Exporter ma Tier List sous forme d'image sans voir le dernier Tier save_alt Exporter toutes mes Tier Lists sauvegardées au format JSON. He also has a very useful support ability! January 15, 2020. The first is his awesome special that provides chain boost, more-or-less matching orbs and a x2.25 ATK boost to more-or-less any unit or color that you would want. Yea, I already talked to /u/FateOfMuffins about a similar point. One of the strongest heals in the game is all he needs to be in the B-tier. Here comes a needlessly long, excessive, unasked for and unnecessary Legend tier list. Just bad. You put a lot of effort in this, and for that I commend you. He even makes TND and RCV orbs benefical as a sailor. Also includes a damage calculator that accurately helps you find out how much damage your team will deal. This page shows Overwatch Tier List for season 23 - Updated: 17 August, 2020. The HP reduction could maybe also be useful if you use someone like v2 Whitebeard. His captain action that lets him evade most enemy debuffs is pretty sexy and he's a universal ATK booster to boot. You’ve really gone and done it now, huh? Disclaimer: The use of old.reddit is strongly encouraged so that you can enjoy your stay here to the fullest with many customizations for user experience not available on the reddit redesign! I just hope i did not forget an important new character. One Piece Sagas/Arcs. One Piece Villains. Only very few teams with v2 Jinbe exist on Nakama Network or on Youtube and the reason is his awkward special mechanic. Otherwise, his main asset is that he can make color orbs beneficial for three turns, which might allow you to bypass enemy preemptives that would otherwise make them badly matching. Similar to v2 Boa, Doffy recently got a decent 6+ upgrade. See v2 Mihawk to some extent. And he's easy. Could maybe be an option for Kizuna due to his x2 ATK boost and the STR orbs. Super fast. They can clear everything as captain at the rate of a S/S+ tier, but they are a bit cumbersome to use especially in their best team compositions with other duel units. Overwatch Tier List; Overwatch Tier List: Ranked. He's been eclipsed as the best Shooter captain in the game by the arrival of Halloween Ace who also boosts ATK, so there's practically not much use for Capone anymore and he thus slid down the list. Their CA alone makes them S-tier and we haven't even mentioned their swap ability that provides a matching orb, ATK boost on themselves and the friggin' ability to hit through barriers. You could of course bring Raid Heracles to fulfill the condition, but that's two slots basically for one boost. Once the King of OPTC, now the laughing stock. While he doesn't see much play, there's the occasional piece of content in which v1 Fuji is indispensable. That is especially true if they're ranked with the same rank (e.g.