ps4 controller microphone not working

I have tried the bluetooth reconnection methods to work around the delays, I would prefer to get the cable method working for delay-less control, and it uses less power than Bluetooth. -On the top left, click on the Steam. @dankcushions Yeah, just tried that still no luck. Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class. Re: [Q/A] Playstation Camera Microphone not working « Reply #12 on: 07:33 AM - 03/19/18 » is the ONLY audio device connected to the console....the ps4 pro camera mic. -Go to the Settings. The keys were assigned by default But nothing happens if I press the buttons. Now, you can use Bluetooth headset to listen to the sound in the game for PS4, and enjoy unrestricted game fun. Recently my PS4 controller is not working with Fortnite. In this case, you can correct it by re-enabling controller. By ClaudiuR18, March 6, 2020 in Performance. - 1596617 Plug in the microphone or headset to the PS4 controller. 1st gen ps4 controller not working with windows 10 earlier this year, my friend gave me a ps4 first gen controller and told me to keep it. If your PS4 controller is still not connecting, you may as well try to fix the problem by resetting PS4 controller. I'm working through multiple support threads at once so it looks like I overlooked that you're not using a controller capable of the USB communication method so this test doesn't help, sorry about that. ; Using a paperclip, press and hold the Reset button for a few seconds. Finally, plug the headset back into the PS4 Controller and try to use it in chat. If using a headset where the audio and microphone are on two separate cords, you will need an adaptor to convert to a single 3.5mm jack. I am using a Logitech Rumble 2 Controller and i don't wanna get an other controller. PS4 Controller not working on Remote Play (PC) Hi guys, I'm trying to play my PS4 on my laptop. 12. But when i was trying to configure my Controller it shows no response. If you do not see a green check next to the device, click 'Set as Default'. When it's the default device, click 'Properties'. Step 3 - Click Output Device and select Headset Connected to Controller. Press the Options Button on your PS4™ controller. Because we are using the working controller to navigate the menu, select the inactive one. Adjust the microphone volume, test the microphone volume at the same time, and press the "OK" key to finish the setting. Forum Actions. I will not buy a new Controller! Some users encounter the ds4Windows not working issue during the game-playing process. 9. 1. -Select/Check your gaming controller. You should see your PS4 controller listed. I have tried about 3 seperate pairs of apple headphones, which all have a working mic and still my playstation will not work. While FIFA 14 or watch dogs without that function, the speaker in the Controller of the PlayStation 4 controller, for example, in Killzone Shadow fall or Resogun its use. Share Followers 2. Very frustrating. 11. If your PS4 controller won't connect to PC with USB, you can find another USB cable to try again or follow the methods below. The port is on the front of your controller right below the PS4 logo button. You cannot use the PS4 controller over Bluetooth without purchasing the "PS4 DualShock USB Wireless Adaptor", or using the USB cable. Close all your DS4 Windows and disconnect your DS4 controller. Condition is "For parts or not working". I really wanna play it, and payed a lot for it, is there … Sometimes, the PS4 will automatically change one of these settings when the headphones is removed from the controller or PS4 usb, or it does not automatically switch back to having the headphones output chat audio every now and then. There you can also calibrate the gamepad so it can work exactly how you want it to without getting ds4 windows not working. More specific problems, such as a button that stops working, unfortunately fall under the hardware fix solutions mentioned above. Settings > Voice > Output Device > (Insert your actual speaker here.) Unfortunately, either option will take up a USB port on your laptop. That controller alone wasn't working so i used the x360ce and that did not help so … If so attach the controller to port 3 then remove your high power devices. This way you will be able to diagnose and be certain that the problem isn’t with the controller and it is working as expected. If someone is able to hear you in the call, then the headset and microphone are working properly; continue to Step 3. Recommended Posts. Do you have a low power mouse or keyboard you can test with? @rockysen said in Controller not working on PSX games except from two:. Solution 2: Check PS4 settings to fix mic not working issues Step 1 - Go to the PS4 Settings > Devices > Audio Devices. Hi bought the game on playstation store yesterday, i have an acoustic guitar and i connected headset to my dualshock controller. You might need to switch the input device or output device also. How to reset a PS4 controller: Turn off your PS4 properly. For this reason, there is, as yet, only a handful of games that support the speaker in the PS4 controller. 9. 16 Apr 10:41PM. Apr 2019. Report Post. First turn off your console. Broken Ps4 Controller Parts Only, Not Working. Hello . If you are unable to connect your PS4 controller to your Windows PC, you should disable your computer's Bluetooth, turn it back on, and try to pair it to your device again. 4) Click the 'Levels' tab. I am able to open all other games with sound just fine it's just when I open Apex Legends the sound stopped working until I quit the game and reattach my controller. The game only recognize the sticks at menus, but any other buttom is not working. For PlayStation 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "PS4 controller not working properly". PS4 Controller not working on PC PS4 Controller not working on PC. 2. I noticed every time I boot a game up I get "configuration override loaded" in the bottom left not sure if that is normal is their a way I can reset all the retroarch settings for pcsx back to default and delete any other configs I may have saved Is there any way to use my PS4 controller without it diabling my audio? Same here it says headset in my computer. same, the ps4 recognizing the mic but the game doesn't. In many cases, you can combine Solution 1 and 2 to get optimum results. How to fix PS4 controller not working on PC There are several possible solutions that you can try if you’re having an issue connecting your PS4 controller to … 2y. these headphones work on other ps4's so it … Method #1-Launch the Steam. Set the output to headphones as all sounds. Also, you can try plugging the controller to another PS4 and then try connecting it to yours. It seems like activision needs to update support for android 11 because it's only with cod mobile. Reset the PS4 Controller. My USB controller is not working in game. Solved: As is stated in title, since my S20 updated to android 11 I can no longer use my PS4 controller in CoD mobile. #2. The Reset button is located in a tiny hole at the back of the controller near the L2 button. Step 2 - Click Input Device and select Headset Connected to Controller. Since a PS4 controller counts as an audio device (see: bottom of the controller) you sometimes have to specify in your settings exactly what audio device you want it to use, and not the "Default Device", as it might assume the PS4 controller's port is now the default. Hey I have a OnePlus 8T running 11 and us Oxygen 11 users are having the same issues. Fix 1: Re-enable DS4 Controller. That means the DS4 controller could stop working and be disabled automatically. If you want to save yourself some money, using a USB cable is the easiest option. Now you know how to fix the most common PS4 controller issues. My PC says that the PS4 controller is an audio device because the controller has a built in mic within it. Sometimes the controller might not be enabled, happens to newly bought controllers, so you have to enable it to function from the control panel. Hopefully, your issue was easy to fix. i've read that you need to connect a usb mic to the console itself, so i bought one. I link up to the app and get to my home screen no problem, but none of the buttons I press get recognized apart from the home button. 10. I got the PS4 controller to finally get recognised in Windows 10 and FS2020 via Bluetooth. The ps4 recognizes the microphone, but the game doesn't. -Click on the “GENERAL CONTROLLER SETTING” button. Note: The PS4 controller with a green dot is the active controller and the PS4 controller without the green dot is the inactive one. I tired using my Ps4 controller with other games such as asphalt, fortnite and Ps4 remote play and it all works perfectly. so you have to manually set it yourself. Select “Disconnect” option. Even People with an XBox 360 Controller seems to have the same Problem! PS4 controller triangle button stopped working [Solved/Closed] Report Cjayyx2 - Updated on Oct 1, 2018 at 12:14 PM I did use this Game Controller already in many other Games including STW Battlefront 1&2. If the headset's mic still isn't working, plug the headset into a mobile phone and try making a call. This procedure explains how to fix the common issues that you may experience with the DualShock 4 wireless controller of the PlayStation 4. how do I get the buttons on the PS4 controller to work in FS2020. But if not, and you need to pick up a new PS4 controller, you have plenty of great options. I have tried plugging the phone into the PS4 controller and there seems to be no connection or control (pressed all the buttons and nothing happened). Picture of the controller in FS2020. In this tutorial, you will find steps to make the controller (gamepad, joystick) work with Project Wingman. It is likely that the errors in DS4 Windows software cause the issue. Feb 2021. jzehr19 . I play on Microsoft Windows 10, opened the game with a PS4 contoller attached with a headset and the sound stopped working. It's only cod mobile having the issues. Reset PS4 Game Controller. Re-Enable Bluetooth. I'm using the Logitech F310. Move the 'Microphone' and 'Microphone Boost' levels to … Fix: Controller Not Working on PC. Hi, I'm running GeForce Now on my 2016 MacBook Pro running Mojave 10.14.3. Adjust the earphone volume to the appropriate size. 3) Right click the Microphone/Line In input that the mic boom is plugged into. The Headset Works With Another Device. PS4 Controller not working on Fortnite. -Click on the Controller.