reunited worlds kiss

So how did it end up in Min-joon’s possession? She hold up a bag of stinky garbage that she ways was for Ho-bang, waving it in his face, but she decides to hang onto it and see if he can really help Hae-sung. Instead it was treated more like, “You’re back from the dead!? Tüm asya dizi, film ve yabancı dizileri full hd olarak izle.Asya dizileri izle, Kore dizileri izle, Japon Dizileri izle, Çin dizileri izle. Desperate, Hae-sung offers to stay away and pretend to be strangers if Young-joon performs the surgery. Jung-won prepares several plates of the clam pasta dish and serves them to Min-joon and the other employees. The highly anticipated Reunited Worlds premiered today, and I have to say that this drama immediately sets the bar for itself very high. The sisters are so adorable. ? He makes it back to his hiding place just as Min-joon comes back with a plate of cheese. His smile is so bright and endearing. I like how he is around Jung-won in the kitchen, guiding her from the sidelines but never stepping in to solve her problems for her. No one is asking any questions. I’ve noticed that many fans have a lot of issues with this writer’s works though, so you’re definitely not alone in what you experienced. Most of his friends and family reacted understandably shocked and confused when first encountering him. She politely declines and he walks her out, and she sees Hae-sung after Min-joon walks away. Another favorite of mine from Hae Sung’s siblings was Kim Ga Eun as Young In. Could dad have really ran over HS and uncle took the blame? Min-joon is really not doing anything for me. Ahn Jae-hyun just isn't very good. Reunited Worlds is very character focused with the plot slowly developing. P.S. On a side note, I'm so invested in the Jin Ju and Ho bang side characters! This episode, while there were some scenes with the brothers, but I want to see more of sisters and the youngest brother .. Maybe it was the last of flashbacks this episode, but I feel better about Hae-sung with adult Jung-won then I previously did. I honestly can't tell if my distaste for Min-joon is intentional on behalf of the show or if it's just Ahn Jae-hyun. For JW, when she went to go visit her mom and they drank the beer and she seems a little drunk. One of the things I look forward most to this show is his relationship with his family. The melodrama usually picks up in the second half as these secrets start coming out and the characters have to deal with the fallout. He’s a very sweet man that has had one sided feelings for Jung Won for a long time. Learn how your comment data is processed. Please enter your username or email address. Sure, his intentions with Jung Won are not aboveboard, but at least his heart seems to be in the right place and he seems genuinely seems invested in her? Hae-sung's death is at the very least a hit and run though, so someone's criminally responsible for it (seemingly Min-joon's dad at this point). They definitely had some difficult issues to work through though with Jung Won feeling guilty about Hae Seong’s death and Hae Seong wanting her to be happy. What does he mean by saying "we're not brothers" to Haesung? It’s one more clue that makes me wonder if Min-joon’s father was somehow involved with Hae-sung’s death, because Hae-sung never got a chance to give the ribbon to Jung-won — he was killed before he saw her that night, so the ribbon would have still been on him when he died. Everyone is thinking the same thing for the ending...HS sees how much MJ cares for JW and wants her to live a happy life and let's MJ take care of her and he goes to back to being dead. "In a small French mountain town many dead people reappear, apparently alive and normal, including teenage schoolbus crash victim Camille, suicidal bridegroom Simon, a small boy called "Victor" who was murdered by burglars, and serial killer Serge. I’m so glad that he took on this starring role. ? I would like those relationships to be developed more. or Meanwhile, Ho-bang meets up with Tae-hoon and Moon-shik to tell them that Hae-sung remembers everything from the day he died, and that he’s convinced Hae-sung didn’t kill Jung-chul. We also had the nerdy Moon Shik (Shin Soo Ho) and the ever so kind Tae Hoon (Kim Jin Woo) to round out his group of friends. PS - YJG is an angel among men. They were such a fun pair, and I really felt the bond of their relationship. Me too. For HS, in episode 2,  when he brought the bow for JW and called her to say he was coming over to her house just to, that showed me he wanted to spend the rest of his birthday with her. I actually can't tell if I'm supposed to like him or not because as much as he does things that seem nice, he also does a fair amount that come across as creepy. There are a lot of people who love him and are overjoyed that he’s back, but the sad truth is that they’ve all moved on with their lives. He cries and apologizes for not being there for his son’s life. I understand that this was a very rushed drama and that was obvious in the storytelling – especially in the back half. She shows him the clams, insisting they’re fresh, and he smiles at her tenacity. Traumatized, she says that she’ll pretend she didn’t hear a thing, but it’s too late — Jin-ju has returned, and she’s freaking out. I also really appreciated the friendship that develops between Hae Sung and Min Joon. She was attracted to him, but when it came down to the actual physical acts, she became awkward and embarrassed. Was it possibly just an accident (the statue fell off a shelf onto his head or something)? She was purposely set up to fail by the kitchen manager, and I blame Min-joon for letting it happen. HS gave up the relationship with Young-joon (which I don't mind since he's a jerk) to give the older man the chance to talk to his son. I especially like what you are describing about the many relationships this series has. … YES!!! sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. Tae-hoon recognizes him, but Young-joon introduces himself formally, and Tae-hoon takes the hint and doesn’t mention that they grew up together. He gapes at Jung-won’s empty wine glass and refills it, and she asks about his pasta recipe, saying that hers didn’t taste right. Anyway, I'm happy to see cute drunk Haesung once more and my wish has been granted and got a little bit of Haesung-Minjoon bromance. He leaves a message saying that he wants to see her, which she only hears once work is over. Could the current timeline be a "what if" scenario? Also, a jealous Hae Sung is the cutest!! The drama shines only when hae sung is onscreen and everything is working around him. I think I'm coming to terms with how quickly everyone picks up their lives after Hae-sung comes back from the dead. It’s rare for me to love a drama like that, but I loved Reunited Worlds! Reunited Worlds (Hangul: 다시 만난 세계; RR: Dashi Mannan Segye, lit. Does everyone just accept that he came back? They really added that extra something. Hae-sung playfully puts on his disapproving oppa face, but Soo-ji quips that they’re the same age now and attack-kisses him again. To not to know how it all works or why you’ve been given a second chance must be a lonely and frightening experience, which Hae-sung brings home for us this hour. Hae Sung (Yeo Jin Goo) disappears after a mysterious accident. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He turns, and she looks at him sternly and asks, “How could you do this to me?” Then she quickly plants a kiss on his cheek, but Hae-sung reacts like she just slapped him. Sisters were so welcoming than the brothers. Exactly what I think. Armed with this knowledge, Hae-sung prepares to set the record straight, hoping to make the truth known so that those he loves won’t be haunted by a … There are also the little hints too. But I did eventually adjust my expectations to fit with the drama since it was very consistent in how it handled the reactions to Hae Sung’s return. They really tugged at my heartstrings. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Thankfully, she seems pretty settled. Min-joon tells his father to set an example if he wants respect. Those smiles were of people who are happy to see the person they like again after not seeing each other for awhile. As much as they care about him, a teenage boy can’t be re- integrated into their lives in the same place he occupied when he was alive. I've seen plenty of times in dramas where the boss is old/ugly and favors a younger prettier employee over the female lead and we are obviously supposed to get angry about that on her behalf. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I didn't expect to like this show actually, but somehow I'm really liking it. ( Log Out /  I feel for hae sung and the mystery man, trying to fit in a world that has long left them behind, trying to get through to loved ones who are in a different place than when they left. For him, no time has passed at all, but for those close to him, life--with all of its ups and downs--has continued. Awww, his voice breaks just from the pain of saying the words. direct links to the original content. Yapım Yılı : … PAST: HS and JW Part of me is a bit mad at the writer for giving the bland plot trope so much attention. Reunited Worlds (OST) (다시 만난 세계) Kiss me lyrics: 이 타이밍에 얼어붙지마 / 나도 어쩔 줄 몰라 조금 당황했어 / 혹시 우리 생각보다 / 서로 잘 모를 수도 있는 걸까 / 늘 ... 남 얘기 같은 거라 생각 안 해봤어 I know he is barely legal but he is making this noona go crazy over him. There were just a lot of people to get to know in the beginning and the transitions eventually smoothed out. He tells her to live her own life and that he’ll be there rooting for her. What's wrong with him? I'm the saaaaaame! Then, five years ago, she wondered what Hae-sung would be doing if he were alive. I won't trust MJ especially his father was probably the car driver who killed HS ? He knows better than anyone that she only knows how to make one dish, and that she can barely even manage that. Anyway, I'm more curious about Youngjoon's reasons to behave like that? The drama is filled to the brim with those heartwarming moments between characters and has plenty of feels. But she doesn’t show, and she doesn’t answer her phone when he calls, so he heads to the restaurant to look for her. I hope they don't restrain just bc of the age difference . }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); It must be indescribable to find out that you’ve died and been brought back to the world over a decade later. Finally a sweet first reaction :) Anyone notice that Tae Hoon looked suspicious when Hobang told them that HS wasn't the killer? Yes!! }; Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I think i replayed it 1000 times already! Ho-bang runs out sobbing apologies as Jin-ju collapses dramatically. Hae-sung looks up, and the two men lock gazes. Reunited Worlds: Episodes 15-16 by LollyPip These two are killing me. Sign up to receive updates of kdrama reviews, trailers, casting news, and more! That last scene between her and Yeo Jin-gu tugged at all my heartstrings. Min-joon instructs the employees to vote fairly, reminding them that promoting someone to chef when they aren’t ready could mean failure for the restaurant. In many ways, despite telling us they were together, they were in fact just good friends for most of the drama. At first I didn't think their chemistry was anywhere near as good as with teenage Jung-won, but now I think it's catching up. They're so fun! Sezon 15. Drunk and Jealous hae sung is so cute though i actually felt scared when he glared at jung won. Despite the passage of 12 years, nothing has changed really. But Young-joon walks past him as if they’re strangers, holding Hae-sung to his awful promise. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. After that snub, Young-joon is in a terrible mood when Hae-sung arrives and asks to talk to him. His bright spirit and that amazing smile will be something I always remember. It’s such an enjoyable drama! I can accept that not telling Jung-won that he met her a day earlier than she thinks, when she was drunk, can be chalked up to Min-joon just wanting to be chivalrous. Hae-sung turns to get plates, and Jung-won suddenly gasps, “Chef-nim!” Hae-sung freezes, then turns to see… that she’s just punking him. It’s just such a rarity that I genuinely enjoy ALL of the characters and their stories. Also to add, the chef and his love for Jung won is just serving as a typical second lead trope, beyond that I don't see his usefulness for the story. Everyone remembers the first time they were kissed by a kdrama! She apologizes for not being able to fulfill his dream of being a chef on his behalf, tears welling up in her eyes. "A part of me, however, wonders if the show might have an alternate ending: what if all the characters are given the opportunity to go back in time, with the knowledge of what could go wrong if they repeat the same mistakes or make the same choices? Maybe he also saw Jungwon at the funeral and saw how devastated she was and vowed to make it up to her? Min Joon is an endearing character who was able to be a very positive support for Jung Won. And of course Tae-hoon is Min-joon's brother cause this is a korean drama and everybody is connected somehow. Min-joon really rubs me the wrong way. But as I expected from this writer, there’s always a mystery in place with some big secrets between the characters. Go. Poor Hae-sung doesn’t ask for much, and after seeing him rage when Young-joon was hurt as a kid, it felt terrible to see Young-joon demanding that he pretend they’re strangers. Awww. There is so much that has to be covered. The prospect of him being villain makes me feel excited about the ending lol. He leaves, and as he moves further from Hae-sung’s location, Hae-sung suddenly starts to recover. Min-joon comes inside and opens a bottle of wine. It was also so enjoyable to see him interact with his friends. I'm still trying to catch up on father is strange. Lee Yeon Hee plays Jung Jung Won. Jung-won still isn’t home when Hae-sung drops by, so he waits for her at the bus stop. Reunited Worlds is about teenage friends that are the same age, but after the man (Yeo Jin Goo) dies in an accident at 19, he mysteriously reappears 12 years later looking the same while the woman (Lee Yeon Hee) is now 31. He says that he wants them all to sit together and work out whatever’s kept them apart, but Young-joon says that he didn’t kill Jung-chul and he doesn’t want to see Hae-sung again. Contrasted with Hae-sung's wonderful warmth, I'm going to be really hacked off if he turns out to be endgame. Glad Soo ji and Hae sung finally met. This is most noticeable early on. ? HA. I adored them both! And why he would keep it in a place of honor, when Hae-sung never even had a chance to give it to Jung-won? I was really moved. He's so good with those genuine and sweet kinds of roles. Hae Sung experienced many touching moments with them himself, but he also orchestrated important healing moments between them. aww at last hug. Hae-sung and Jung-won start for home after meeting Hae-chul’s daughter, Gong-ju. Could the current timeline be a "what if" scenario?". I love the fact that Hae Sung was able to meet Soo Ji finally! }); Well Tae hoon is a chaebol so by dramaland rules he's got to be at least slightly evil doesn't he? She calls his name, and he looks up at her as if the sound of her voice is his lifeline. I like YJG and LYH chemistry. I’m glad to hear you were able to still find some enjoyment in it despite its flaws Since it was pretty much all good for me, I was disappointed to see that so many fans found it so lacking especially in the second half. A LITTLE OFF TOPIC In the morning, Hae-sung wakes at Min-joon’s place, and he notices a small jar containing a blue hair ribbon. I believe I have an addiction to the high school years *sighs*, Favorites: Your email address will not be published. They're so hilarious. :D. Very curious at Young-jun's outburst that they are not real brothers. So while Hae-sang was saying it out of jealousy, he's absolutely right that Min-joon is a terrible boss. I hesitate to use the word “perfect,” but … Continue reading "Reunited Worlds: Episodes 1-2" Ahhh! I thought the drama just got better and better as it went and didn’t find anything bothersome. Maybe he alone would do, but now he's intruding hae sung and Jung won almost everywhere. This show could have done a lot more with ALL of the reunions, in my opinion. They both also needed a little healing, and their relationship served to help with that. ( Log Out /  He notices that she seems upset, so she tells him that she failed her promotion test. He reunites with Jung Won, his childhood friend and first love. They both had such a difficult time in these episodes, but it is so heartwarming to see that the first thing they say when they saw each other how the other was doing. Poor guy, he’s utterly terrorized by what just happened. Reunited Worlds: Episodes 17-18 by LollyPip Hae-sung has so much to do, and so little time to do it. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { It was so heartfelt and I love that Hae Sung asked Jung Won to start living for herself. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. ( Log Out /  And she got annoyed that Haesung didn't understand what she meant. Ho-bang shows up and lets himself in, bringing a watermelon as a peace offering. I guess I’m just disappointed it wasn’t the drama it could have been with better writing. This is why I fell in love with Yeo Jin-gu in the first place (Orange Marmalade days). HA. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he's so young yet such a great actor. They vote by placing a mushroom in a frying pan for “yes” or in a plate for “no.”. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. It was so wonderful to see Yeo Jin Goo get to play such a joyful character. He felt badly for running over someone and kept the hair clip in remembrance but of course doesn't know that it's Haesung. I loved so many of the actors going in and they didn’t disappoint. :´(. Reunited Worlds is a warm, healing drama that heavily focuses on relationships. They sit in separate seats on the bus, both pouting childishly, then continue bickering all the way to Jung-won’s door. I really enjoyed her. After closing, she apologizes to Min-joon for bringing Hae-sung to the kitchen, but she protests that she did nothing wrong today. I would get annoyed too if I was her. Min joon (back story theory apart) is really nice and cute, even though I do share what you said about him allowing that stupid test on Jung Woo, he wants her to improve and to be a better cook, on the other side it was really nice to see Jung woo realizing that what her superior told her is true (even when it was sort of mean) that's not her passion, nor what she loves to do, and Hae Sung said it too, she shouldn't make his life and dreams as if it is hers.