tig notaro deutsch

[43][45] The New York Times described it: "She showed the audience her scars and then, through the force of her showmanship, made you forget that they were there. On November 14, 2016, … Später unterzog Notaro sich einer beidseitigen Mastektomie ohne Wiederherstellung der Brüste. [7][12], Notaro moved to Denver, Colorado, where she became involved in the music industry. November 2016 gab A… Watch Now on Netflix. Watch all you want. [7][14] Notaro has since been featured on Comedy Central Presents and on The Sarah Silverman Program as a lesbian police officer. Follow her search for humor amid devastating news. [15] She worked on fellow comedian Amy Schumer's Comedy Central series Inside Amy Schumer. Produziert von Diablo Cody und Louis C.K. “Good evening, I have cancer,” comedian Tig Notaro famously announced in front of a stunned audience back in 2012, "Everyone having a good time? Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Sundance Film Festival Closing Night Awards Ceremony, "Mathilde O. Notaro - United States Public Records", "Tig Notaro brings 'Boyish Girl Interrupted' tour to New Orleans Oct. 12", "Tig Notaro And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Yet Somehow Completely Amazing Year", "Tig Notaro on How Surviving Cancer Changes Humor: "I Don't Connect With Some of My Jokes Anymore, "How Tig Notaro turned tragedy into comic gold", "Amid Devastation, Tig Notaro Searched For A Sense Of Humor", "Tig Notaro on Her Documentary Tig, Loving 'the Darkness,' and Why She Wants to Be a Mother", "Listen to Sharon Van Etten's "Words", an ode to Tig Notaro", "Watch Tig Notaro's pilot for One Mississippi on Amazon for free", "Amazon Picks Up 5 New Primetime Series & 3 Kids Series, Renews 'Red Oaks' & 'Hand Of God, "Tig Notaro Joins 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 2", "The Strange Fun Of 'Under A Rock With Tig Notaro, "Crowd eats up pop star Sia's minimalistic show", "190 Tig's Love Life Update Stephanie Allynne", "Tig Notaro Opens Up About Finding Love: 'She's My Utmost Priority, "Tig Notaro Engaged to Stephanie Allynne", "Exclusive: Tig Notaro Marries Stephanie Allynne, Talks "Wedding Night Sex, "Tig Notaro Welcomes Twin Boys Max and Finn – Moms & Babies – Celebrity Babies and Kids - Moms & Babies", "Interview: Tig Notaro talks about her show-biz career, and curating The Bentzen Ball in D.C.", "Tig Notaro Has Breast Cancer: Comedian Announces Illness On Podcast One Day After Diagnosis", "Tig Notaro On Going 'Live' About Her Life", "Louis C.K. [3] Her acclaimed album Live was nominated in 2014 for the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards. After a show in Philadelphia, Notaro was hospitalized[46] and required surgery for a cyst. November 2015 bei Amazon Prime gezeigt und später aufgrund sehr positiver Rückmeldungen zu einer ganzen Staffel erweitert. The special Tig Notaro: Boyish Girl Interrupted was nominated in 2016 at the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Writing for a Variety Special. [21] The singer Sharon Van Etten wrote a song in homage to Notaro called "Words" that is shown in the credits. She performed a monologue about having encountered Taylor Dayne on multiple occasions, greeting her each time with, "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but I just have to tell you. Her 2012 sophomore album, Live, is a recording of a stand-up set performed shortly after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Find tour dates and live music events for all your favorite bands and artists in your city. [3] Notaro zog nach Denver, wo sie kurz in der Musikindustrie tätig war, bevor sie nach Los Angeles umsiedelte und dort ihre Karriere als Stand-Up-Comedienne verfolgte.[3]. Find Tig Notaro tour dates and concerts in your city. The special Tig Notaro: Boyish Girl Interrupted was nominated in 2016 at the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Writing for a Variety Special. Komödien Die Komikerin Tig Notaro lässt in diesem ausgelassenen Stand-up-Special voller lustiger Anekdoten und Elternweisheiten ihre innere Schelmin auf das Publikum los. It's a season of new beginnings and new relationships for each of them. Reeling from her own recently declining health, Tig struggles to find her footing with the loss of the one person who actually understood her. wurde die Serie dann am 9. they've brought a realistic and heart-warming/wrenching look into the life of an ordinary extraordinary human being - the fact that so much of this character is based in the actual life of Tig Notaro only makes these stories all the more powerful. THIS IS NOT TIG NOTARO. [22], In November 2015, Notaro co-wrote, produced, and starred in a semi-autobiographical TV pilot for Amazon Video called One Mississippi. Dabei nimmt Tig Notaro reichlich Geschehnisse aus ihrem wirklichen Leben mit in den Stoff der Serie. I have cancer." Seit dem Jahr 2016 dreht Notaro für Amazon Video die Fernsehserie One Mississippi, für die sie als Hauptdarsteller, Drehbuchautor und Executive Producer fungiert. Comedian Tig Notaro and friends give their best inexpert guidance on everything from heartbreak to D.I.Y. Directed by Tig Notaro Written by Tig Notaro and Melissa Blake Produced by Rosie Kaller. Das merkt der Zuschauer in jeder Sekunde der Serie. Search for artists. Tig Notaro Trailer & Teaser, Interviews, Clips und mehr Videos auf Deutsch und im Original. [4], Notaro was born in Jackson, Mississippi, the daughter of Mathilde “Susie” (O'Callaghan) and Pat Notaro. A teen with the power of invisibility is dragged into a small-time criminal's quest to rule the neighborhood, and gets to know a mysterious art student. 4 (see all ratings) [35], Notaro was diagnosed with cancer in both breasts on July 30, 2012. Sie verließ die High School nach der 9. [5] Nach einigem Zögern stimmte sie diesem Vorschlag zu. [38], The next day, comedian Louis C.K. [6] Das Album war bei den Grammy Awards 2014 in der Kategorie Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album nominiert, unterlag dort aber Kathy Griffins Album Calm Down Gurrl. [24] The show follows Notaro's character as she returns to her hometown of Bay Saint Lucille, Mississippi, after her mother's unexpected death.[24]. Das hat den Vorteil, dass sie eine Story erzählen kann, von der sie selbst genau weiß, wie sie sich anfühlt. Watch Now on Netflix. [33], Notaro plays the guitar and drums and says she is an avid music fan who was in bands when she was younger. With Dunnigan and David Huntsberger, she co-hosted the podcast Professor Blastoff from May 2011 until July 2015. [26], Funny or Die produced Under a Rock with Tig Notaro, a YouTube series in which Notaro tries to guess the identity of celebrity guests, starting in June 2019. Notaro's work promoting bands took her to Los Angeles, where she tried stand-up for the first time in the late '90s. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 11. In 1990, while living in Texas, Notaro got her GED. Tig Notaro lebt mit ihrer Ehefrau, der Schauspielerin Stephanie Allynne[9], die sie im Oktober 2015 heiratete[10], und ihren Zwillingssöhnen (* Juni 2016)[11] in Venice Beach, Kalifornien. One Mississippi is a semi-autobiographical American comedy television series created by comedian Tig Notaro and Diablo Cody.The pilot episode, directed by Nicole Holofcener, aired on Amazon Prime on November 5, 2015, and was picked up for a full series after positive feedback from audiences. [39], Notaro subsequently had a double mastectomy with no reconstructive surgery. Tig (2015) Stream Deutsch HD Tig Notaro ist eine Comedy-Künstlerin, die eine niederschmetternde Diagnose erhält: Brustkrebs. Mathilde „Tig“ O'Callaghan Notaro (* 24. Am 14. [6] Notaro was raised in Pass Christian, Mississippi, until kindergarten. Sie arbeitet regelmäßig mit dem Komiker Kyle Dunnigan zusammen. A dark comedy, loosely inspired by Tig Notaro's life, One Mississippi follows Tig as she navigates a complex re-entry into her childhood hometown in Mississippi, to deal with the unexpected death of her much loved mother. Based on Tig's true story, desperate for a brighter mood, she enlists the services of a traveling party clown. One Mississippi ist eine semi-autobiografische US-amerikanische Comedy-Serie der Stand-up-Comedian Tig Notaro. Videos Tig. Artist information Sort name: Notaro, Tig Type: Person Gender: Female Born: 1971 (50 years ago) Area: United States Rating. Doch davon lässt sie sich nicht unterkriegen, baut die Krankheit einfach in ihr Bühnenprogramm mit ein und feiert damit riesige Erfolge. [7][8] She has a brother, Renaud Notaro, who is a year older than she and works as a radio talk show host. Mit Dunnigan und David Huntsberger betreibt sie den Podcast Professor Blastoff. Notaro wurde in Jackson als zweites Kind ihrer Mutter geboren. Bekannt wurde sie unter anderem durch ihre Rolle als lesbische Polizistin Officer Tig in mehreren Folgen des Sarah Silverman Programms. Die Pilot-Episode wurde am 5. Tig Notaro, sein Sternzeichen , Als Schauspieler Mitglied mehr oder weniger3 Filme, seinen Film der erste Mitglied als Schauspieler wurde In A World..., der letzte Film spielen er Dog Days, Tig Notaro nehmen einen Teil7 Folgen von Serien wie und The Sarah Silverman Program. Tig Notaro. Collection of my favorite Movies | video streaming collection English [CC], Deutsch, ... Tig Notaro and Diablo Cody have done it again. English [CC], Deutsch, ... Tig Notaro and Diablo Cody have done it again. [19], In July 2015, a Netflix movie called Tig,[20] which chronicles Notaro's attempts to become pregnant with her fiancée, Stephanie Allynne, was also released. - Earwolf - Video Podcast Network", "The Moth Presents Tig Notaro: R2 Where Are You? After her monologue, Dayne made a surprise appearance, serenading Notaro with the song "I'll Always Love You". Tig Notaro, an LA-based radio host, returns to her hometown of Bay St. Lucille, Mississippi, to be at the bedside of her ailing mother, Caroline. NOR IS THIS PAGE RUN BY TIG NOTARO OR ANY OF HER AFFILIATES and I'M NOT PRETENDING TO BE HER. Notaro wurde in Jackson als zweites Kind ihrer Mutter geboren. Tig Notaro und Diablo Cody haben als Erfinder der Serie alles richtig gemacht. [11], Notaro said she hated school. She is known for her deadpan comedy. Tig Notaro is on Facebook. 2013 trat sie in zwei Folgen von Amy Schumers Comedyserie auf Comedy Central und verfasste auch die Drehbücher für weitere Folgen. [4] Der Auftritt wurde von vielen Zuschauern in höchsten Tönen gelobt. Previously she was more distant and observational, but now she reflects on her childhood and her life. If it's a sock puppet, if it's a stool, I'll do it. JOIN NOW. Need advice? More Originals. 2012 wurde bei Notaro Brustkrebs diagnostiziert. 2012: UnCabaret (TV Series) (Fernsehserie, eine Folge), 2013: Inside Amy Schumer (Fernsehserie, zehn Folgen), seit 2015: One Mississippi (Fernsehserie). Get concert tickets, news and RSVP to shows with Bandsintown. A chance to take a bigger stage in New Orleans comes with more reach, and responsibility. Starring: Tig Notaro. Her first stand-up one-hour special was released by HBO in 2015, Tig Notaro: Boyish Girl Interrupted. お住まいの地域でのTig Notaroのツアー日程とコンサートを発見しましょう。Bandsintownでライブ配信を視聴し、アーティストの最新情報を入手し、チケットを購入し、公演への参加予定を通知しましょう。 Schaue dir alle Videos jetzt an! [25], Netflix released Notaro's second one-hour special, Happy To Be Here, on May 22, 2018. März 1971 in Jackson, Mississippi[1]) ist eine US-amerikanische Stand-up-Comedienne, Schauspielerin und Drehbuchautorin. [2] Sie wuchs mit ihrer alleinerziehenden Mutter und ihrem Bruder in Pass Christian, Mississippi, auf. In 2017, the album Boyish Girl Interrupted was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album at the 59th Annual Grammy Awards. [1] Produziert von Diablo Cody und Louis C.K. #ArmyOfTheDead on @Netflix May 21. kontaktierte Notaro und bat um eine Erlaubnis, die Aufzeichnung der Show zu veröffentlichen. 2011 erschien ihr Stand-Up-Debütalbum Good One auf Secretly Canadian. Reeling from her own recently declining health, Tig struggles to find her footing with the loss of the one person who actually understood her. One Mississippi ist eine semi-autobiografische US-amerikanische Comedy-Serie der Stand-Up-Comedian Tig Notaro. "[7] Notaro said that since her cancer diagnosis, she has shifted not to darker comedy but rather to personal comedy. Wer synchronisierte Tig Notaro die deutschen Synchronstimmen von Tig Notaro - Alle Besetzungen in der Übersicht + 49 (0) 30 - 26 55 17 63 + 49 (0) 30 - 25 74 03 63 Doch davon lässt sie sich nicht unterkriegen, baut die Krankheit einfach in ihr Bühnenprogramm mit ein und feiert damit riesige Erfolge. Secretly Canadian is a label included in Secretly Group, which also includes Dead Oceans and Jagjaguwar. Secretly Canadian is an American independent record label based in Bloomington, Indiana with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Austin, London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin. [27], On her approach to comedy (and whether she considers herself a dark comic): "I'm always going to do whatever I think is funniest. [32] They welcomed twin sons in 2016, conceived using Allynne's eggs via a surrogate. called Notaro, telling her he wanted to release the audio of the show. 16 talking about this. A dark comedy, loosely inspired by Tig Notaro's life, One Mississippi follows Tig as she navigates a complex re-entry into her childhood hometown in Mississippi, to deal with the unexpected death of her much loved mother. Suffering from her own recent health problems, Tig attempts to reconnect with her brother, Remy, and stepfather, Bill, both of whom lack the emotional tools to deal with family trauma. In 2016, it was released as her third album on her own label, Bentzen Ball Records, which also put out Aparna Nancherla's Just Putting It Out There. Tig Notaro is an American stand-up comic. [4] Sie thematisierte ihre Erkrankung direkt bei einem Auftritt in Los Angeles am folgenden Tag. If something's dark, I'll do it. Tig Notaro, an LA-based radio host, returns to her hometown of Bay St. Lucille, Mississippi, to be at the bedside of her ailing mother, Caroline. Ab Mitte der 2000er Jahre trat sie auch in Film- und Fernsehproduktionen auf. 2014: Mädelsabend – Nüchtern zu schüchtern! One Mississippi premiered on September 9, 2016. "Survivors take all. Tig Notaro and friends will be back dispensing questionable advice on Oct. 28, and we need your Halloween questions! Tig Doc. Cinematography by Adam Bricker [2] She was uncomfortable with the idea at first but decided the material could help people, so she agreed. [7] Kristina Goolsby und Ashley York drehten über Notaros Erkrankung den Dokumentarfilm Tig, der beim Sundance Film Festival 2015 seine Premiere feierte.[8]. English, English [Audio Description], Deutsch, Español (España), Español (Latinoamérica), Français, Italiano, 日本語 Tig Notaro, an LA-based radio host, returns to her hometown of Bay St. Lucille, Mississippi, to be at the bedside of her ailing mother, Caroline. [39] C.K. [43][44] Notaro opted out of chemo but decided to continue treatment with hormone blocking. Ihr Spitzname Tig wurde ihr in jungen Jahren von ihrem älteren Bruder gegeben. One Mississippi is a semi-autobiographical American comedy television series created by comedian Tig Notaro and Diablo Cody.The pilot episode, directed by Nicole Holofcener, aired on Amazon Prime on November 5, 2015, and was picked up for a full series after positive feedback from audiences. She failed three grades, eventually dropping out of high school. 2 talking about this. She became a band manager, working under the name Tignation Promotions in the mid-'90s.[13]. [2][9], Notaro's maternal great-great-grandfather was John Fitzpatrick, mayor of New Orleans from 1892 to 1896. [5] Louis C.K. [2] She is known for her deadpan comedy. A toy searches the countryside for the young boy who lost him in this family series inspired by the book "Ollie's Odyssey." they've brought a realistic and heart-warming/wrenching look into the life of an ordinary extraordinary human being - the fact that so much of this character is based in the actual life of Tig Notaro only makes these stories all the more powerful. Cinematography by Adam Bricker [2] Sie wuchs mit ihrer alleinerziehenden Mutter und ihrem Bruder in Pass Christian, Mississippi, auf. She collaborates frequently with writing partner Kyle Dunnigan. Lost Ollie. Reeling from her own recently declining health, Tig struggles to find her footing with the loss of the one person who actually understood her. Die Pilot-Episode wurde am 5. wurde die Serie dann am 9. Comedian Tig Notaro announced her cancer diagnosis at what became a legendary stand-up set in 2012. Mathilde "Tig" O'Callaghan Notaro (born March 24, 1971)[1] is an American stand-up comic, writer, radio contributor, and actress. [36] On August 3, she addressed her cancer diagnosis and other personal difficulties during her live stage show at Largo in Los Angeles. 3 talking about this. Hiawatha. TRY 30 DAYS FREE. I love your voice." Complete your Tig Notaro collection. ", "Live Nude Comedy, Vol. Februar 2021 um 10:56 Uhr bearbeitet. In 2011, she released her debut stand-up album, Good One. A dark comedy, loosely inspired by Tig Notaro's life, One Mississippi follows Tig as she navigates a complex re-entry into her childhood hometown in Mississippi, to deal with the unexpected death of her much loved mother. It was a powerful, even inspiring, statement about survival and recovery, and yet, it had the larky feel of a dare. Nachdem ihre Mutter erneut geheiratet hatte, zog die Familie nach Texas um. Episode 175: The Hare Krishna Gang with Tig Notaro", "Jordan, Jesse, Go! Tig Notaro received a Best Comedy Album Grammy nomination for her album "Live." Tig Notaro ‎– Good One Label: Secretly Canadian ‎– SC234 Format: CD, Album DVD, NTSC Country: US Released: ... Tig At Your Party! [38] Notaro later released the audio (with booklet) on iTunes. Tig Notaro received a Best Comedy Album Grammy nomination for her album "Live." 75.000 mal. Follow her search for humor amid devastating news. [40][41] Live ended up selling more copies than Kiss' album Monster, which debuted the same week,[42] something Notaro said she never dreamed could happen. "[28], Notaro met her wife,[29] Stephanie Allynne, on the set of the movie In a World....[2][30] They became engaged on January 1, 2015[31] and were married on October 24, 2015. Comedian Tig Notaro announced her cancer diagnosis at what became a legendary stand-up set in 2012. Mathilde "Tig" O'Callaghan Notaro (born March 24, 1971) is an American stand-up comic, writer, radio contributor, and actress. Tig Notaro and friends will be back dispensing questionable advice on Oct. 28, and we need your Halloween questions! Join Facebook to connect with Tig Notaro and others you may know. [5] Her mother was born in New Orleans. Tig Notaro und Diablo Cody haben als Erfinder der Serie alles richtig gemacht. A dark comedy, loosely inspired by Tig Notaro's life, One Mississippi follows Tig as she navigates a complex re-entry into her childhood hometown in Mississippi, to deal with the unexpected death of her much loved mother. Tig Notaro Happy To Be Here 2018 7+ 58 Min. Selling Tig Notaro's Instantly Legendary Comedy Set", "People Still Buy Comedy Records: Tig Notaro sells 75,000 copies of Live, is technically more popular than Kiss", "Going Topless, Tig Notaro Takes Over Town Hall", "Tig Notaro explains medical crisis: A burst cyst", "Comedian Tig Notaro cancels Australian tour due to illness", "One Mississippi Star Tig Notaro Is Learning to Be a Vegan From Alicia Silverstone", "Professor Blastoff - 100th Episode! Coming Soon. There's no preconceived idea of who I think I might be now. Her family later moved to Spring, Texas, a suburb of Houston. Das merkt der Zuschauer in jeder Sekunde der Serie. [16], Notaro wrote a memoir for HarperCollins imprint Ecco called I'm Just a Person,[17] and there is a Showtime documentary[18] made about her life that chronicled her post-cancer stand-up tour[2] called Knock Knock, It's Tig Notaro. In 2012, Notaro appeared on Conan, and in May of that year on the live episode of This American Life, which was broadcast to theaters nationwide and on radio in edited form. English [CC], Deutsch, ... Tig Notaro and Diablo Cody have done it again. Tig’s back on the radio, but her outspoken point of view proves controversial for the local market. Ihr Spitzname „Tig“ wurde ihr in jungen Jahren von ihrem älteren Bruder gegeben. September 2016 in den USA[2] und am 14. Suffering from her own recent health problems, Tig attempts to reconnect with her brother, Remy, and stepfather, Bill, both of whom lack the emotional tools to deal with family trauma. She was born in Jackson, Mississippi and raised in Pass Christian, Mississippi, but later moved to Texas, where she attended high school. [6][10] When taking part in season 5 of Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Notaro found out that she is also a distant cousin of Gloria Steinem. HD Filme kostenlos auf kinokiste anschauen. Her great-great-grandfather was the mayor of New Orleans. Her acclaimed album Live was nominated in 2014 for the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards. "Tig" is a childhood nickname. Das hat den Vorteil, dass sie eine Story erzählen kann, von der sie selbst genau weiß, wie sie sich anfühlt. Based on Tig's true story, desperate for a brighter mood, she enlists the services of a traveling party clown. Dabei nimmt Tig Notaro reichlich Geschehnisse aus ihrem wirklichen Leben mit in den Stoff der Serie. Starring Tig Notaro, Nathan Barnatt, Stephanie Allynne, Angela Trimbur, Erinn Hayes, David Harris . Starring Tig Notaro, Nathan Barnatt, Stephanie Allynne, Angela Trimbur, Erinn Hayes, David Harris . Oktober 2016 in Deutschland[3] auf Amazon erstausgestrahlt. Der Auftritt wurde unter dem Titel LIVE veröffentlicht und verkaufte sich allein über die Website von Louis C.K. This year Halloween is happening on a full moon in a pandemic, so who knows what’s going to happen. Klasse ohne Abschluss, weil sie sich nach eigener Aussage „anstatt einer akademischen Bildung lieber der Unterhaltung von Klassenkameraden widmete“. “Good evening, I have cancer,” comedian Tig Notaro famously announced in front of a stunned audience back in 2012, "Everyone having a good time? 1 by Various Artists on Apple Music", "Various - Comedy Death-Ray Xmas CD 2010 (CD, Album) at Discogs", "Tig Notaro's New Special Tig Notaro Happy to be Here Hits Netflix This May", "Comedian Tig Notaro On Her Terrible Year In 'I'm Just A Person, "Tig Notaro, episode #23 of Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend on Earwolf", "Why the Weinstein scandal gives Tig Notaro hope about Hollywood from The Ezra Klein Show", "Tig Notaro on Finding Hope in a Story About Taylor Dayne", "Episode 2: Tig Notaro on marriage, motherhood and her Mississippi home", "Bonus Episode: Tig Notaro on Season 2 of 'One Mississippi, "Bullseye with Jesse Thorn: John Hodgman & Tig Notaro", "Bullseye with Jesse Thorn: Tig Notaro, Ed Helms & Nick Frost", "Jordan, Jesse, Go! they've brought a realistic and heart-warming/wrenching look into the life of an ordinary extraordinary human being - the fact that so much of this character is based in the actual life of Tig Notaro only makes these stories all the more powerful. She was a fan of the band in her youth. Starring: Tig Notaro. Watch all you want for free. Tig (2015) Stream Deutsch HD Tig Notaro ist eine Comedy-Künstlerin, die eine niederschmetternde Diagnose erhält: Brustkrebs. Zero. made audio of the performance available that October for download on his site under the title Live. Selling Tig Notaro's Instantly Legendary Comedy Set, People Still Buy Comedy Records: Tig Notaro sells 75,000 copies of Live, is technically more popular than Kiss, Going Topless, Tig Notaro Takes Over Town Hall, Watch: Trailer for Documentary 'Tig' About Comedian Tig Notaro, Tig's Love Life Update (w/ Stephanie Allynne), Tig Notaro Marries Stephanie Allynne, Talks "Wedding Night Sex", Tig Notaro, Wife Stephanie Welcome Twin Boys: See Ellen DeGeneres’ Cute Congratulations Message, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tig_Notaro&oldid=208687707, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Notaro, Mathilde O'Callaghan (vollständiger Name), US-amerikanische Stand-Up-Comedienne, Schauspielerin und Drehbuchautorin, 2004: Comedy Central Presents: Tig (Fernsehserie, eine Folge), 2006: Dog Bites Man (Fernsehserie, eine Folge), 2009: In the Motherhood (Fernsehserie, vier Folgen), 2013: In a World ... – Die Macht der Stimme, 2013: Inside Amy Schumer (Fernsehserie, zwei Folgen), 2014: Kidnapped – Die Entführung Des Reagan Pearce. Tig Notaro, an LA-based radio host, returns to her hometown of Bay St. Lucille, Mississippi, to be at the bedside of her ailing mother, Caroline.