Use these slots to customize your build. I’ve been looking at weight adjusted times/distances recently on the C2 website. 12 oz.” except as provided for in paragraph (h)(5) of this section for random weight packages; a declaration of 1 1/2 pounds avoirdupois weight shall be expressed as “Net Wt. Expiriment with the calculator. This assumes that Phil weighed 125kg and that Ben weighed exactly 75kg. These builds are meant to be templates that can be adjusted as the player sees fit. To improve your adjusted time, maintain weight and get faster, lose weight and maintain speed, or you can even increase speed and weight. If all eight rowers have the same adjusted 2k score, then that eight should be capable of rowing that speed for a 2k race on the water—given perfect conditions and near perfect rowing effectiveness (nobody rows … Specifications of HP X27i 2K. How much, I'm not 100% sure. 24 … Your weight-adjusted score will be a pretty good estimate of your potential speed in an eight. NJ508 Adjustable Dumbbells Set. Whereas the HWT all time record is 431m by Phil Clapp, which equals 428m adjusted. I like to print the raw scores and the weight adjusted scores on the same sheet for testing and look at both. Now as you probably know, all the scores on a Rowperfect are weight and boat class-adjusted. A 2K in a vacuum doesn’t teach you much about how an athlete approaches their training. Very effective in seeing how you do compared to everyone else, all age and weight adjusted. NJ508 Up to 90 LBs. Tweak the badges and attributes to fit your play style if you would like. It will explain a lot there. Pretty poor far from 5.36 . These are the scores you should be able to achieve if you have an optimum rowing fitness for 2k erging. Display: 27 in, IPS, W-LED, 2560 x 1440 pixels, Viewing angles (H/V): 178 ° / 178 °, Brightness: 350 cd/m², Static contrast: 1000 : 1, Refresh rate: 48 Hz - 144 Hz, Dimensions: 611.2 x 379.6 x 58.1 mm. The adjusted time represents the expected time it would take to complete a 2k sprint in an ideal 8. Other factors, such as urine output and swelling between treatments, also should be considered when adjusting the dry weight. HP X27i 2K is also known as HP 8GC08AA. Dry weight should be assessed every three to six weeks and adjusted when a patient gains or loses actual weight. 6k watts be 85% of 2k average power watts. When you enter your 2k erg score you will see Pace Score and Watts for 10 seconds, 60 seconds, 2k, 6k and 60 minutes. Top. Added May 3, 2011 by zmx15 in Health & Medicine. This widget takes raw time from a 2k erg test and adjusts it based on the weight of the rower. The current all time LWT 1’ record is 393m by Benjamin Smith, which equals 438m adjusted. Many of the builds do not use all their badge points. So you can see your predicted on-water times as 500m splits. 60 minute ‘hour of power’ average power watts be 76% of 2k average power watts. For example, a declaration of 3/4-pound avoirdupois weight shall be expressed as “Net Wt. There is a weight adjustment calculator on the Concept2 website. The only erg adjustment algorithm I know of is this one which adjusts for weight And this one which gives 2k prognostic times aligning masters with other age categories. My decrepitude-adjusted 6:24/2k was no effort at all! To get this much weight in this many products for under $150 is a pretty sweet deal if you ask us. $135.99 BUY IT HERE.