The Demjanjuk Affair: The Rise and Fall of a Show-Trial, by Yoram Sheftel. Yoram Sheftel's 1994 book The Demjanjuk Affair: The Rise and Fall of a Show-Trial became an immediate best-seller in Israel. After today's hearing, Demjanjuk returned to his cell at the request of his lawyer, Yoram Sheftel, who said it was for his own protection. But Mr. Sheftel says that the mother's real name was Tabachuk and that Mr. Demjanjuk simply could not remember it and wrote down Marchenko because it is a common Ukrainian name. Yoram Sheftel, Demjanjuk’s Jewish lawyer, provided in his 1995 book Show Trial a thorough exposure of the massive corruption involved in the staging of the first Israeli trial of Demjanjuk, whose verdict had to be overturned in the appeal trial because of irrefutable … At the Demjanjuk trial, Sheftel stood alone, facing Israel’s holy of holies, the project to perpetuate the memory of the Holocaust. This is an image turnaround that is no less than inconceivable. On July 29, 1993, John Demjanjuk was acquitted by the Israeli Supreme Court of the charge of being the sadistic Treblinka guard "Ivan the Terrible." Demjanjuk’s photo (center), taken from his Nazi ID card, was used to identify him as Ivan the Terrible by Treblinka survivors. According to the Associated Press, his defense lawyer Yoram Sheftel … ... Demjanjuk would have been executed," Sheftel said. Reviewed by Lesya Jones. Demjanjuk maintained his innocence throughout the trial, claiming it was a case of mistaken identity. London: Victor Gollancz, 1994. It was never known for certain if Demjanjuk was … 379 pages. Not only did he thwart the efforts to convict Demjanjuk, he claimed that the whole trial was staged only for show, objecting to the submission of testimonies by survivors. Meanwhile, Demjanjuk's former Israeli attorney Yoram Sheftel claims that his client's trial was based on a "blood libel". However, Demjanjuk’s attorney Yoram Sheftel said that Marchenko was not actually his mother’s maiden name. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Demjanjuk Affair: The Rise and Fall of a Show-Trial by Yoram Sheftel (1994, Book, Illustrated) at the best online prices at … According to Yoram Sheftel, Demjanjuk was the defendant in a “show trial”, orchestrated by the Israeli establishment for the sake of educating the public on the Holocaust The judges were not convinced. Yoram Sheftel: I took the case because I was convinced right from the beginning that there is no credible evidence to tie Demjanjuk to the Holocaust generally speaking, and specifically to Treblinka.