• American Truck Simulator V1.39.X, INSTALLATION Credits: Skiner. IMPORTANT OBSERVATION â Without the BASE the mod WILL OPEN, but without the BASE you donât have ATS original files support, so you can expect random crashes, depends on the situation. I want to thank our friends over at DBMX for putting together such a great model. You may also like... 0. Peterbilt 389 Viper skins pack, update for Modified Peterbilt 389 v2 by Viper2 MC Servai. Kenworth W900 Blue Stripes on Orange Paint. Enjoy, This is a ‘Cherokee Chief Freight Lines, Inc.’ skin admin 1 282 0. Skins ATS mods ⢠July 4, 2017 ⢠No Comments ⢠Kenworth W900 Blue & Gray Skin Mod ATS. Save the changes, HOW TO USE February 22, 2016 by IceDanyiel. Peterbilt 389 The Pearl skin for Peterbilt Modified v1.11 for ATS by Viper2 and v2.0 by AMT. The Red Baron skins pack update. Official Website For Wolf Pack Custom ATS Skins. T-D-S peterbilt 389 Snake_2 Skin -Day Cab Falt -Top Flat Top -Sleeper Flat -Top Sleeper 63 -Version ATS V1.1.3x https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=867643690. This is a trbute skin for the Viper Peterbilt. For all types of cabs. When purchasing the MCI J4500 change your cabin to #10. This is a re-skin of the DBMX MCI J4500. using Native American Indian symbols. Accessibility Help. (default – C:\Users\Name\Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod) For all types of cabs. Your email address will not be published. Fits all 3 sleepers. In addition, the skin works on the ATS game's original Peterbilt Custom 379/389 72 Inch Ultracap Sleepers. Skin for Peterbilt 389 Viper2 Custom. 0. v1.32.x. Credits: Renegade Skins. Please keep original link and credits. Peterbilt 389 skin Bosnian Flag for Euro truck simulator 2 Tested on 1.33.x version. Please keep original link an credits. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Enjoy in the ride! 26 Apr, 2016. A great addition added. DOWNLOAD MOD. Renegade Skins Required fields are marked *, American Truck Simulator mods | ATS mods download © 2021. Retro Skinpack for Peterbilt 359 by RTA. For custom skins visit renegadeskins2020.com. 16/04/2018, 18:20 16/04/2018 | 2 Views ATS :: Truck Skins / ATS Mods Marble Skin for vipers 389 White Marble designed truck skin Credits: Johnathen45 DOWNLOAD 6 MB [Total: 0 Average: 0/5] Please keep original link and credits. Game: American Truck Simulator +1. For all types of cabs. ... Rebel Outlaw Skin for Peterbilt 389. DOWNLOAD 3 MB Skin for Peterbilt 389 Viper2 Custom. Download mod 9 Chic Themed Skins for Peterbilt 389 v1.0 (1.35.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game. _BASE _DEF _SKINS Features: -Day Cab Falt -Top Flat Top -Sleeper Flat -Top Sleeper 63 -Version ATS V1.1.3x 0. Viper skin pack for Peterbilt Modified v1.11 for ATS by Viper2 and v2.0 by AMT. ATS Skins. Please keep original link and credits. Step into an American Truck Driver's shoes and prove that you can deliver the cargo under any circumstance. Please keep original link and credits. Skins . Do not edit this mod or upload to other sites. When use it on my 389 viper's2 peterbilt v 2.3 it cause the inside to be all "no texture found" red weird things, same goes for what I see from the inside, hood is red from inside view but works properly from outside, antibody knows why ? If you enjoy experiencing real American truck driver life, but at the same time feel a bit bored of the common road, cargos, and trucks, then American Truck Simulator Mods are for you! ATS Truck Skins Mods - American Truck Simulator Mods. /* (c)AdOcean 2003-2018 */ /* PLACEMENT: Setup.ets2.lt.atsmods.lt_300x600_sticky */ if(location.protocol.substr(0,4)=='http')document.write(unescape('%3C')+'script id="Setup.ets2.lt.atsmods.lt_300x600_sticky" src="'+location.protocol+'//lv.adocean.pl/_'+(new Date()).getTime()+'/ad.js?id=nZyVmHLZ7SKB09p2hyySIb1K3v2m6y__G0lxsq8I4Jj.T7/x='+screen.width+'/y='+screen.height+'" type="text/javascript"'+unescape('%3E%3C')+'/script'+unescape('%3E')); V3.0 (2020-10-31) Remade The Whole SCS File: â Remade and renamed all skin and def files â Added def files for accessories skins. Bus, Car, Truck and Trailer skins for American Truck Simulator This mod can be purchased at any PETERBILT dealer. The Revolution skins pack for Peterbilt Modified 1.11 for ATS by Viper2 and v2.0 by AMT. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Enjoy in the ride! Peterbilt 389 Black Devil Skin. Skin for Peterbilt 389 Skin adapted from the pickup. ATS Packs June 5, 2016 ⢠ATS mods ⢠No Comments ⢠Metallic skins pack 1, update for Modified Peterbilt 389 v2 and AMT v2.0. Do not edit this mod or upload to other sites. 18 Feb, 2016. Download the .ZIP file 2019-07-21 17:10:45 ATS Skins 1.35.x 34 Download 534 Views. ... ATS Peterbilt 389 Vikings Skin v1.0.0 Credits: Desire DOWNLOAD. Just drop the scs in your mods folder. Please don’t reupload, keep the original link. 15 Jun, 2016. ì ë¡í¸ë ì¤í¨,ìë©ë¦¬ì¹¸ í¸ë ì¤í¨ ì ê³µ. Blackout Viper by Renegade Skins for ATS version 1.39Skin for Peterbilt 389 Viper2 Custom Download ATS - Peterbilt Skin V1.0 (1.39.x) 2021-02-07 19:26:41 ATS Skins 1.39.x 14 For all types of cabs. ATS. Visit: digitalmgs.com, This MOD is designed to re-skin the DBMX Skin#10 (plain white) into the Coach USA color scheme. In order to use this MOD, you need to have the following mods installed and enabled: • DBMX_MCIJ4500_V1.6 Supported game versions: ATS â 1.29.X Your email address will not be published. Freightliner Agrossy Putin for Agrossy Skin. Game: American Truck Simulator +1. – All types of cabs. Enjoy in the ride! Play official ATS 1.39 Skins ATS mods ⢠July 4, 2017 ⢠No Comments ⢠Peterbilt 389 Mint Green & Black Skin Mod ATS. ATS â West Coast Customs Peterbilt 389 Viper2 and Trailer Skin (1.29.X) West Coast Customs Peterbilt 389 Viper2 and Trailer Skin Mod. For custom skins visit renegadeskins2020.com. //]]>-->. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Test: 1.3.x (Peterbilt 389 v2.0 by Viper2) Credits: Repin. Extract the .ZIP content Do not edit this mod or upload to other sites. February 26, 2016 by IceDanyiel. Baskin Robbins skin for ATS pete 389 September 15, 2020 This is a custom skin for the ATS Peterbilt 389 based on a real truck from the marketing department of Baskin Robbins. V2.0 (2018-10-19) Added Truck: ⦠Skins trucks. 02/10/2018, 19:06 02/10/2018 | 33 Views ATS :: Truck Skins / ATS Mods Skin 389 Viper2 Red & White Lines Skin to Vipers2 Peterbilt 389 in Red & White Lines only for 63â cab. Sleek W900 featuring a black and orange stripe. All modifications free, no hidden charges. Credits: California Wine Train v1. for Freightliner FLB by Harven v2.0.9 v1.39.xx, Truck model by Harven is available here… I am also going to be offering a new truck, on top of the SCS standard trucks - The Rollin Pete 389 (Mod trucks Skins are subject to change) +4. Kenworth T680 Smokey and the Bandit Skin. Old / new skin Peterbilt 389 truck. Leather works in Ats and Ets2 games where you use a Modified Peterbilt 389 truck. This mod should be placed above the DBMX_SKINS mod Peterbil 389 Skins of the DB-3 MOD Skin for Peterbilt 389 of the DB-3. ATS Skins ATS mods ⢠June 20, 2017 ⢠No Comments ⢠UDL VTC PETERBILT 389 LOW ROOF SLEEPER PAINT MOD V1.0 ATS ATS Skins ATS mods ⢠June 20, 2017 ⢠No Comments ⢠Simply download the ATS mods, read descriptions and fill their games with new tools. Skins trucks. Mexican Skin Pack for Volvo VNL v1.0 (1.34.x) for ATS. June 14, 2016. Peterbilt 389 Viper skins pack, update for Modified Peterbilt 389 v2 by Viper2 â All types of cabs. Free custom skins for Euro Truck Simulator and American Truck Simulator. â All types of cabs. â Peterbilt 389 by SCS â Peterbilt 389 by Viper2. Description: This MOD Adds the ATS Peterbilt 389 models with Full Support and Compatibility in ETS2. These skins are for Viper2âs Peterbilt 389 ⦠This is a skin for fictional company I created all with my imagination ... ATS Skins (141) ATS Sounds (196) ATS Traffic (181) ATS Trailers (333) ATS Trucks (517) ATS Weather (7) Popular this week. All Rights Reserved. [CDATA[ At the time this MOD was created, it is compatible with: – For ATS 1.3. Skins ATS » Skins trucks » Page 3. v1.33.x. What is this mod use for. Kenworth W900 JCB Skin. It is saying "file is corrupt" for me. Miller Cattle Co. skin for Peterbilt Modified 1.11 for ATS by Viper2 and v2.0 by AMT. Enjoy in the ride! This is a skin for the Freightliner FLB. mack on Optimus Prime Peterbilt skin V 2.1 for Viper2 Peterbilt 389 V2.x; Frank P on ATS team: lets change of Topic (and Continent!) Enjoy ! That is not a legal oversized load sign here in the... Prime Inc, does not use dry vans, they are a refrigerated... Nice, thanks. twings – skin and file.def accessory; – SCS Software – this awesome game; – Haven – this awesome truck; – Marin Malnar – [ATS/ETS, TOOL] Mods Studio 2; – various textures & fonts from all over the web, Blackout Viper by Renegade Skins for ATS version 1.39, For custom skins visit renegadeskins2020.com. For Custom Skins visit www.renegadeskins2020.com or facebook.com/reneskins2020. Enjoy in the ride! Police Tribute Skin I For Viper Peterbilt. Our visitors already now that here everyone can find the best additional features for ⦠Skins ATS MODS. • DBMX MCI J4500 V1.6 ATS â Peterbilt 389 Black Devil Skin (1.29.X) Peterbilt 389 Black Devil Skin Mod. Please keep original link and credits. mkettu31 on Optimus Prime Peterbilt skin V 2.1 for Viper2 Peterbilt 389 ⦠February 7, 2016. Peterbilt 389 The Revolution skins, update for Modified Peterbilt 389 v2 by Viper2. Blackout Viper by Renegade Skins for ATS version 1.39. Test on version s Credits: Repin DOWNLOAD ... make a standalone at some point, but for now this is all I got. Sections of this page. â For ATS 1.3. â For ATS 1.3. Real Life Companies Revival Project. Skin for Peterbilt 389 of the DB-3. Thank you. Jump to. Move the folder into your mods folder (do not change file structure) 9 Chic Themed Skins for Peterbilt 389 v1.0 (1.35.x) for ATS. Skins ATS mods ⢠April 4, ... Kenworth W900 Flame Skin Mod ATS. February 7, 2016. 2 talking about this. Test: 1.3.x (Peterbilt 389 v2.0 by Viper2) American Truck Simulator Mods / ATS mods â Peterbil 389 Skins of the DB-3 MOD Skin for... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, thatâs what the app is perfect for. SCS Steam Punk Skin for VNL 670 ATS. Blackout Viper by Renegade Skins for ATS version 1.39. Featuring, Michigan State Police, Southfeild, Flint, Detroit, and Auburn hills Michigan Police agencies as well. Open ATS and enable the mods Tested in ATS V1.39. Added 3 Skins For Each Capable Truck: â KMB_3 â KMB_4 â KMB_5. Categories Skins Tags Truck skins Leave a comment. Hi, this is the ATS version of my Peterbilt 389 Modified mod, for ATS 1.39 changelog v2.3: updated truck to ATS/ETS2 1.39 updated engine sounds to newest kriechbaum sounds updated truck info screen to use scs 389 files added rised fifthwheel for lower chassis added support for ⦠15 October 2018. 13 January 2019. Peterbilt 389 Deadpool Skin for American Truck Simulator game.