factorio nuclear reactor explosion

4. Below is a diagram showing the tech tree path you need to follow to unlock the Nuclear Power tech. But higher than zero. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Welcome to the fifth issue of Alt-F4, and we’re still picking up steam! Furthermore, the risk of meltdown isn't even an inherent quality of fission power. It's not like Wube hasn't thought about that. For example, two reactors operating next to each other will output a total of 160 MW of thermal energy, with each reactor producing 40 MW base and receiving 40 MW of neighbour bonus.The Neighbour bonus only applies if: 1. Sure, if you follow a guide it's really easy, but so is anything else? Furthermore, the gains compared to the double-row design are not large. Nuclear power plants are very robust. I didn't know they had already thought of it. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. All rights reserved. It would get trivial for those megabase players, but I play more casually and it would give me a sort of "thrill" to play and have that danger! It's easy to slap down a basic reactor, but once you start trying to build larger reactors, heat and water transfer will start becoming critical factors which require you to think about your designs. The reactors in current use require active cooling, yes, but those designs are positively ancient. Top 100 Channels For Factorio with the Most Views. Many contributors, translators and techies are being busy bees helping to further the project, which is just great. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Nope, they got the reactors right. Like most things in this game, nuclear reactors present an "easy to get working" but "hard to get efficient" situation. The vanilla system seems bad to me, half complete. News and information on nuclear power, nuclear energy, nuclear energy for sustainable development, uranium mining, uranium enrichment, nuclear … Meltdown != explode. The nuclear reactor will process the nuclear fuel (Its processing isn't specified yet) and generate heat. To even reach the maximum available performance for steam turbines, you need to use nuclear power and heat exchangers. They explode if they get destroyed and are above 500 degrees. The nuclear reactor is just a more powerful way to generate heat. They did. Nuclear reactors are not barely contained atomic bombs. You need nuclear power to u… Provides a new research which unlocks "logistic reactors": nuclear reactors with built-in requester and provider chests. Meltdown != explode. Nuclear reactor - Factorio Wik The nuclear reactor generates heat by burning uranium fuel cells.The heat can be used in a heat exchanger to produce steam which can be used to generate power. Pero Factorio no es así, y el juego siempre invita al jugador a que automaticemos hasta el último de los procesos, así que dependerá de nosotros montar una línea de abastecimiento de celdas de combustible a nuestro reactor nuclear. Reprocessed uranium (RepU) is a product of nuclear fuel cycles involving nuclear reprocessing of spent fuel.RepU recovered from light water reactor (LWR) spent fuel typically contains slightly more 235 U than natural uranium, and therefore could be used to fuel reactors that customarily use natural uranium as fuel, such as CANDU reactors.It also contains the undesirable isotope … Ugh, pass. I think u/arrow_in_my_gluteus_ has already exploited the reactor explostion mechanic to the maximum. There exist more modern designs that *physically cannot* meltdown, the heat itself causes their reactions to slow before they can ever reach a dangerous temperature. Currently this is limited to heat exchangers and nuclear reactors.. Heat pipes have a heat capacity of 1 MJ/°C. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). This is the first step toward turning it into usable energy. Honestly, even a simple 2x2 reactor set up is already a fairly big pain in the ass if you want to actually get the full output, because it's likely the first time you need to really worry about fluid mechanics, and if you screw it up you can go a long, long time before realizing that you don't actually have enough steam pressure to power all your turbines. ... goes ka-blewie. This allows you to build reactor set-ups with up to 400% neighbour bonus. Since a Watt is a Joule per second, this means the reactor will consume one Fuel Cell every 200 seconds. It would add a sense of danger to nuclear and a bit more planning would be required to set up a nuclear plant. \o/ *Ahem* I made my first nuclear reactor setup after some light research into the subject. 1. He is prevented from picking up the active reactor, and must flee as the reactor explodes in a huge mushroom cloud, triggering a neighboring reactor to blow up as well. Obviously, Wube has decided against the danger of a meltdown. Just imagine multiplayer with exploding reactors. © Valve Corporation. Hay que saber que cuando una celda de combustible se consume también deja un resto. (That's super fun to fix if you find out AFTER you rip out all your solar power BTW, especially if a huge section of your base is relying on laser turrets.). Resistances: Acid: 0/80% Explosion: 80/65% Fire: 0/80% Physical: 12/40% Recipe: Efficiency module 3 - 25 Speed module 3 - 25 Processing Unit - 80 Electric Engine - 60 Low Density Structure … Subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. Damage over time and explosion is disabled by default, but can be reenabled through the options menu. At this moment, there is no danger of the reactor meltdown, there is just maximum temperature of the reactor and the rest is wasted. The reactors in current use require active cooling, yes, but those designs are positively ancient. This is because of the neighbor bonus. If you want to join in the fun check out the Contributing section at the end of this issue. What yall think? I think what Name Lips stated is exactly the reason why everything vanilla offers is "no maintenance" once you automated things to some extent. When two powered reactors are side-by-side, that same single nuclear reactor is now 80MW, or 8 exchangesand 14 turbines respectively. LTN in Vanilla guy. Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors. I guess it's because of balancing issues: Why deal with meltdowns when you can just place another solar field? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Images are on the mod portal. Don't let the biters near your nuclear power! GitHub Cache of MoMods, Assorted mods for Factorio. I'm sorry to say that we have removed the RTL language translations (Hebrew and Arabic) in 0.17.20. Besides, even from a gameplay perspective, it doesn't make sense. I HAVE THE POOOWEEER! This includes channels that create video game reviews and let's plays. TIL Nuclear reactors are in fact nuclear. Not long, right? From my observations, the exchangers need to be running at at least 500 °C to produce steam (the maximum is 1000 °C). 41. As with all building games, you have to work your way up the tech tree before you can even start thinking about Nuclear technologies. Hope some mods at least will make it happen. This hazard called radioactive not pollution. But what's the best way to get there? MIT License Releases No releases published. The player arrives, but didn't bring any heat pipes to draw some heat away from the reactor. So to calculate the number of effective reactors: Count the number of partnerships of sides that are 100% shared and multiply by 2 then add the number of reactors. does dat mean will it attract those aliens out there and start attacking, just curious? i left there at this temperature for a while, nothing has been blowndown and radiated. Odd numbers of reactors are inefficient in maximizing the bonus, but, if needed, the odd reactor should be aligned with one of the rows. 2 reactors are directly next to eachother with all … Reactors double effectiveness for each full side they share with another active reactor. - ludsoe/Factorio-MoMods Nuclear however seems to have almost 0 palpable downsides for casual players, they have complex waste and ratio mechanics but for casual players theres no big downside. A reactor will produce exactly 40 MW of heat energy. No packages published . exploited the reactor explostion mechanic to the maximum, https://mods.factorio.com/mods/TeksFox/TeksFox_nuclear. I for one would welcome having reactors melt down and the land that previously housed it not being able to be built on again... on the count of the land that it previously was built on now being a smoldering crater of corium. If you want exploding reactors mods exist. Close. So if you have 2 that share a side thats (1x2) + 2 = 4 effective reactors. That makes no sense and how how nuclear reactor works and propobly the wierdest nuclear reactor design i herd of Reactors are actualy faily easy to control and easy to shutdown , you got thing called control rods from elements who absorb neutrons , and they can go "partly % in" to reduce speed of reaction and power given , when you lower them fully they stop the reaction Aside of the emltdown the steam turbines were supposed to only cool down the steam, not consume it, and then you had to end-use in in steam engines or use cooling towers to cool it back down to water and re-steam it. But it explodes? And even then not straightforward since we can only sense temperature indirectly via steam tanks. This list represents the top 100 YouTube channels rankings for Factorio based on the most views on their videos. Would be easier to trigger though if they auto-exploded at a certain temperature. ... (Interestingly, Factorio reactors always burn fuel at the same rate regardless of load which does seem counter to actual reactors.) Factorio version: 0.15 Downloaded: 843 times. Kinda lame if there won't be anything to be afraid of while leaving the reactor unattended. Ask me about trains! Repair bots fly in and prolong the destruction of the reactor, but they succumb to the flames one by one. The nuclear reactor All the previous changes are usable also with the regular coal boilers and provide more efficient and powerful way to use the heating power. Includes a 14x14 grid, +40 inventory, and higher resistances. Readme License. Factorio mod that blows up nuclear reactors that get too hot Resources. Let's hope it's coming in the next update.... in a year XD. Once you've got fuel, you'll need to burn it in a Nuclear Reactor. See Chernobyl, Fukushima, and only narrowly avoided at 3 Mile Island. That would ensure a higher risk of things going "boom". How much time would it take to manage your reactor and make sure it's not near meltdown temperature? Press J to jump to the feed. Download files and build them with your 3D printer, laser cutter, or CNC. In a game where we can build a train out of our pocket, do you really think we would be using reactor technology that is outdated even by today's standards? In order to attain the level of polish we want for the 1.0 release, we would … The heat exchangers use heat produced by the nuclear reactor to make steam at very high temperatures. I feel like it would be a cool game mechanic to have to cool down water and supply it to nuclear reactors, having them explode if the water stops or gets too hot. In actual news, this week pocarski makes the case for allowing landfill to be dug up again, Romner … Nuclear Reactor. Posted by ... And well i got a much bigger explosion that i was expecting. The heat pipe can transport heat over longer distances and connect devices which produce and use heat. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) Celebrate Mardi Gras: Music, Movies, TV Shows and…house floats?! Yeah, I think I read in a recent FFF blog post that they won't even implement meltdowns. That would be just another disadvantage. Thingiverse is a universe of things. https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RealisticReactors. Enough reasons to skip nukes and go solar already, no need for more cons to nuclear power. From what they said I guess they'll implement that at a later date. At meltdown temperatures, the zirconium cladding for the fuel rods causes the production of H2, and any breach of the containment vessels often leads to a hydrogen explosion. So imagine my concern when I noticed that my lone reactor was hovering steadily … You need to have researched both Concrete and Advanced Electronicsto start researching Nuclear Power. You will be mining resources, researching … Actually, it typically does. that is why nuclear reactors are built on high ground and water surrounds in real life. Then add the output of the other reactor and the power increased exponentially with a total of 160MW compared to the original 40MW. Until this point we've had a half implementation of RTL languages, where the text is simply flipped when we download it from Crowdin. Nuclear reactors are not barely contained atomic bombs. Thats why I think a big boom and your base is gone is a good idea ahahah. I also learned that if a reactor goes over 900 degrees Celsius then it blows up in a nuclear explosion. This 'works' for a decent proportion of things, but not nearly 100%. They could add in a secret bias for biter targetting like how radars seem to annoy them. Numbers … One thing I learned was that you only need 4 heat exchangers per reactor. I like https://mods.factorio.com/mods/TeksFox/TeksFox_nuclear for this. About. I look at solar panels as a really good power choice with the only downside being theyre BORING AS HELL to put down before you got massive amounts of bots. Requiring temperature control means removing the "easy" aspect, since the only way to control it is via circuits, not something that is easy for the average player. We might add some risk into the reactors, but we might as well leave it as it is. Heat from the interior reactor is … Packages 0. In and of itself this is true of actual nuclear reactors (even if the explosion is from overpressure or hydrogen leakage rather than of a nuclear nature) and would seem worthy of managing in some manner. They had to cut some of the stuff from the planned nuclear releasebecause some mechanics weren't done. Tip. You can mine uranium ore sooner, but you'll need the nuclear power technology to do anything useful with it. so i'm trying to blow up a nuclear reactor, i manage to get them to 1000c, that's easy. Thus, they can theoretically buffer 500 MJ of heat energy across their working range of 500°C to 1000°C, making them a space-efficient energy store. Unlike other forms of power generation, it is load-independent - each fuel cell will always be used completely in 200 seconds, regardless of load or the temperature of the reactor The risks from western nuclear power plants, in terms of the consequences of an accident or terrorist attack, are minimal compared with other commonly accepted risks. Furthermore, the risk of meltdown isn't even an inherent quality of fission power. … Reactors receive a bonus for adjacent operating reactors, which increases their effective thermal output by 100% per each such link.